I applied for several free API interfaces on the aggregate data website to play with, and then studied the method of calling data using Thinkphp5.0. Currently, I can use this to get the data. I just added a method and condition in the controller. All are added manually. Of course, variables can also be used to dynamically add conditions, depending on the interface situation. <?php<br />
namespace appindexcontroller;<br />
use thinkController;<br />
<br />
class Index extends Controller<br />
{<br />
Public function news(){<br />
$appkey = "db05e1234f593a7b458b43c3bfb2a000";<br />
//************1. Headline news information query************<br />
$url = "http://v.juhe.cn/toutiao/index";<br />
$params = [<br />
"type" => "top",//Type<br>
"dtype" => "json", //Return data format: json or xml, default json<br>
"key" => $appkey,//The key you applied for<br>
$ Paramstring = http_build_qury ($ Params);/*Require string after generating URL-Encode*/<br>
// echo "& lt; br & gt;";
$ch = curl_init($url.'?'.$paramstring);<br>
$contents = curl_exec($ch);<br>
Return $ Content; <br>
// curl_close($ch);<br>
// print_r($content);<br>
// echo "<br>";<br>
//$result = json_decode($content,true);<br>
// if($result){<br>
if ($result['error_code']=='0'){<br>
// echo $ result ['error_code']. ":". $ Result ['reaSon']; <br>
// }else{<br>
// .
//************************************************ ** <br>
}<br> <br><br><br><br>