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Introduction to new content in PHP 7

2016-08-08 09:21:40829browse

Introduction to new content in PHP 7

Although the summer of 2015 is not hot, it is hotter than any other year in the summer of Internet technology.
The bad news of successive failures of NetEase, Alipay, Ctrip and many cloud storage vendors at the end of May has just ended. In early June, we ushered in two good news in the programming language world. The first one was the release of Swift 2.0 and its open source. The other thing is that the PHP 7 alpha version is officially released. These two major events are historical events that can be recorded in the corresponding programming languages.
Let’s not talk about Swift 2.0 for now. The focus of this article is to take everyone to see PHP 7, which has been polished by Brother Niao and other great masters for 2 years, to see if it is really as domineering as mentioned before. As well as testing the compatibility of existing software and extensions.
The installation of PHP7 is really backward compatible. Download, unzip, use the previous configuration commands, and press Enter all the way without any sense of disobedience. In order not to affect the operation of the existing environment, all directories have been specially opened.
The configuration parameters are as follows:
--prefix=/usr/local/php7 --with-config-file-path=/usr/local/php7/etc --enable-fpm --with-fpm-user=www --with-fpm-group=www --with-mysqli --with-pdo-mysql --with-iconv-dir --with-freetype-dir --with-jpeg-dir --with-png-dir --with-zlib --with-libxml-dir=/usr --enable-xml --disable-rpath --enable-bcmath --enable-shmop --enable-sysvsem --enable-inline-optimization --with-curl --enable-mbregex --enable-mbstring --with-mcrypt --enable-ftp --with-gd --enable-gd-native-ttf --with-openssl --with-mhash --enable-pcntl --enable-sockets --with-xmlrpc --enable-zip --enable-soap --without-pear --with-gettext --disable-fileinfo --enable-maintainer-zts
After installation, make a soft link:
ln -s /usr/local/php7/bin/php /usr/bin/php7 ln -s /usr/local/php7/bin/php-config /usr/bin/php7-config ln -s /usr/local/php7/bin/phpize /usr/bin/php7ize ln -s /usr/local/php7/sbin/php-fpm /usr/sbin/php7-fpm
php7 -v We saw the familiar prompt:
[root@localhost test]# php7 -v PHP 7.0.0alpha1 (cli) (built: Jun 13 2015 11:33:39) Copyright (c) 1997-2015 The PHP Group Zend Engine v3.0.0-dev, Copyright (c) 1998-2015 Zend Technologies
The first thing to do is the performance evaluation, evaluation model, Capital Online Cloud Host, 4 Core CPU Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2680 0 @ 2.70GHz, memory 4G, operating system Centos 6.5.
I randomly wrote three pieces of programs:
The first piece generates an array of 600,000 elements, and determines whether the key exists by searching for the key.
First up is PHP version 5.3.17.
[root@localhost test]# time php search_by_key.php real 0m0.389s user 0m0.337s sys 0m0.051s [root@localhost test]# time php search_by_key.php real 0m0.378s user 0m0.308s sys 0m0.062s [root@localhost test]# time php search_by_key.php real 0m0.378s user 0m0.317s sys 0m0.061s
The second is the PHP7 version.
[root@localhost test]# time php7 search_by_key.php real 0m0.139s user 0m0.055s sys 0m0.048s [root@localhost test]# time php7 search_by_key.php real 0m0.089s user 0m0.058s sys 0m0.030s [root@localhost test]# time php7 search_by_key.php real 0m0.097s user 0m0.065s sys 0m0.022s
As soon as it was launched, it lived up to its reputation. The response time was reduced to 1/4 of the original when running under PHP7. Really awesome!
Then I have to try two more. The second paragraph is still the same method as above, but because it is slower, it becomes an array of 60,000 elements to find the value.
The code is as follows:
The waiting time always feels very long. Three tests took more than 75 seconds. Next, PHP 7 comes on the scene.
[root@localhost test]# time php7 search_by_val.php real 0m3.439s user 0m3.410ssys 0m0.008s [root@localhost test]# time php7 search_by_val.php real 0m3.426suser 0m3.409s sys 0m0.007s [root@localhost test]# time php7 search_by_val.php real 0m3.616suser 0m3.400s sys 0m0.018s
Damn it, is there any! The speed has been increased by nearly 7 times.
The author's excitement is beyond words, and he has created a relatively efficient prime number algorithm. Calculate the number of prime numbers within 2,000,000.
This time we will start with PHP7.
[root@localhost test]# time php7 prime_v3.php 2000000 prime number count under 2000000 is :148933 real 0m1.211s user 0m1.191s sys 0m0.015s [root@localhost test]# time php7 prime_v3.php 2000000 prime number count under 2000000 is :148933 real 0m1.221s user 0m1.207s sys 0m0.010s [root@localhost test]# time php7 prime_v3.php 2000000 prime number count under 2000000 is :148933 real 0m1.220s user 0m1.201s sys 0m0.015s
The speed is stable at 1.2 S
As for PHP 5.3, the gap this time is smaller than last time, but the speed of PHP7 is also between 3 and 4 times that of it.
[root@localhost test]# time php prime_v3.php 2000000 prime number count under 2000000 is :148933 real 0m4.425s user 0m4.380s sys 0m0.023s [root@localhost test]# time php prime_v3.php 2000000 prime number count under 2000000 is :148933 real 0m4.457s user 0m4.414s sys 0m0.032s [root@localhost test]# time php prime_v3.php 2000000 prime number count under 2000000 is :148933 real 0m4.464s user 0m4.399s sys 0m0.046s
At this point, we can basically explain the problem. These codes do not use complex function libraries, nor do they require a lot of network and IO, but their performance has been optimized by at least 3 times. This is really a historic progress. In our past performance evaluations, language-level performance was often ignored. Why do we say this? For example, in XHProf, there is a special option, XHPROF_FLAGS_NO_BUILTINS, which is used to not analyze built-in functions or internal functions. Such as array, date, etc. functions. Because everyone often misses the room for improvement in this area, and of course, ordinary people cannot improve in this area, so HHVM was created and inspired today's PHP 7.
If you want to get the algorithm for finding prime numbers, please follow the public account of Youcai.com and enter the keyword "prime number" to get it.
After a round of testing, I aroused my interest in learning more about PHP 7. I wanted to see how extensions and some common frameworks are supported, so I made the following four tests.
First of all, XHProf. As an architect who focuses on performance optimization, XHProf is really one of the tools that can locate program performance problems in minutes. PHP 7 is coming, and XHProf cannot be lost. Looking at the current version, it is still in 2013. Yes, I had to download a copy from github, and the result was that phpize was still fine,

