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Nginx memory management

2016-07-30 13:31:321350browse

1. Source code location

Header file: http://trac.nginx.org/nginx/browser/nginx/src/core/ngx_palloc.h

Source file: http://trac.nginx.org/ nginx/browser/nginx/src/core/ngx_palloc.c

2. Data structure definition

Let’s first learn about several main data structures of nginx memory pool:

ngx_pool_data_t (memory pool data block structure)

<span> 1:</span><span>typedef</span> <span>struct</span> {<precourier new width:950px padding:0px direction:ltr margin:0em line-height:12pt background-color:rgb><span> 2:</span>     u_char               *last;        <precourier new width:950px padding:0px direction:ltr margin:0em line-height:12pt background-color:rgb><span> 3:</span>     u_char               *end;<precourier new width:950px padding:0px direction:ltr margin:0em line-height:12pt background-color:rgb><span> 4:</span>     ngx_pool_t           *next;<precourier new width:950px padding:0px direction:ltr margin:0em line-height:12pt background-color:rgb><span> 5:</span>     ngx_uint_t            failed;<precourier new width:950px padding:0px direction:ltr margin:0em line-height:12pt background-color:rgb><span> 6:</span> } ngx_pool_data_t;<ul> <li>last: It is an unsigned char type pointer, which saves the last address allocated to the current memory pool, that is, the next allocation starts here. </li> <li>end: The end position of the memory pool; </li> <li>next: There are many blocks of memory in the memory pool. These memory blocks are connected into a linked list through this pointer, and next points to the next block of memory. </li> <li>failed: The number of memory pool allocation failures. </li> </ul><blockquote><p>ngx_pool_s (memory pool header structure) </p></blockquote><divcourier new width:950px color:black padding:0px direction:ltr line-height:12pt background-color:rgb><precourier new width:950px padding:0px direction:ltr margin:0em line-height:12pt background-color:rgb><span> 1:</span><span>struct</span> ngx_pool_s {<precourier new width:950px padding:0px direction:ltr margin:0em line-height:12pt background-color:rgb><span> 2:</span>     ngx_pool_data_t       d;<precourier new width:950px padding:0px direction:ltr margin:0em line-height:12pt background-color:rgb><span> 3:</span>     size_t                max;<precourier new width:950px padding:0px direction:ltr margin:0em line-height:12pt background-color:rgb><span> 4:</span>     ngx_pool_t           *current;<precourier new width:950px padding:0px direction:ltr margin:0em line-height:12pt background-color:rgb><span> 5:</span>     ngx_chain_t          *chain;<precourier new width:950px padding:0px direction:ltr margin:0em line-height:12pt background-color:rgb><span> 6:</span>     ngx_pool_large_t     *large;<precourier new width:950px padding:0px direction:ltr margin:0em line-height:12pt background-color:rgb><span> 7:</span>     ngx_pool_cleanup_t   *cleanup;<precourier new width:950px padding:0px direction:ltr margin:0em line-height:12pt background-color:rgb><span> 8:</span>     ngx_log_t            *log;<precourier new width:950px padding:0px direction:ltr margin:0em line-height:12pt background-color:rgb><span> 9:</span> };<ul> <li>d: the data block of the memory pool; </li> <li>max: the maximum value of the memory pool data block; </li> <li>current: points to the current memory pool; </li> <li> chain: This pointer is attached to an ngx_chain_t structure; </li> <li>large: a large memory linked list, which is used when the allocated space exceeds max; </li> <li>cleanup: callback to release the memory pool </li> <li>log: log information </li> </ul><p> is composed of ngx_pool_data_t and ngx_pool_t The composed nginx memory pool structure is shown in the figure below: </p><p><img src="/static/imghwm/default1.png" data-src="http://image.codes51.com/Article/image/20150814/20150814194335_5243.jpg" class="lazy" style="max-width:90%" style="max-width:90%" alt="Nginx memory management" ></p><p> 3. Introduction to related functions </p><blockquote> <p> Before analyzing the memory pool method, we need to introduce several main memory-related functions: </p> <p>ngx_alloc: (just对malloc进行了简单的封装)</p> <p><divcourier new width:870px color:black padding:0px direction:ltr line-height:12pt background-color:rgb><precourier new width:870px padding:0px direction:ltr margin:0em line-height:12pt background-color:rgb><span> 1:</span><span>void</span> *<precourier new width:870px padding:0px