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Types - PHP Manual Notes

2016-08-08 09:29:29929browse

Type introduction

PHP supports 8 primitive data types.

  • Four scalar types:

    • boolean (Boolean, case-insensitive)
    • integer(integer type)
    • float (floating point type, also called double)
    • string(string)
  • Two compound types:

    • array(array)
    • object
  • Finally there are two special types:

    • resource
    • NULL (no type)

If you want to check the value and type of an expression, use the var_dump() function.

$a = array(1, 2, array("a", "b", "c"));

$b = 3.1;
$c = true;
var_dump($b, $c);</code>

The above code prints variable-related information through var_dump(), and the output results are as follows (PHP version 5.5.12).

<code>array (size=3)
  0 => int 1
  1 => int 2
  2 => 
    array (size=3)
      0 => string 'a' (length=1)
      1 => string 'b' (length=1)
      2 => string 'c' (length=1)

float 3.1

boolean true</code>

If you just want to get an easy-to-read type expression for debugging, use the gettype() function. To check a certain type, don’t use gettype(), but use the is_type function. Use is_type to filter parameters.

If you want to force a variable to a certain type, you can use cast or settype() function. Note that variables can take on different values ​​in certain situations depending on their type at the time.

boolean Boolean type

Special note that when converted to boolean, the following values ​​are considered FALSE:

  • Empty string, and the string "0"
  • An array that does not contain any elements

As long as it is an object, the return value is TRUE.

The following program can deepen your understanding of boolean type conversion.

var_dump((bool) array());  // boolean false
var_dump((bool) "");  // boolean false
var_dump((bool) "0");  // boolean false
var_dump((bool) "00");  // boolean true
var_dump((bool) "false");  // boolean true
var_dump((bool) (new stdClass()));  // boolean true
var_dump((bool) ((object) array()));  // boolean true</code>

integer integer type

To use octal expression, 0 (zero) must be added before the number.
To use hexadecimal expression, 0x must be added before the number.
To use binary expression, 0b must be added before the number.
Binary expressed integer is available since PHP 5.4.0.

The word length of the

integer value can be represented by the constant PHP_INT_SIZE, and the maximum value can be represented by the constant PHP_INT_MAX.

var_dump(PHP_INT_SIZE);  // int 4
var_dump(PHP_INT_MAX);  // int 2147483647
var_dump(01090);  // int 8  八进制 010 = 十进制 8</code>

In the last statement of the above program, a strange thing happened when processing octal. That's because if you pass an illegal number (i.e. 8 or 9) to an octal number, the remaining digits will be ignored.

If a given number exceeds the range of integer, it will be interpreted as float. Similarly, if the result of the operation exceeds the range of integer, float will be returned.

There is no integer division operator in PHP. 1/2 yields float 0.5. The value can be cast to an integer, discarding the decimal part, or using the round() function for better rounding.

The manual says to never cast an unknown fraction to an integer, as this can sometimes lead to unpredictable results.

echo (int)((0.1 + 0.7) * 10);</code>

The output result of this program is 7, never trust floating point numbers!

float floating point type

Certain mathematical operations produce a result represented by the constant NAN. This result represents a value that is undefined or unrepresentable in floating-point arithmetic. Any loose or strict comparison of this value with any other value will result in FALSE.

string string

A string is composed of a series of characters, where each character is equivalent to one byte. The implementation is an array of bytes plus an integer specifying the buffer length. This means that PHP can only support a character set of 256 and therefore does not support Unicode. How is Chinese displayed? Write down your questions first.

Strings have 4 grammatical expressions:

  • Single quotes
  • Double quotes
  • heredoc
  • nowdoc

Single quotes

To express a single quote itself, you need to escape it with a backslash () in front of it.
To express a backslash itself, use two backslashes ().
Any other backslash will be treated as the backslash itself.

However, if there is only one backslash in the string wrapped in single quotes, the backslash will also be output. Why is this?

Double quotes

Escape characters can be parsed. The most important feature is that variables will be parsed.

Both single quotes and double quotes support multi-line input of strings.

heredoc structure

This structure has been rarely used in previous programming. Let’s learn more about it here.

The structure is roughly as follows:
operator<<<provide an identifier after it, and then a newline.
Next is the string itself.
Finally, use the previously defined identifier as the end mark.

The identifier quoted at the end must be in the first column of the line, which means that the identifier cannot be indented, and the line must not contain other characters except maybe a semicolon (;).

