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js tank battle to realize the shell hitting the target and disappearing and scoring

2016-09-15 11:14:471917browse

js tank battle to realize the shell hitting the target and disappearing and scoring
js代码如下:/**初始化*/<br> var shell=document.getElementById('tk');<br> shell.innerHTML='<div></div>';<br> var w=shell.offsetWidth;h=shell.offsetHeight;<br> /**初始化*/<br> function keyDown(e) {  <br>          var keycode = e.which; <br>          remove(keycode,2);//坦克移动<br>        if(keycode=='32'){//发射子弹<br>              zidan();<br>        }<br>       }<br> <br> function keyUp(e){//键位弹起时候记录最后按下方向键,并将其储存到class中去<br>      var keycode = e.which; shell_1=document.getElementById('shell_1');<br>      <br>      if(keycode=='37' || keycode=='38' || keycode=='39' || keycode=='40'){<br>         shell_1.className='qin'+keycode;<br>      }<br>     <br> }<br>   /**键位监听*/<br>    document.onkeydown = keyDown;<br>    document.onkeyup = keyUp;<br>    /**键位监听*/<br> function remove(code,su){//玩家坦克移动函数<br>     var shell_1=document.getElementById('shell_1');<br>     var l;<br>     if(code=='37'){//左移<br>         l=shell_1.style.marginLeft;<br>         l=parseInt(l);<br>         if(l>0){<br>            shell_1.style.marginLeft=(l-su)+'px';<br>         }<br>     }<br>     <br>     if(code=='38'){//上移<br>         l=shell_1.style.marginTop;<br>         l=parseInt(l);<br>         if(l>0){<br>            shell_1.style.marginTop=(l-su)+'px';<br>         }<br>     }<br>     <br>     if(code=='39'){//右移<br>         l=shell_1.style.marginLeft;<br>         l=parseInt(l);<br>         if(l            shell_1.style.marginLeft=(l+su)+'px';<br>         }<br>     }<br> <br>     if(code=='40'){//下移<br>         l=shell_1.style.marginTop;<br>         l=parseInt(l);<br>         if(l            shell_1.style.marginTop=(l+su)+'px';<br>         }<br>     }<br>     <br> }<br> <br> function zidan(){//玩家坦克子弹函数<br>     /**获取子弹初始位置*/<br>     var che=document.getElementById('shell_1');<br>     var l=che.style.marginLeft;<br>     var t=che.style.marginTop;<br>     var html=shell.innerHTML;//获取原有html<br>     /**获取子弹初始位置*/<br>     <br>     var myDate = new Date();<br>     var myid=myDate.getTime(); <br>     <br>     /**创建初始子弹*/<br>        shell.innerHTML=html+'<div></div>';<br> /**Create initial bullet*/<br> ​ <br> /**Get the direction of the bullet*/<br> ​ var fx=che.className;//The bullet direction can only be obtained at the initial stage of the bullet<br> /**Get the direction of the bullet*/<br> ​ ​ <br> ​ ​ <br> ​ ​ <br> ​ <br> var set=setInterval(function(){<br> ​​​​<br>           var zd=document.getElementById(myid);//Get bullets<br> ​​​​<br> If(fx=='qin39'){//The bullet goes to the right<br>             var ls=zd.style.marginLeft;<br>                      ls=parseInt(ls);<br>                                           If(ls<w></w>                    zd.style.marginLeft=(ls+1)+'px';<br>                  }else{<br>                   rezidan(myid);<br>                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         “             }<br>          }<br> If(fx=='qin37'){//The bullet goes to the left<br>             var ls=zd.style.marginLeft;<br>                      ls=parseInt(ls);<br> If(ls>0){<br>                   zd.style.marginLeft=(ls-1)+'px';<br>                  }else{<br>                   rezidan(myid);<br>                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         “             }<br>          }<br> If(fx=='qin38'){//Bullet upward<br>             var ls=zd.style.marginTop;<br>                      ls=parseInt(ls);<br> If(ls>0){<br>                   zd.style.marginTop=(ls-1)+'px';<br>                  }else{<br>                   rezidan(myid);<br>                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         “             }<br>          }<br> If(fx=='qin40'){//Bullet downwards<br>             var ls=zd.style.marginTop;<br>                      ls=parseInt(ls);<br> If(ls<h></h>                   zd.style.marginTop=(ls+1)+'px';<br>                  }else{<br>                   rezidan(myid);<br>                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         “             }<br>          }<br> ​​​​<br> },10);<br> ​ <br> }<br> <br> <br> function rezidan(id){//删除子弹函数或者坦克<br>     var child=document.getElementById(id);<br>     if(child){<br>        shell.removeChild(child);<br>     }<br> }<br> <br> <br> //**电脑坦克*/<br> <br> function ran(){//随机1到4的方位函数<br>   var kwc=Math.ceil(Math.random()*10);<br>   var kwv;<br>   if(kwc%4==0){kwv=1;}<br>   if(kwc%4==1){kwv=2;}<br>   if(kwc%4==2){kwv=3;}<br>   if(kwc%4==3){kwv=4;}<br>   return kwv;<br> }<br> <br> <br> <br> function rantanke(){//随机创建敌方坦克<br>     <br>     <br>     <br>     /**初始坦克随机出现位置*/<br>     var html=shell.innerHTML;//获取原有html<br>     var t=Math.random()*1000;<br>     var l=Math.random()*1000;<br>     <br>     if(t>h){t=(t-h)+'px';}else{t=t+'px';}//判断坦克不会超出边界太远<br>     if(l>w){l=(l-w)+'px';}else{l=l+'px';}//判断坦克不会超出边界太远<br>     /**初始坦克随机出现位置*/<br>     <br>     <br>     <br>     var myDate = new Date();<br>     var myid=myDate.getTime();<br>     /**创建坦克*/<br>        shell.innerHTML=html+'<div></div>';<br>     /**Create a tank*/<br>     <br>        var setz=setInterval(function(){<br>            /**Being hit*/  <br>            var ztk=document.getElementById(myid);dt=ztk.style.marginTop;dl=ztk.style.marginLeft;<br>            dt=parseInt(dt);dl=parseInt(dl);           <br>            var zidanob=document.getElementsByClassName('zidan');<br>             if(zidanob.length!