direction:ltr margin:0em line-height:12pt background-color:rgb><span> 2:</span> ngx_alloc(size_t size, ngx_log_t *log)<precourier new width:870px padding:0px direction:ltr margin:0em line-height:12pt background-color:rgb><span> 3:</span> {<precourier new width:870px padding:0px direction:ltr margin:0em line-height:12pt background-color:rgb><span> 4:</span>     <span>void</span>  *p;<precourier new width:870px padding:0px direction:ltr margin:0em line-height:12pt background-color:rgb><span> 5:</span>  <precourier new width:870px padding:0px direction:ltr margin:0em line-height:12pt background-color:rgb><span> 6:</span>     p = malloc(size);<precourier new width:870px padding:0px direction:ltr margin:0em line-height:12pt background-color:rgb><span> 7:</span>     <span>if</span> (p == NULL) {<precourier new width:870px padding:0px direction:ltr margin:0em line-height:12pt background-color:rgb><span> 8:</span>         ngx_log_error(NGX_LOG_EMERG, log, ngx_errno,<precourier new width:870px padding:0px direction:ltr margin:0em line-height:12pt background-color:rgb><span> 9:</span>                       <span>"malloc(%uz) failed"</span>, size);<precourier new width:870px padding:0px direction:ltr margin:0em line-height:12pt background-color:rgb><span> 10:</span>     }<precourier new width:870px padding:0px direction:ltr margin:0em line-height:12pt background-color:rgb><span> 11:</span>  <precourier new width:870px padding:0px direction:ltr margin:0em line-height:12pt background-color:rgb><span> 12:</span>     ngx_log_debug2(NGX_LOG_DEBUG_ALLOC, log, 0, <span>"malloc: %p:%uz"</span>, p, size);<precourier new width:870px padding:0px direction:ltr margin:0em line-height:12pt background-color:rgb><span> 13:</span>  <precourier new width:870px padding:0px direction:ltr margin:0em line-height:12pt background-color:rgb><span> 14:</span>     <span>return</span> p;<precourier new width:870px padding:0px direction:ltr margin:0em line-height:12pt background-color:rgb><span> 15:</span> }</precourier></precourier></precourier></precourier></precourier></precourier></precourier></precourier></precourier></precourier></precourier></precourier></precourier></precourier></precourier></divcourier></p> </blockquote><blockquote><p>ngx_calloc:(调用malloc并初始化为0)</p></blockquote><blockquote><p><divcourier new width:870px color:black padding:0px direction:ltr line-height:12pt background-color:rgb><precourier new width:870px padding:0px direction:ltr margin:0em line-height:12pt background-color:rgb><span> 1:</span><span>void</span> *<precourier new width:870px padding:0px direction:ltr margin:0em line-height:12pt background-color:rgb><span> 2:</span> ngx_calloc(size_t size, ngx_log_t *log)<precourier new width:870px padding:0px direction:ltr margin:0em line-height:12pt background-color:rgb><span> 3:</span> {<precourier new width:870px padding:0px direction:ltr margin:0em line-height:12pt background-color:rgb><span> 4:</span>     <span>void</span>  *p;<precourier new width:870px padding:0px direction:ltr margin:0em line-height:12pt background-color:rgb><span> 5:</span>  <precourier new width:870px padding:0px direction:ltr margin:0em line-height:12pt background-color:rgb><span> 6:</span>     p = ngx_alloc(size, log);<precourier new width:870px padding:0px direction:ltr margin:0em line-height:12pt background-color:rgb><span> 7:</span>  <precourier new width:870px padding:0px direction:ltr margin:0em line-height:12pt background-color:rgb><span> 8:</span>     <span>if</span> (p) {<precourier new width:870px padding:0px direction:ltr margin:0em line-height:12pt background-color:rgb><span> 9:</span>         ngx_memzero(p, size);<precourier new width:870px padding:0px direction:ltr margin:0em line-height:12pt background-color:rgb><span> 10:</span>     }<precourier new width:870px padding:0px direction:ltr margin:0em line-height:12pt background-color:rgb><span> 11:</span>  <precourier new width:870px padding:0px direction:ltr margin:0em line-height:12pt background-color:rgb><span> 12:</span>     <span>return</span> p;<precourier new width:870px padding:0px direction:ltr margin:0em line-height:12pt background-color:rgb><span> 13:</span> }</precourier></precourier></precourier></precourier></precourier></precourier></precourier></precourier></precourier></precourier></precourier></precourier></precourier></divcourier></p></blockquote><blockquote> <p>ngx_memzero:</p> <p><divcourier new width:870px color:black padding:0px direction:ltr line-height:12pt