configure was fine, and

make was a tragedy. It seems that the underlying data structure has changed. I look forward to Brother Bird’s upgrade.

Since XHProf cannot be used, can XHProf OneAPM in the cloud be used? Recently, OneAPM has been used more and more. There is no need to bury the code yourself or too much configuration. The commercial version is different. The installation is also a tragedy. You have to report it to their boss. If you can't solve it, hire Brother Niao as a PHP technical consultant. I guarantee that you can get it done in minutes.

Regarding extensions, I don’t have the confidence to continue testing. Here are two commonly used things. One is WordPress. Although the website has been harmonized, everyone on earth knows it. The other one is ThinkPHP, which is the most widely used PHP development framework in China. It is definitely the number one, not one of them. The author is also a fan of TP.
Should we praise these two software for doing well? Should I praise PHP 7 for its good compatibility? I don’t know. Anyway, I saw that it was initially normal.

Wordpress backend runs normally when PHP 7 is used as FastCGI backend.

ThinkPHP latest version 3.2.3 runs normally under PHP 7.
Okay, after spending a weekend afternoon playing around with PHP 7, I became a fan of PHP7 and saw a brighter future for PHP. I, PHP, will continue to sweep the Chinese Internet technology industry, unrivaled, and PHP technicians will be more For shortage. I also look forward to more PHP technicians not only learning a language and grammar, but standing at a higher level, doing white-box operation and maintenance, focusing on performance optimization, becoming full-stack engineers, earning high salaries, and marrying white people. Rich and beautiful, realize your ideal in life.

Reference source:
PHP 7 new content introduction

The above is an introduction to the new content of PHP 7, including aspects of the content. I hope it will be helpful to friends who are interested in PHP tutorials.

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