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PHP design patterns (1)

2016-08-08 09:33:101073browse

When coding PHP programs, in order to better maintain and understand the code in the future, it is essential to use some appropriate design patterns. Let me first share with you the singleton pattern. If there are any errors or inappropriate places, I hope PHPers can help me point it out.

  • Single case pattern

The survival period of an object in PHP is from the beginning of the script to the end of the script, so PHP's singleton mode only uses the object multiple times in one page (which may include many other pages, not a single page in a narrow sense) It will work only when it is used multiple times. The new object will not be repeated (when multiple people are working on a project, it is inevitable that an object will be instantiated multiple times in one request), and unnecessary resources will not be consumed ( The effect of data control connection operation is very obvious), and another point is that it can ensure that the entire script is the same object. How is this mode implemented? There are several points to pay attention to in its implementation:

1. The first thing is to define the __construct() method as a private method, so that you cannot get a new instance through new. The singleton mode cannot be instantiated externally, but it can be instantiated internally;

2. Also shield the __clone() method to prevent cloning from outside the class

2. Then define a private variable used to save the instance and a public function getInstance() to obtain the private variable.

 * 设计模式&mdash;&mdash;单例模式
 * @author 燕睿涛(luluyrt@163.com)
<span>class</span><span> Singlemodel{
     * 保存Singlemodel实例的变量
     * @var Singlemodel $_instance
    <span>private</span> <span>static</span> <span>$_instance</span> = <span>null</span><span>;
     * 屏蔽掉通过new来实例化该对象
    <span>private</span> <span>function</span><span> __construct(){
<span>    }
<span>    /*</span><span>*</span></span>
<span><span>     * 屏蔽掉通过clone来克隆该对象</span></span>
<span><span>*/</span> </span>
<span>    <span>private</span> <span>function</span><span> __clone(){ </span></span>
<span><span>//</span><span>空函数就行</span> </span>
<span>    <span>}</span> 
     * 通过该方法获取实例,防止多次实例化
    <span>public</span> <span>static</span> <span>function</span><span> getInstance(){
        </span><span>if</span>(!(self::<span>$_instance</span><span> instanceof self)){
            self</span>::<span>$_instance</span> = <span>new</span><span> self();
        </span><span>return</span> self::<span>$_instance</span><span>;

It’s empty talk. Just saying these theories is not convincing. Let’s take a look at the specific effect difference through examples

 * 设计模式&mdash;&mdash;单例模式&mdash;&mdash;测试
 * @author 燕睿涛(luluyrt@163.com)
<span>class</span><span> Singlemodel{
     * 保存Singlemodel实例的变量
     * @var Singlemodel $_instance
    <span>private</span> <span>static</span> <span>$_instance</span> = <span>null</span><span>;
    </span><span>private</span> <span>$_link</span> = <span>null</span><span>;
     * 屏蔽掉通过new来实例化该对象(也可以去掉)
     * 这里来测试数据库连接
    <span>private</span> <span>function</span><span> __construct(){
        </span><span>$this</span>->_link = <span>mysqli_connect</span>("localhost","root","","mysql"<span>);
     * 通过该方法获取实例,防止多次实例化
    <span>public</span> <span>static</span> <span>function</span><span> getInstance(){
        </span><span>if</span>(!(self::<span>$_instance</span><span> instanceof self)){
            self</span>::<span>$_instance</span> = <span>new</span><span> self();
        </span><span>return</span> self::<span>$_instance</span><span>;
     * 测试1,通过使用单例模式
    <span>public</span> <span>static</span> <span>function</span><span> testOne(){
        </span><span>return</span> self::<span>getInstance();
     * 测试1,通过使用单例模式
    <span>public</span> <span>static</span> <span>function</span><span> testTwo(){
        </span><span>return</span> <span>new</span><span> self();
</span><span>$obj</span> = <span>array</span><span>();
</span><span>$begin</span> = <span>microtime</span>(<span>true</span><span>);
    * 这里进行两次测试,testOne应用了单例模式,testTwo没有应用单例模式,
    * 我们分别看看他们占用的资源和耗费的时间
    <span>//</span><span>$obj[$i] = Singlemodel::testOne();</span>
    <span>$obj</span>[<span>$i</span>] = Singlemodel::<span>testTwo();
</span><span>echo</span> "程序运行期间最大内存占用:".memory_get_peak_usage()."bytes\r"<span>;
</span><span>echo</span> "程序运行耗时:".<span>floatval</span>(<span>microtime</span>(<span>true</span>) - <span>$begin</span>)."s\r";

First comment $obj[$i] = Singlemodel::testTwo();This line, using singleton mode, we can get the following results

Then comment out $obj[$i] = Singlemodel::testOne();, using non-singleton mode, we get the following results

can see

100 tests Single case pattern Normal Mode Normal/single case (times)
Memory(bytes) 143816 847376 5.89
Time(s) 0.0112519 0.2541389 22.59
5 tests
bytes 140432 168984 1.20
s 0.0112612 0.0173110 1.54

You can see that when the number of links executed by a script is 100, the performance of the singleton mode is nearly 6 times better than the normal mode in terms of memory usage and nearly 23 times faster in time. When the number of connections continues to increase, the multiple will be higher. Large, because the memory and time consumed by the singleton mode has basically remained unchanged, and the non-singleton mode will continue to increase. One thing to note here is that in the non-singleton mode, when the number of links increases to a certain extent, an error "mysqli_connect(()" will be reported ): (08004/1040): Trop de connexions in", which means that there are too many concurrent connections. For testing, we can check the setting of the maximum number of mysql connections through the following command. This needs to be paid attention to, so as not to know why the error is reported.

show variables <span>like</span> <span>'</span><span>max_connections</span><span>'</span>;

At this point, if you test it yourself, you will find that when the number of connections is relatively small, the difference is relatively small (just like when there are 5 connections in one request above). In fact, it is also relatively small to achieve many instantiations in one request. If it is less, does that mean that this has no effect? ​​Of course not, think about it. First of all, this can avoid multiple instantiations and reduce resource consumption; secondly, even this 10ms level gap will not be affected by high-speed It is also useful in concurrent systems. We have many benefits from using it.

That’s all for the singleton pattern. I’ll talk about other design patterns next time. If there’s anything wrong, please leave a message or email and point it out. Thank you very much!

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The above introduces the PHP design pattern (1), including aspects of the content. I hope it will be helpful to friends who are interested in PHP tutorials.

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