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MySQL password enhancement plug-in_MySQL

2016-08-20 08:48:121317browse


I didn’t pay much attention to the configuration method of MySQL password security policy in the past. I just wanted to set the password to a complex password, but I couldn’t find the configuration method. Today Jiang Chengyao’s WeChat official account just published an article about this, so here it is. Please write down the method. First of all, this function is a plug-in introduced in mysql versions after 5.5. This function is not enabled in the default source code installation and binary installation. If this function is not enabled and a simple password is set, mysql will only give a prompt but will still allow it to pass.

Enable Features

Add it to my.cnf file


Analysis function

show variables like 'validate%';

1. validate_password_policy

The password policy represented by

, the configurable values ​​are as follows: the default is MEDIUM

0 or LOW 仅需需符合密码长度(由参数validate_password_length指定)
1 or MEDIUM 满足LOW策略,同时还需满足至少有1个数字,小写字母,大写字母和特殊字符
2 or STRONG 满足MEDIUM策略,同时密码不能存在字典文件(dictionary file)中 


Dictionary file used to configure passwords. When validate_password_policy is set to STRONG, the password dictionary file can be configured. Passwords existing in the dictionary file must not be used.


Used to set the minimum length of password, the default value is 8 and the minimum is 0


When validate_password_policy is set to MEDIUM or STRONG, the number of at least both lowercase and uppercase letters in the password, the default is 1 and the minimum is 0; the default is at least one lowercase and one uppercase letter.


When validate_password_policy is set to MEDIUM or STRONG, the minimum number of digits in the password, the default is 1 and the minimum is 0


When validate_password_policy is set to MEDIUM or STRONG, the minimum number of special characters in the password, the default is 1 and the minimum is 0


The first password is not long enough and does not have capital letters, the second password is long enough but does not have capital letters

Reference link:

http://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MjM5MjIxNDA4NA==&mid=2649737686&idx=1&sn=c92874c88ff8e07a199d5ef81fbae359&scene=23&srcid=0701fj032oJWRFEv9eDsM10s# rd


Increasing the password complexity requirements will greatly improve the security of the system, especially for online systems, it is very necessary to enable this function.

The above is the MySQL password enhancement plug-in introduced by the editor. I hope it will be helpful to you. If you have any questions, please leave me a message and the editor will reply to you in time. Thank you very much for your support of the website!

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