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Catch and handle PHP exceptions

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Catch and handle PHP exceptions ~

The system comes with exception handling<?php<br /> header("Content-type:text/html;charset=utf-8");<br /> try<br /> {<br /> //Exception thrown when business processing error occurs. <br /> $age = 130;<br /> If ($age > 120) {<br>                                                        throw new Exception('Age cannot be greater than 120 years old.', 1001);<br> }<br> } catch (Exception $e) {<br> $err = [<br> ‘code’ => $e->getCode(),<br> ‘msg’ => $e->getMessage(),<br> 'file' => $e->getFile(),<br> 'line' => $e->getLine()<br> ];<br> Echo json_encode($err);<br> }<br> <br> Output: {"code":1001,"msg":"u5e74u9f84u4e0du80fdu5927u4e8e120u5c81u3002","file":"/data/mi/demo.php","line":11}Custom exception handling<?php <br /> header("Content-type:text/html;charset=utf-8");<br /> class proException extends Exception<br /> {<br /> //Customize the method according to business needs<br /> /**<br /> * Get error message<br /> * @param int $type type 1=json 2=array<br /> * * @return array<br /> ​​*/<br /> Public function getErrorInfo($type = 2)<br /> {<br />          $err = [<br /> ‘code’ => $this->getCode(),<br> 'Msg' = & gt; $ this- & gt; getMessage (), <br>                                                                                                                                                                                                                   ‘line’ => $this->getLine()<br> ];<br> If ($type == 1) {<br>                    return json_encode($err);<br>         }<br> return }<br> }<br> <br> try<br> {<br> //Exception thrown when business processing error occurs. <br> $age = 130;<br> If ($age > 120) {<br>                                               throw new proException('Age cannot be greater than 120 years old.', 1001);<br> }<br> } catch (proException $e) {<br> $info = $e->getErrorInfo();<br> var_dump($info);<br> }<br> <br> Output: array(4) { ["code"]=> int(1001) ["msg"]=> string(27) "Age cannot be greater than 120 years old." ["file"]=> string(17 ) "/data/mi/demo.php" ["line"]=> int(53) }<br><br>Catch multiple exceptions header("Content-type:text/html;charset=utf-8"); class proException extends Exception<br /> {<br /> //Customize error methods according to business needs<br /> <br /> /**<br /> * Get error message<br /> * @param int $type type 1=json 2=array<br /> * * @return array<br /> ​​*/<br /> Public function getErrorInfo($type = 2)<br /> {<br />          $err = [<br />             'code' => $this->getCode(),<br> 'Msg' = & gt; $ this- & gt; getMessage (), <br>                                                                                                                                                                                                               ‘line’ => $this->getLine()<br> ];<br> If ($type == 1) {<br>                     return json_encode($err);<br>          }<br> return }<br> }<br> <br> try<br> {<br> If ($_GET['age'] > 100) {<br> ​​​​throw new proException('Customized exception handling', 1002);<br> } else {<br> Throw new Exception('Exception handling of the system', 1002);<br> }<br> } catch (proException $e) {<br> $info = $e->getErrorInfo();<br> var_dump($info);<br> } catch (Exception $e) {<br> Echo $e->getMessage();<br> }<br> <br> ?age=110 Output: array(4) { ["code"]=> int(1002) ["msg"]=> string(24) "Customized exception handling" ["file"]=> string(17) "/data/mi/demo.php" ["line"]=> int(64) }<br> ?age=20 Output: System exception handling. <br><br>Logging<b>//Disable error output</b> error_reporting(0);<code class="prettyprint linenums lang-php"> //Set error handler<br> set_error_handler('errorHandler');<br> //Function to run at the end of the script<br> register_shutdown_function('fatalErrorHandler');<br> <br> /**<br> * Error handling<br> * @param int $err_no Error code<br> * @param string $err_msg Error message<br> * @param string $err_file Error file<br> * @param int $err_line Error line number<br> * @return string<br> ​*/<br> function errorHandler($err_no = 0, $err_msg = '', $err_file = '', $err_line = 0)<br> {<br> $log = [<br>          '['.date('Y-m-d h-i-s').']',<br>         '|',<br>          $err_no,<br>         '|',<br>           $err_msg,<br>         '|',<br>           $err_file,<br>         '|',<br>           $err_line<br> ];<br> $log_path = '/data/mi/test.txt';<br> ​​error_log(implode(' ',$log)."rn",3, $log_path);<br> //echo implode(' ',$log)."<br>";<br> }<br> <br> /**<br> * Catching fatal errors<br> * @return string<br> ​*/<br> function fatalErrorHandler() {<br> $e = error_get_last();<br> Switch ($e['type']) {<br> Case 1:<br>            errorHandler($e['type'], $e['message'], $e['file'], $e['line']);<br>               break;<br> }<br> }<br> <br> class DemoClass_1<br> {<br> Public function index()<br>{<br> ​​​​//A warning error occurs here, start errorHandler<br> echo $undefinedVarible;<br> }<br> }<br> <br> $demo_1 = new DemoClass_1();<br> //A warning error occurred here and was captured by errorHandler<br> $demo_1->index();<br> //A fatal error occurs and the script stops running and triggers fatalErrorHandler<br> $demo_2 = new DemoClass_2();<br> $demo_2->index();<br> <br> After turning on echo, output: <br> [2016-08-07 09-01-34] | 8 | Undefined variable: undefinedVarible | /data/mi/demo.php | 126<br> [2016-08-07 09-01-34] | 1 | Class 'DemoClass_2' not found | /data/mi/demo.php | 134Remarks:
1. register_shutdown_function can also be used in API debugging to record each request value and return value to facilitate debugging.
2. The advantage of using "|" to split is that it is convenient to use awk to split the log.

Source: http://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MjM5NDM4MDIwNw==&mid=2448834645&idx=1&sn=32c96f1344a270755a8e33a6f7ddc1e8#rd

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Catch and handle PHP exceptions

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