Very beautiful paging classFirst of all: two files are needed page.class.php page.css<br>
1. Just modify a few lines of code in TP’s original page.class.php file. I will comment on the modified parts, <br> This is 24 paging styles<br>
Used in templates, introduce page.css<br>
<load href="!-PUBLIC-!/Css/page.css"><br>
<div class="green-black">
If: If you want to change the paging style, open page.css and refer to the corresponding modifications <br>
<div class="xxx"></div> That’s it <br>
If you have any questions, you can join the TP5 technical coaching group: 571797355See TP large-scale project cases for details<br>
Rendering <br>
<img src="/static/imghwm/default1.png" data-src="/Uploads/editor/2016-07-29/579a2ccaafed8.png" class="lazy" alt="thinkphp very beautiful paging style" ><br>
<img src="/static/imghwm/default1.png" data-src="/Uploads/editor/2016-07-29/579a2cca77a29.png" class="lazy" alt="thinkphp very beautiful paging style" > <p class="attach">
<img src="/static/imghwm/default1.png" data-src="/Public/Images/extension/common.gif" class="lazy" style="max-width:90%" style="max-width:90%" border="0" alt="thinkphp very beautiful paging style" align="absmiddle">
thinkphp pagination.rar
<span class="date">( 5.45 KB Download: 67 times )</span>
</p> <p class="da_word"><think id="ad_196de4c105c1d8be"></think></p>