background-color:rgb><precourier new width:870px padding:0px direction:ltr margin:0em line-height:12pt background-color:rgb><span> 1:</span> #define ngx_memzero(buf, n)       (<span>void</span>) memset(buf, 0, n)</precourier></divcourier></p> </blockquote><blockquote> <p>ngx_free :</p> <p><divcourier new width:870px color:black padding:0px direction:ltr line-height:12pt background-color:rgb><precourier new width:870px padding:0px direction:ltr margin:0em line-height:12pt background-color:rgb><span> 1:</span> #define ngx_free          free</precourier></divcourier></p> </blockquote><blockquote> <p>ngx_memalign: </p> <p><divcourier new width:870px color:black padding:0px direction:ltr line-height:12pt background-color:rgb></divcourier></p> <precourier new width:870px padding:0px direction:ltr margin:0em line-height:12pt background-color:rgb><span> 1:</span><span>void</span> *<precourier new width:870px padding:0px direction:ltr margin:0em line-height:12pt background-color:rgb><span> 2:</span> ngx_memalign(size_t alignment, size_t size, ngx_log_t *log)<precourier new width:870px padding:0px direction:ltr margin:0em line-height:12pt background-color:rgb><span> 3:</span> {<precourier new width:870px padding:0px direction:ltr margin:0em line-height:12pt background-color:rgb><span> 4:</span>     <span>void</span>  *p;<precourier new width:870px padding:0px direction:ltr margin:0em line-height:12pt background-color:rgb><span> 5:</span>     <span>int</span>    err;<precourier new width:870px padding:0px direction:ltr margin:0em line-height:12pt background-color:rgb><span> 6:</span>  <precourier new width:870px padding:0px direction:ltr margin:0em line-height:12pt background-color:rgb><span> 7:</span>     err = posix_memalign(&p, alignment, size);<precourier new width:870px padding:0px direction:ltr margin:0em line-height:12pt background-color:rgb><span> 8:</span>  <precourier new width:870px padding:0px direction:ltr margin:0em line-height:12pt background-color:rgb><span> 9:</span>     <span>if</span> (err) {<precourier new width:870px padding:0px direction:ltr margin:0em line-height:12pt background-color:rgb><span> 10:</span>         ngx_log_error(NGX_LOG_EMERG, log, err,<precourier new width:870px padding:0px direction:ltr margin:0em line-height:12pt background-color:rgb><span> 11:</span>                       <span>"posix_memalign(%uz, %uz) failed"</span>, alignment, size);<precourier new width:870px padding:0px direction:ltr margin:0em line-height:12pt background-color:rgb><span> 12:</span>         p = NULL;<precourier new width:870px padding:0px direction:ltr margin:0em line-height:12pt background-color:rgb><span> 13:</span>     }<precourier new width:870px padding:0px direction:ltr margin:0em line-height:12pt background-color:rgb><span> 14:</span>  <precourier new width:870px padding:0px direction:ltr margin:0em line-height:12pt background-color:rgb><span> 15:</span>     ngx_log_debug3(NGX_LOG_DEBUG_ALLOC, log, 0,<precourier new width:870px padding:0px direction:ltr margin:0em line-height:12pt background-color:rgb><span> 16:</span>                    <span>"posix_memalign: %p:%uz @%uz"</span>, p, size, alignment);rrree</precourier></precourier></precourier></precourier></precourier></precourier></precourier></precourier></precourier></precourier></precourier></precourier></precourier></precourier></precourier></precourier> </blockquote> <limicrosoft yahei font-size:15px line-height:35px><blockquote> <em>The alignment here is mainly for some unix platforms that require dynamic alignment. It encapsulates posix_memalign() provided by POSIX 1003.1d. In most cases, In this case, the compiler and C library transparently handle the alignment problem for you. nginx is controlled through the macro NGX_HAVE_POSIX_MEMALIGN; calling </em>posix_memalign( )<em> successfully will return </em>size<em>bytes of dynamic memory, and the address of this memory is a multiple of </em>alignment<em>. The parameter </em>alignment<em> must be a power of 2, or a multiple of the size of the </em>void<em> pointer. The address of the returned memory block is placed in </em>memptr<em>, and the function return value is </em>0</blockquote>.