Home >Backend Development >PHP Tutorial >Install oracle9i under FreeBSD 9.0
1. Configure the kernel
1. Log in to FreeBSD as root.
2. #cd /usr/src/sys/i386/conf
4. Modify the KERNEL_CUSTOMIZE file and add the following content to it:
# Begin For Oracle Installation options NBUF=2048 options MAXDSIZ="(1024UL*1024*1024)" options MAXSSIZ="(1024UL*1024*1024)" options DFLDSIZ="(1024UL*1024*1024)" #options SYSVSHM options SHMMAXPGS=65536 options SHMMIN=2 options SHMMNI=256 options SHMSEG=256 #options SYSVSEM #options SEMMAP=512 options SEMMNI=512 options SEMUME=512 options SEMMNS=1024 options SEMMNU=512 options SEMMSL=256 options SEMOPM=256 #options SYSVMSG #SYSV-stylmessage queues options MSGMNB=8192 options MSGMNI=256 options MSGSEG=8192 options MSGSSZ=16 options MSGTQL=128 # End For Oracle Installation
5. Compile new Kernel configuration file
6. Enter the compiled directory
#cd ../compile/KERNEL_CUSTOMIZE
7. Compile the kernel
# make cleandepend
#make depend
10. Install a new kernel
#make install
11. Restart FreeBSD
2. Configure the Linux compatible environment
1. Install the linux_base-8-8.0_14 package
Select Configure->Packages->CD/DVD->All-> linux_base-8-8.0_14.
2. Install linux_devtools-8.0_5 package
1) From http://ftp.ru.freebsd.org/FreeBSD-Archive/old-releases/amd64/5.5-RELEASE/packages/linux / Download the linux_devtools-8.0_5 package.
2) Copy the downloaded linux_devtools-8.0_5.tbz file to the /compat/linux directory.
3) #cd /compat/linux
4) #tar zxvf linux_devtools-8.0_5.tbz
3. Create the arch executable file in /compat/linux/bin, the content is as follows :
#!/compat/linux/bin/bash echo i686 #需要根据机器来确定,是i686、i586还是i486。
4. Open execution permission
#chmod +x arch
5. mount linux proc file system
#mkdir /compat/ linux/proc
#mount -t linprocfs /dev/device /compat/linux/proc
The second step can be put into the /etc/fstab file and automatically intercepted when booting
3. Create Oracle user groups and users
1. Create oracle user group
#pw groupadd dba
#pw groupadd oinstall
2. Create oracle user
#p w useradd- n oracle -c "Oracle Owner" -d /home/oracle -m -s /compat/linux/bin/bash -g dba -G oinstall,wheel
3. Change the password of the oracle user
#passwd oracle
4. Modify the /home/oracle/.profile file and add the following code at the end of the file:
# begin for oracle export ORACLE_BASE=/home/oracle export ORACLE_HOME=$ORACLE_BASE/920 export ORACLE_SID=ORCL export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH export ORA_NLS33=$ORACLE_HOME/ocommon/nls/admin/data export CLASSPATH=$ORACLE_HOME/JRE:$ORACLE_HOME/jlib:$ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/jlib export CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$ORACLE_HOME/network/jlib export LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8 export DISPLAY=:0 export PATH=$PATH:$ORACLE_HOME/bin # end for oracle
4. Install oracle
1. Log in to the system with an oracle account.
3. Create an install directory to store the oracle installation files
$mkdir /home/oracle/install
(The above operation has been completed, and the following online Find the three files lnx_920_disk1.cpio, lnx_920_disk2.cpio, lnx_920_disk3.cpio)
3. Change lnx_920_disk1.cpio, lnx_920_disk2.cpio and lnx_920 Copy the three files _disk3.cpio to the /home/oracle/install directory .
4. Unzip the cpio installation file
$cd ~/install
$cpio -idmv < lnx_920_disk1.cpio
$cpio -idmv < ; lnx_920_disk2.cpio
$cpio -idmv < lnx_920_disk3.cpio
After execution, three directories, Disk1, Disk2 and Disk3, will be generated.
5. Run the installation file
$cd ~/install/Disk1
The above has introduced the installation of oracle9i under FreeBSD 9.0, including the relevant aspects. I hope it will be helpful to friends who are interested in PHP tutorials.