Home >Backend Development >PHP Tutorial >In JavaScript, when an associative array a is assigned to b, and then the content of a is changed, why does b also change?
<code>JS: var a = {"Client":"jQuery","Server":"PHP"}; var b = a; a["New"] = "Element"; console.log(b); // 输出 Object { Client="jQuery", Server="PHP", New="Element"} PHP例程1: $a = array('Client'=>'jQuery','Server'=>'PHP'); $b = $a; $a['New'] = 'Element'; var_export($b); //输出 array('Client'=>'jQuery','Server'=>'PHP') PHP例程2: $a = array('Client'=>'jQuery','Server'=>'PHP'); $b = &$a; //引用赋值 $a['New'] = 'Element'; var_export($b); //输出 array('Client'=>'jQuery','Server'=>'PHP','New'=>'Element')</code>
In JavaScript, when an associative array a is assigned to b, and then the content of a is changed, why does b also change?
<code>JS: var a = {"Client":"jQuery","Server":"PHP"}; var b = a; a["New"] = "Element"; console.log(b); // 输出 Object { Client="jQuery", Server="PHP", New="Element"} PHP例程1: $a = array('Client'=>'jQuery','Server'=>'PHP'); $b = $a; $a['New'] = 'Element'; var_export($b); //输出 array('Client'=>'jQuery','Server'=>'PHP') PHP例程2: $a = array('Client'=>'jQuery','Server'=>'PHP'); $b = &$a; //引用赋值 $a['New'] = 'Element'; var_export($b); //输出 array('Client'=>'jQuery','Server'=>'PHP','New'=>'Element')</code>
In JavaScript, when an associative array a is assigned to b, and then the content of a is changed, why does b also change?
For non-ordinary types such as arrays (strings, integers, Boolean), your assignment is equivalent to address copying, that is, a and b occupy the same address. So if b is changed, a will also change. Essentially, a and b are the same thing.
This answer here is more detailed. Arrays are reference type values and are stored in the heap. https://www.zhihu.com/questio...
I saw someone on the Internet saying that when assigning values in JS, original types (such as strings) are copied values, and reference types (such as associative arrays) are copied references.
<code>var a = {"Client":"jQuery","Server":"PHP"}; var b = JSON.stringify(a); //转成字符串后赋值 a["New"] = "Element"; console.log(JSON.parse(b)); //使用时转回关联数组(对象) //输出 Object { Client="jQuery", Server="PHP"} IE8不支持JSON.parse和JSON.stringify,需要引入json2.js: http://www.json.org/js.html https://github.com/douglascrockford/JSON-js/blob/master/json2.js IE9以下版本: <!--[if lt IE 9]><script src="json2.js"></script><![endif]--></code>
I feel that JS arrays are not as flexible as PHP. PHP supports reference assignment using & declarations. PHP arrays are "copy-on-write":
<code>echo round(memory_get_usage()/(1024*1024))."MB\n"; //0MB $a = file('/home/eechen/note.txt', FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES | FILE_SKIP_EMPTY_LINES); echo round(memory_get_usage()/(1024*1024))."MB\n"; //9MB $b = $a; echo round(memory_get_usage()/(1024*1024))."MB\n"; //9MB(赋值后内存没有变化) $b['new'] = 'element'; echo round(memory_get_usage()/(1024*1024))."MB\n"; //14MB(修改后内存发生变化,即写时复制)</code>
Because a and b both point to the same array.
If you want to keep it unchanged, first convert the object into a string, and then convert it back into an object. They will be two different objects. If used directly, it is actually one. The correct answer has been given above.