<limicrosoft yahei font-size:15px line-height:35px><blockquote></blockquote> <p></p>4. Basic operations of the memory pool🎜<ul><li>The main external methods of the memory pool are: </li></ul> <limicrosoft yahei font-size:15px line-height:35px><table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" border="1"><tbody> <tr> <td valign="top" width="118">Create a memory pool</td> <td valign="top" width="768">ngx_pool_t * ngx_create_pool(size_t size, ngx_log_t *log);</td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" width="118">Destroy the memory pool</td> <td valign="top" width="768">vo id ngx_destroy_pool(ngx_pool_t *pool ; ( Not aligned)</td> </tr>void * ngx_pnalloc(ngx_pool_t *pool, size_t size);<tr> <td valign="top" width="118"></td> <td valign="top" width="768">Memory clearing</td> </tr>ngx_int_t ngx_pfree(ngx_pool_t *pool, void *p);<tr> <td valign="top" width="118"></td> <td valign="top" width="768"><limicrosoft yahei font-size:15px line-height:35px><limicrosoft yahei font-size:15px line-height:35px><p>4.1 创建内存池ngx_create_pool</p> <blockquote><p>ngx_create_pool用于创建一个内存池,我们创建时,传入我们的需要的初始大小:</p></blockquote> <limicrosoft yahei font-size:15px line-height:35px><blockquote><p><divcourier new width:870px color:black padding:0px direction:ltr line-height:12pt background-color:rgb><precourier new width:870px padding:0px direction:ltr margin:0em line-height:12pt background-color:rgb><span> 1:</span> ngx_pool_t *<precourier new width:870px padding:0px direction:ltr margin:0em line-height:12pt background-color:rgb><span> 2:</span> ngx_create_pool(size_t size, ngx_log_t *log)<precourier new width:870px padding:0px direction:ltr margin:0em line-height:12pt background-color:rgb><span> 3:</span> {<precourier new width:870px padding:0px direction:ltr margin:0em line-height:12pt background-color:rgb><span> 4:</span>     ngx_pool_t  *p;<precourier new width:870px padding:0px direction:ltr margin:0em line-height:12pt background-color:rgb><span> 5:</span>     <precourier new width:870px padding:0px direction:ltr margin:0em line-height:12pt background-color:rgb><span> 6:</span>     <span>//以16(NGX_POOL_ALIGNMENT)字节对齐分配size内存</span><precourier new width:870px padding:0px direction:ltr margin:0em line-height:12pt background-color:rgb><span> 7:</span>     p = ngx_memalign(NGX_POOL_ALIGNMENT, size, log);<precourier new width:870px padding:0px direction:ltr margin:0em line-height:12pt background-color:rgb><span> 8:</span>     <span>if</span> (p == NULL) {<precourier new width:870px padding:0px direction:ltr margin:0em line-height:12pt background-color:rgb><span> 9:</span>         <span>return</span> NULL;<precourier new width:870px padding:0px direction:ltr margin:0em line-height:12pt background-color:rgb><span> 10:</span>     }<precourier new width:870px padding:0px direction:ltr margin:0em line-height:12pt background-color:rgb><span> 11:</span>  <precourier new width:870px padding:0px direction:ltr margin:0em line-height:12pt background-color:rgb><span> 12:</span>     <span>//初始状态:last指向ngx_pool_t结构体之后数据取起始位置</span><precourier new width:870px padding:0px direction:ltr margin:0em line-height:12pt background-color:rgb><span> 13:</span>     p->d.last = (u_char *) p + <span>sizeof</span>(ngx_pool_t);<precourier new width:870px padding:0px direction:ltr margin:0em line-height:12pt background-color:rgb><span> 14:</span>     <span>//end指向分配的整个size大小的内存的末尾</span><precourier new width:870px padding:0px direction:ltr margin:0em line-height:12pt background-color:rgb><span> 15:</span>     p->d.end = (u_char *) p + size;<precourier new width:870px padding:0px direction:ltr margin:0em line-height:12pt background-color:rgb><span> 16:</span>     <precourier new width:870px padding:0px direction:ltr margin:0em line-height:12pt background-color:rgb><span> 17:</span>     p->d.next = NULL;<precourier new width:870px padding:0px direction:ltr margin:0em line-height:12pt background-color:rgb><span> 18:</span>     p->d.failed = 0;<precourier new width:870px padding:0px direction:ltr margin:0em line-height:12pt background-color:rgb><span> 19:</span>  <precourier new width:870px padding:0px direction:ltr margin:0em line-height:12pt background-color:rgb><span> 20:</span>     size = size - <span>sizeof</span>(ngx_pool_t);<precourier new width:870px padding:0px direction:ltr margin:0em line-height:12pt background-color:rgb><span> 21:</span>     <span>//#define NGX_MAX_ALLOC_FROM_POOL  (ngx_pagesize - 1),内存池最大不超过4095,x86中页的大小为4K</span><precourier new width:870px padding:0px direction:ltr margin:0em line-height:12pt background-color:rgb><span> 22:</span>     p->max = (size < NGX_MAX_ALLOC_FROM_POOL) ? size : NGX_MAX_ALLOC_FROM_POOL;<span> 23:</span> 24: p->current = p; 25:     p->chain = NULL; 26:     p->large = NULL; 27:     p->cleanup = NULL; 28:     p->log = log; 29:  30:     return p; 31: }




