This article shares three different examples of webupload uploading large files: file upload, image upload and html5 drag and drop image upload. This can be applied to mobile phone uploads. //Upload pictures<br>
// Initialize Web Uploader<br>
var uploader = WebUploader.create({<br>
// Whether to automatically upload the file after selecting it. <br>
auto: true,<br>
// swf file path<br>
swf: 'js/Uploader.swf',<br>
// File receiving server. <br>
Server: 'upload.php',<br>
//Button to select file. Optional. <br>
// Internally created based on the current operation, it may be an input element or flash.<br>
Pick: '#imgPicker',<br>
// Only allow selection of image files. <br>
Accept: {<br>
title: 'Images',<br>
extensions: 'gif,jpg,jpeg,bmp,png',<br>
mimeTypes: 'image/*'<br>
//When a file is added<br>
uploader.on( 'fileQueued', function( file ) {<br>
var $list = $("#fileList"),<br>
$li = $(<br>
'<div id="' + + '" class="file-item thumbnail">' +<br>
‘<img src="/static/imghwm/default1.png" data-src="/Public/Images/extension/common.gif" class="lazy" alt="webupload teaches you how to upload large files" >’ +<br>
‘<div class="info">' + + '</div>' +<br>
$img = $li.find('img');<br>
// $list is the container jQuery instance<br>
$list.append( $li );<br>
//Create thumbnail <br>
// If it is a non-image file, you do not need to call this method. <br>
// thumbnailWidth x thumbnailHeight is 100 x 100<br>
uploader.makeThumb( file, function( error, src ) {<br>
if ( error ) {<br>
$img.replaceWith('<span>cannot preview</span>');<br>
$img.attr( 'src', src );<br>
}, 100, 100 );<br>
webupload real-time drag upload demonstration:
Powerful file upload plug-in with upload
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