Heredocs structures cannot be used to initialize class properties. As of PHP 5.3, this restriction only works when the heredoc contains variables.

The Heredoc structure is like a double-quoted string without double quotes, and the escaping rules are the same as double quotes.

nowdoc structure

The structure of

nowdoc is similar to heredoc, except that the identifier following the operator <<< must be enclosed in single quotes.




复杂语法不是因为其语法复杂而得名,而是因为它可以使用复杂的表达式。 由于{无法被转义,只有$紧挨着{时才会被识别。



字符串可以用 '.'(点)运算符连接起来,注意 '+'(加号)运算符没有这个功能。

一个布尔值boolean的TRUE被转换成string的"1"。boolean的FALSE被转换成""(空字符串)。字符串转换为数值,该字符串的开始部分决定了它的值。如果该字符串以合法的数值开始,则使用该数值。否则其值为 0(零)。


PHP 并不特别指明字符串的编码,字符串会被按照该脚本文件相同的编码方式来编码。因此,操作文本的函数必须假定字符串是如何编码的。不幸的是,PHP关于此的函数有很多变种,关于PHP的字符串处理函数还需多加学习。





  • 包含有合法整型值的字符串会被转换为整型。
  • 浮点数也会被转换为整型,意味着其小数部分会被舍去。
  • 布尔值也会被转换成整型。
  • null会被转换为空字符串,即键名null实际会被储存为""。
  • 数组和对象不能被用为键名。
  • 如果在数组定义中多个单元都使用了同一个键名,则只使用了最后一个,之前的都被覆盖了。
  • 如果对给出的值没有指定键名,则取当前最大的整数索引值,而新的键名将是该值加一。
$a = array(&#39;20&#39; => 'a', '02' => 'b');


<code>array (size=2)
  20 => string 'a' (length=1)
  '02' => string 'b' (length=1)</code>


$a = array(&#39;a&#39;, &#39;b&#39; => 'b');
$a[] = 'c';


<code>array (size=3)
  0 => string 'a' (length=1)
  'b' => string 'b' (length=1)
  1 => string 'c' (length=1)

array (size=2)
  0 => string 'a' (length=1)
  'b' => string 'b' (length=1)</code>

应该始终在用字符串表示的数组索引上加上引号。例如用$foo['bar']而不是$foo[bar]。此代码中有一个未定义的常量(bar)而不是字符串('bar'-注意引号),而 PHP 可能会在以后定义此常量。



$handle = opendir(&#39;.&#39;);
while(false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {
	$files[] = $file;

对于任意integer,float,string,boolean和resource类型,如果将一个值转换为数组,将得到一个仅有一个元素的数组,其下标为 0,该元素即为此标量的值。


要创建一个新的对象 object,使用 new 语句实例化一个类。

如果将一个对象转换成对象,它将不会有任何变化。如果其它任何类型的值被转换成对象,将会创建一个内置类 stdClass 的实例。如果该值为 NULL,则新的实例为空。数组转换成对象将使键名成为属性名并具有相对应的值。对于任何其它的值,名为 scalar 的成员变量将包含该值。

class foo {
	function do_foo() {
		echo &#39;Doint foo.&#39;;
$bar = new foo;

$obj = (object) 'hello';


<code>Doint foo.object(foo)[1]

  public 'scalar' => string 'hello' (length=5)</code>







自PHP 5.4起可用callable类型指定回调类型callback。



  1. 调用用户自定义的简单函数,以string类型传递其名称。
function my_callback_function() {
	echo 'hello, world.';
  1. 调用类的静态成员方法,类及方法被作为数组传递,下标0包含该对象,下标1包含方法名。
class MyClass {
	static function myCallbackMethod() {
		echo 'Hello, world.';
call_user_func(array('MyClass', 'myCallbackMethod'));</code>
  1. 调用已实例化的对象方法。
class MyClass {
	static function myCallbackMethod() {
		echo 'Hello, world.';
$obj = new MyClass;
call_user_func(array($obj, 'myCallbackMethod'));</code>
  1. 调用静态类方法。
class MyClass {
	static function myCallbackMethod() {
		echo 'Hello, world.';
  1. 调用父类静态成员方法。
class A {
	public static function who() {
		echo "A\n";
class B extends A {
	public static function who() {
		echo "B\n";
call_user_func(array('B', 'parent::who'));</code>





以上就介绍了类型 - PHP手册笔记,包括了方面的内容,希望对PHP教程有兴趣的朋友有所帮助。

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