4.2 内存申请 ngx_palloc

1:void * 2: ngx_palloc(ngx_pool_t *pool, size_t size) 3: { 4:     u_char      *m; 5:     ngx_pool_t  *p; 6:  7:     //如果申请的内存大小小于内存池的max值 8:     if (size <= pool->max) { 9:  10:         p = pool->current; 11:  12:         do { 13:             //对内存地址进行对齐处理 14:             m = ngx_align_ptr(p->d.last, NGX_ALIGNMENT); 15:  16:             //如果当前内存块够分配内存,则直接分配 17:             if ((size_t) (p->d.end - m) >= size) 18:             { 19:                 p->d.last = m + size; 20:  21:                 return m; 22:             } 23:             24:             //如果当前内存块有效容量不够分配,则移动到下一个内存块进行分配 25:             p = p->d.next; 26:  27:         } while (p); 28:  29:         //当前所有内存块都没有空闲了,开辟一块新的内存,如下2详细解释 30:         return ngx_palloc_block(pool, size); 31:     } 32:  33:     //分配大块内存 34:     return ngx_palloc_large(pool, size); 35: }



1: #define ngx_align_ptr(p, a)                                                   \ 2:      (u_char *) (((uintptr_t) (p) + ((uintptr_t) a - 1)) & ~((uintptr_t) a - 1))

2、开辟一个新的内存块 ngx_palloc_block(ngx_pool_t *pool, size_t size)