=0){                 <br>                  for(i=0;i<zidanob.length></zidanob.length>              var zt=zidanob[i].style.marginTop;<br>              var zl=zidanob[i].style.marginLeft;<br>              zt=parseInt(zt);zl=parseInt(zl);<br>                 if(zt>dt && ztdl && zl                     zidanob[i].style.display='none';//隐藏子弹<br>                     zidanob[i].className='';//当子弹碰撞后删除子弹的class以防止下次继续击中敌方坦克<br>                     rezidan(myid);//删除Being hit坦克<br>                     clearInterval(setz);  //删除&坦克的时间函数<br>                     fensu();//记录分数<br>                 }                      <br>             }<br>             }<br>            /**&*/          <br>               var clasz=ztk.className;<br>               var oArr = clasz.split(" “);<br>               var fwz;//每次执行这段代码FWZ就清空,fwz是方向判断变量<br>               <br>               <br>               if(clasz){//判断是否是&后第一次移动<br>              <br>                     if(oArr[0]=='qinr'){//持续向右移动50次<br>                         if(parseInt(oArr[1])                          var lz=ztk.style.marginLeft;<br>                        lz=parseInt(lz);<br>If(lz<w></w>                           ztk.style.marginLeft=(lz+2)+'px';<br>                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         }else{<br> Fwz = ran (); // Struggle the wall and re -select the position <br>                                                          Var clsaa = PARSEINT (our [1])+1; <br>                          ztk.className='qinr '+clsaa;<br>                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           }else{<br> Fwz = ran (); // Re -select the position <br>                    }<br>                    }<br>                                                     <br>                                                     <br> If(oArr[0]=='qinl'){//Continue to move left 50 times<br> If(parseInt(oArr[1])                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            lz=parseInt(lz);<br> If(lz>0){<br>                             ztk.style.marginLeft=(lz-2)+'px'; <br>                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         }else{<br> Fwz = ran (); // Struggle the wall and re -select the position <br>                                                                  Var clsaa = PARSEINT (our [1])+1; <br>                          ztk.className='qinl '+clsaa;<br>                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           }else{<br> Fwz = ran (); // Re -select the position <br>                       }<br>                       }<br>                                                     <br>                                                     <br>                             if(oArr[0]=='qint'){//Continue to move up 50 times<br> If(parseInt(oArr[1])                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 lz=parseInt(lz);<br> If(lz>0){<br>                            ztk.style.marginTop=(lz-2)+'px'; <br>                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         }else{<br> Fwz = ran (); // Struggle the wall and re -select the position <br>                                                          Var clsaa = PARSEINT (our [1])+1; <br>                         ztk.className='qint '+clsaa;<br>                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           }else{<br> Fwz = ran (); // Re -select the position <br>                     }<br>                     }<br>                                                                           If(oArr[0]=='qinf'){//Continue to move down 50 times<br> If(parseInt(oArr[1])                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 lz=parseInt(lz);<br> If(lz<h></h>                              ztk.style.marginTop=(lz+2)+'px';<br>                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         }else{<br> Fwz = ran (); // Struggle the wall and re -select the position <br>                                                          Var clsaa = PARSEINT (our [1])+1; <br>                         ztk.className='qinf '+clsaa;<br>                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           }else{<br> Fwz = ran (); // Re -select the position <br>                    }<br>                     }<br>                                                                                                    }else{<br> Fwz = ran (); // Activity function <br>                }<br>                                                                                                                                                                                 If (fwz == 2) {// Interesting value is 2, execute to the right                   var lz=ztk.style.marginLeft;<br> lz=parseInt(lz);<br>                         ztk.style.marginLeft=(lz+2)+'px'; <br>                        ztk.className='qinr 1';<br>                }<br>                                            If (fwz == 3) {// Interesting value 3 is executed to the left                   var lz=ztk.style.marginLeft;<br>                        lz=parseInt(lz);<br>                            ztk.style.marginLeft=(lz-2)+'px';<br>                       ztk.className='qinl 1';<br>                }<br>                                             If (fwz == 1) {// Interesting value 1 is executed upward <br>                   var lz=ztk.style.marginTop;<br> lz=parseInt(lz);<br>                         ztk.style.marginTop=(lz-2)+'px';<br>                       ztk.className='qint 1';<br>                }<br>                                            If (fwz == 4) {// Interesting value is 4, move downward <br>                   var lz=ztk.style.marginTop;<br>                        lz=parseInt(lz);<br>                            ztk.style.marginTop=(lz+2)+'px';<br>                       ztk.className='qinf 1';<br>                }<br> },50);<br> ​ <br> }<br> function fensu(){//Scoring function<br> var ob=document.getElementById('fs');<br>var s=ob.innerText;<br> s=parseInt(s);<br> s=s+1;<br> Ob.innerText=s;<br> }

js tank battle to realize the shell hitting the target and disappearing and scoring rew.zip ( 33.16 KB Download: 9 times )

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