I just started trying it myself, and it may not be easy for the masters to understand. I hope it will be useful.
Steps: 1. Download the phpqrcode.php file from the website http://phpqrcode.sourceforge.net/, and then put it into your own project;
2. Write code and introduce phpqrcode.php file to generate QR code.
1. phpqrcode.php file (just download it)
2. Test code (erweima.app.php)
? & Lt;? PHP/*
*generates a two-dimensional code
Class EXTENDS ShoppingBaseApp {
Function INDEX () {
$ this- & gt; display ('ERWEIMA. html ');}
* @param string $chl The information contained in the QR code can be numbers, characters, binary information, or Chinese characters.型 cannot be mixed with data types. The data must be set through UTF-8 URL-ENCODED
* @Param int $ widhtheighhead. Settings of the QR code to generate QR codes
@Param String $ EC_LEVEL can be selected. QR code supports four levels of error correction. , used to recover lost, misread, ambiguous, data.
* L-Default: Can identify 7% of the data that has been lost
* M- Can identify the data that has been lost by 15%
* Q- Can identify the data that has been lost by 25%
* H- Can identify the data that has been lost by 30% Data
* @param int $margin The distance between the generated QR code and the picture border
function credit_qrcode()
include '/includes/libraries/phpqrcode.php';
$value = isset($_POST['url']) ? $_POST['url'] : 'http://www.baidu.com';
$image = $this->_upload_file('image', 'erweima/', date('YmdHis') . mt_rand(1000, 9999), 'index.php?app=credit&act=credit_qrcode');
if ($image){
styles/default/images/001.jpg';//Ready logo image
$errorCorrectionLevel = 'H'; // Error tolerance level
$matrixPointSize = 8; // Generate image size
// Generate QR code image
QRcode::png($value, 'qrcode.png', $errorCorrectionLevel, $matrixPointSize, 2);
$QR = 'qrcode.png';//The original QR code image that has been generated
if($logo !== FALSE){
$QR = imagecreatefromstring(file_get_contents($ QR));
$logo = imagecreatefromstring(file_get_contents($logo));
using QR using using QR code using - Height
$logo_width = imagesx($logo); $scale = $logo_width/$logo_qr_width;
resampled($QR, $logo, $from_width, $from_width, 0, ' }
* Upload file
* @return mix false means upload failed, empty string means no upload, string means upload file address
* $file_name is the name of the uploaded file
* $path_name is the upload path
* $save_name is the name of the saved file
* $ret_url is the callback URL
function _upload_file($file_name, $path_name, $save_name, $ret_url = 'index.php')
$file = $_FILES[$file_name];
$message = array(
'1' => 'The uploaded file exceeds the limit of the upload_max_filesize option in php.ini. ',
' '2' => 'The size of the uploaded file exceeds the value specified by the MAX_FILE_SIZE option in the HTML form. ',
'3' => 'Only part of the file was uploaded. '
' ' );
' ' switch ($file['error'])
' ' E:
$this->show_warning($message[$file['error']], 'go_back'); {
return array('done' => FALSE, 'msg' => $message[$file['error']]);
Return '';
import(' uploader.lib');
$uploader = new Uploader();
if ($uploader->file_info() = == false)
return false; return array('done' => FALSE, 'msg' => $uploader->get_error()); ;save ('data/files/mall/'.$path_name, $save_name);
3. Template file (erweima.html)