1:static void * 2: ngx_palloc_block(ngx_pool_t *pool, size_t size) 3: { 4:     u_char      *m; 5:     size_t       psize; 6:     ngx_pool_t  *p, *new; 7:  8:     //计算内存池第一个内存块的大小 9:     psize = (size_t) (pool->d.end - (u_char *) pool); 10:  11:     //分配和第一个内存块同样大小的内存块 12:     m = ngx_memalign(NGX_POOL_ALIGNMENT, psize, pool->log); 13:     if (m == NULL) { 14:         return NULL; 15:     } 16:  17:     new = (ngx_pool_t *) m; 18:  19:     //设置新内存块的end 20:     new->d.end = m + psize; 21:     new->d.next = NULL; 22:     new->d.failed = 0; 23:  24:     //将指针m移动到d后面的一个位置,作为起始位置 25:     m += sizeof(ngx_pool_data_t); 26:     //对m指针按4字节对齐处理 27:     m = ngx_align_ptr(m, NGX_ALIGNMENT); 28:     //设置新内存块的last,即申请使用size大小的内存 29:     new->d.last = m + size; 30:  31:     //这里的循环用来找最后一个链表节点,这里failed用来控制循环的长度,如果分配失败次数达到5次,就忽略,不需要每次都从头找起 32:     for (p = pool->current; p->d.next; p = p->d.next) { 33:         if (p->d.failed++ > 4) { 34:             pool->current = p->d.next; 35:         } 36:     } 37:  38:     p->d.next = new; 39:  40:     return m; 41: }

3、分配大块内存 ngx_palloc_large(ngx_pool_t *pool, size_t size)


1:static void * 2: ngx_palloc_large(ngx_pool_t *pool, size_t size) 3: { 4:     void              *p; 5:     ngx_uint_t         n; 6:     ngx_pool_large_t  *large; 7:  8:     // 直接在系统堆中分配一块大小为size的空间 9:     p = ngx_alloc(size, pool->log); 10:     if (p == NULL) { 11:         return NULL; 12:     } 13:  14:     n = 0; 15:  16:     // 查找到一个空的large区,如果有,则将刚才分配的空间交由它管理  17:     for (large = pool->large; large; large = large->next) { 18:         if (large->alloc == NULL) { 19:             large->alloc = p; 20:             return p; 21:         } 22:         //为了提高效率, 如果在三次内没有找到空的large结构体,则创建一个 23:         if (n++ > 3) { 24:             break; 25:         } 26:     } 27:  28:  29:     large = ngx_palloc(pool, sizeof(ngx_pool_large_t)); 30:     if (large == NULL) { 31:         ngx_free(p); 32:         return NULL; 33:     } 34:     35:     //将large链接到内存池 36:     large->alloc = p; 37:     large->next = pool->large; 38:     pool->large = large; 39:  40:     return p; 41: }


Nginx memory management

  • 4.3 内存池重置 ngx_reset_pool

1:void 2: ngx_reset_pool(ngx_pool_t *pool) 3: { 4:     ngx_pool_t        *p; 5:     ngx_pool_large_t  *l; 6:     7:     //释放大块内存 8:     for (l = pool->large; l; l = l->next) { 9:         if (l->alloc) { 10:             ngx_free(l->alloc); 11:         } 12:     } 13:     14:     // 重置所有小块内存区 15:     for (p = pool; p; p = p->d.next) { 16:         p->d.last = (u_char *) p + sizeof(ngx_pool_t); 17:         p->d.failed = 0; 18:     } 19:  20:     pool->current = pool; 21:     pool->chain = NULL; 22:     pool->large = NULL; 23: }

4.4 内存池释放 ngx_pfree

1: ngx_int_t 2: ngx_pfree(ngx_pool_t *pool, void *p) 3: { 4:     ngx_pool_large_t  *l; 5:  6:     //只检查是否是大内存块,如果是大内存块则释放 7:     for (l = pool->large; l; l = l->next) { 8:         if (p == l->alloc) { 9:             ngx_log_debug1(NGX_LOG_DEBUG_ALLOC, pool->log, 0, 10:                            "free: %p", l->alloc); 11:             ngx_free(l->alloc); 12:             l->alloc = NULL; 13:  14:             return NGX_OK; 15:         } 16:     } 17: 

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