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linux - How to compile and install official php7 on ubuntu?

2016-08-04 09:19:20737browse

After all, when learning PHP, you still need to learn the bottom layer, but I have forgotten all about C for a long time. Please help me how to compile the official PHP7, http://php.net/downloads.php#...

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After all, when learning PHP, you still need to learn the bottom layer, but I have forgotten all about C for a long time. Please help me how to compile the official PHP7, http://php.net/downloads.php#...

I'm bored, I just compiled it, I'll write about the process.

<code>wget http://cn2.php.net/get/php-7.0.9.tar.bz2/from/this/mirror

tar xvf mirror

cd php-7.0.9/

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install libkrb5-dev \
libc-client2007e                 \
libc-client2007e-dev             \
libcurl4-openssl-dev             \
libbz2-dev                       \
libjpeg-dev                      \
libmcrypt-dev                    \
libxslt1-dev                     \
libxslt1.1                       \
libpq-dev                        \
libpng12-dev                     \
libfreetype6-dev                 \
build-essential                  \
git                              \

If there is an error about missing something in ./configure below, just add lib-dev(el) to the above command

<code>./configure \
--prefix=/opt/php-7.0.9                      \
--with-config-file-path=/opt/php-7.0.9/etc   \
--with-zlib-dir                              \
--with-freetype-dir                          \
--enable-mbstring                            \
--with-libxml-dir=/usr                       \
--enable-soap                                \
--enable-calendar                            \
--with-curl                                  \
--with-mcrypt                                \
--with-zlib                                  \
--with-gd                                    \
--disable-rpath                              \
--enable-inline-optimization                 \
--with-bz2                                   \
--with-zlib                                  \
--enable-sockets                             \
--enable-sysvsem                             \
--enable-sysvshm                             \
--enable-pcntl                               \
--enable-mbregex                             \
--enable-exif                                \
--enable-bcmath                              \
--with-mhash                                 \
--enable-zip                                 \
--with-pcre-regex                            \
--with-pdo-mysql                             \
--with-mysqli                                \
--with-mysql-sock=/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock \
--with-jpeg-dir=/usr                         \
--with-png-dir=/usr                          \
--enable-gd-native-ttf                       \
--with-openssl                               \
--with-fpm-user=www-data                     \
--with-fpm-group=www-data                    \
--enable-ftp                                 \
--with-imap                                  \
--with-imap-ssl                              \
--with-kerberos                              \
--with-gettext                               \
--with-xmlrpc                                \
--with-xsl                                   \
--enable-opcache                             \

Then we start compiling. Note that the memory of the compilation machine must be large. The initial 1G of my virtual machine was not enough, so I adjusted it to 4G

<code>make  #或者根据你当前正在编译机器cpu核数调参数加速编译,比如我虚拟机是2核 make -j2 就可以同时跑2个job加速编译,编译了差不多15分钟</code>

Then install

<code>sudo make install</code>

Install php7 into the directory specified by the prefix above, which is /opt/php-7.0.9/

Run cli to see the version number and information:

<code>/opt/php-7.0.9/bin/php -v
/opt/php-7.0.9/bin/php -i</code>

Before running the php-fpm service, you need to put the relevant configuration files in place:

<code>sudo mv /opt/php-7.0.9/etc/php-fpm.conf.default /opt/php-7.0.9/etc/php-fpm.conf
sudo mv /opt/php-7.0.9/etc/php-fpm.d/www.conf.default /opt/php-7.0.9/etc/php-fpm.d/www.conf
sudo cp ./php.ini-production /opt/php-7.0.9/etc/php.ini</code>

Modify the port that fpm listens on:

<code>sudo vi /opt/php-7.0.9/etc/php-fpm.d/www.conf
>;listen =
>listen = /var/run/php7.0.9-fpm.sock</code>

Then start the service sudo /opt/php-7.0.9/sbin/php-fpm

Finally used in nginx configuration

<code>fastcgi_pass   unix:/var/run/php7.0.9-fpm.sock;</code>

That’s it.

If you use 16.04 LTS, come with the PHP7 software package

If you search on the Internet for Linux compilation of PHP, there will be many results. ./configure --help will get a parameter list.
I compiled the PHP beta version several times when it came out. Some extensions, such as curl, gd, iconv, json, mbstring, mysqlnd, and pdo, are must-install, otherwise many programs will have problems.

It’s better to compile it yourself. I suffer a lot from apt-get. The software package is so old that it hasn’t been repaired for a long time when bugs were reported

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