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php Excel file export
phpExcel official website http://phpexcel.codeplex.com/
/** * 导出特定文件 * 根据具体情况而定 */ public function download(){ //1. 从数据库来获取对应的二维数组 $alist = array(...); $list = $alist; $data = array(); //2. 设置xls的 表头名 $headArr = array("排名","姓名","手机","获奖","参与时间"); if(false === empty($list)){ $i=0; foreach ($list as $key => $val){ //组装对应的单元格A,B,C,D。。。 $data[$i] = array( ($i+1), //A $val['name'], //B $val['tel'], //C $val['award'], //D ... ); $i++; } }else{ $data[0] = array('暂无相关记录!'); } $fileName = "test-excel_"; $this->explodexls($data,$headArr,$fileName); } /** * 工具函数 处理 xls 文件导出 * @param $data array() 对应的tbody 数据 * @param $headArr array() 对应的thead 数据 * @param $fileName string 指定的导出文件名 * @return xls格式 文件自动导出 */ public function explodexls($data,$headArr,$fileName){ //注意这里换成对应的根目录 找到绝对路径 $dir = __dir__.'/../../../../public'; require_once $dir.'/excel/PHPExcel.php'; require_once $dir.'/excel/PHPExcel/Writer/Excel2007.php'; require_once $dir.'/excel/PHPExcel/Writer/Excel5.php'; include_once $dir.'/excel/PHPExcel/IOFactory.php'; if(empty($data) || !is_array($data)){ die("data must be a array"); } if(empty($fileName)){ exit; } $date = date("Y_m_d",time()); $fileName .= "_{$date}.xls"; //创建新的PHPExcel对象 $objPHPExcel = new PHPExcel(); $objProps = $objPHPExcel->getProperties(); //设置表头 $key = ord("A"); foreach($headArr as $v){ $colum = chr($key); $objPHPExcel->setActiveSheetIndex(0)->setCellValue($colum.'1', $v); $key += 1; } $column = 2; $objActSheet = $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet(); foreach($data as $key => $rows){ //行写入 $span = ord("A"); foreach($rows as $keyName=>$value){// 列写入 $j = chr($span); $objActSheet->setCellValue($j.$column, $value); $span++; } $column++; } //$fileName = iconv("utf-8", "gb2312", $fileName); //重命名表 $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setTitle('Simple'); //设置活动单指数到第一个表,所以Excel打开这是第一个表 $objPHPExcel->setActiveSheetIndex(0); //将输出重定向到一个客户端web浏览器(Excel2007) header('Content-Type: application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet'); header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"$fileName\""); header('Cache-Control: max-age=0'); $objWriter = PHPExcel_IOFactory::createWriter($objPHPExcel, 'Excel2007'); $objWriter->save('php://output'); //文件通过浏览器下载 exit; }
The above has introduced the phpExcel extension library for exporting php excel files, including aspects of it. I hope it will be helpful to friends who are interested in PHP tutorials.