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Personal experience in learning php

2016-08-08 09:27:44795browse

Is php difficult to learn? Is php difficult to learn? I believe that many novices will encounter many problems and difficulties in programming. I am a PHP programmer and have been learning and developing PHP for some time. I hope that some of my own experiences can help more friends. See, it can help more friends learn programs like php.

To be honest, a program like PHP is really not that difficult, because compared to some other programs, PHP is already very easy to get started with. First of all, let me tell you that you must learn its ideas when learning PHP, because with You can write various software based on your ideas. There are some things you should pay attention to in the expression of PHP, and you must not be careless. Also, you should watch more video tutorials. When you encounter problems, you must look for the reasons yourself, because in programming We often make mistakes, but if we can constantly correct our mistakes, it is also a better growth process. We also need to read more about the completed source code, because the completed source code can help us systematically understand development with PHP. ideas!

The above has introduced my personal experience in learning PHP, including various aspects. I hope it will be helpful to friends who are interested in PHP tutorials.

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