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Design Pattern: Adapter Pattern

2016-07-30 13:29:25778browse

Adapters are easy to understand. Most people have mobile phone adapters at home, which are used to charge mobile phones. This is an adapter. If there is only a USB connector, the mobile phone cannot be plugged into a standard socket. In fact, it must Use an adapter that connects to the USB plug on one end and the receptacle on the other. Of course, you can get out your electrical tools and modify the USB connector, or reinstall the receptacle, but that would be a lot of extra work, and you might change the connector or receptacle. Broken. So, the most preferable way is to find an adapter. The same is true for software development.

Class Adapter Pattern (Using inheritance)

Class Adapter Pattern is very simple, but compared with the Object Adapter Pattern, the Class Adapter Pattern The flexibility of the pattern is less. The reason why the class adapter is simple is that the adapter (Adapter) inherits the functions from the adaptee (Adaptee), so there is less code to be written in the adaptation pattern.

Since the class adapter pattern contains two Inheritance, but PHP does not support double inheritance, but fortunately, PHP can use interfaces to simulate double inheritance. The following is a correct structure, which not only inherits a class, but also inherits an interface

class ChildClass extends ParentClass implements ISomeAdapter

When implementing the class adapter pattern, participants must include a PHP interface

The following is a currency exchange example to demonstrate:

Suppose there is an enterprise website that sells software services and software products at the same time. Currently, all transactions are It is done in the United States, so all calculations can be done in US dollars. Now the developer hopes to have a converter that can handle the conversion of US dollars and euros without changing the original class of transaction amounts in US dollars. By adding an adapter, the program is now It can be calculated in dollars or euros.


class DollarCalc
    private $dollar;
    private $product;
    private $service;
    public $rate = 1;
    public function requestCalc($productNow, $serviceNow)
        $this->product = $productNow;
        $this->service = $serviceNow;
        $this->dollar = $this->product + $this->service;
        return $this->requestTotal();
    public function requestTotal()
        $this->dollar *= $this->rate;
        return $this->dollar;

Looking at this class, you can see that there is an attribute $rate, and the requestTotal() method uses $rate to calculate the amount of a transaction. In this version , this value is set to 1. In fact, the total amount does not need to be adjusted to the exchange rate, but if you want to provide discounts to customers or add surcharges for additional services or products, the $rate variable can be convenient. This class is not suitable for Part of the model, but this is a starting point.

The needs have changed

Now the customer's company is going to develop in Europe, so it needs to develop an application that can complete the same calculation in euros. You want this euro calculation to be like DollarCalc Same, all you have to do is change the variable name.


class EuroCalc
    private $euro;
    private $product;
    private $service;
    public $rate = 1;
    public function requestCalc($productNow, $serviceNow)
        $this->product = $productNow;
        $this->service = $serviceNow;
        $this->euro = $this->product + $this->service;
        return $this->requestTotal();
    public function requestTotal()
        $this->euro *= $this->rate;
        return $this->euro;

Next, plug the rest of the application into the EuroCalc class. However, since all the customer data is in USD. Change In other words, there is no way to "insert" this Eurocalculation into your system without redeveloping the entire program. But you don't want to do that. In order to include EuroCalc, you need an adapter: just like finding an adapter to fit a European socket, you can Create an adapter that enables your system to use the euro. Fortunately, class adapters are designed for situations like this. First you need to create an interface. In this class diagram, the interface is called ITarget. It has only one method requester (). requester() is an abstract method, and it is up to the concrete implementation of the interface to implement this method.


interface ITarget
    public function requester();

Now developers can implement the requester() method to request euros instead of US dollars.

In the adapter design pattern using inheritance, the adapter (Adapter) participates in not only implementing the ITarget interface, but also implementing the concrete class EuroCalc. Creating a EuroAdapter does not require much work, because most of the work has been completed in the EuroCal class .What we have to do now is to implement the request() method so that it can convert the dollar value to the euro value.


class EuroAdapter extends EuroCalc implements ITarget
    public function __construct()
    public function requester()
        $this->rate = 0.8111;
        return $this->rate;

In the class adaptation pattern, a concrete class will inherit another concrete class, there are Design patterns with this structure are rare. In most design patterns, an abstract class is almost inherited, and the class implements its abstract methods and properties as needed. In other words, when it comes to inheritance, it is generally a concrete class. Inherit the abstract class.

Since it both implements an interface and extends a class, the EuroAdapter class has both the interface and the interface of the concrete class. By using the requester() method, the EuroAdapter class can set the rate value (exchange rate), thus Can use the functions of the adapted object without making any changes.

Define a Client class below to make requests from the EuroAdapter and DollarCalc classes. As you can see, the original DollarCalc can still work well, but it does not have an ITarget Interface.


class Client
    public function __construct()
        $euro = '&euro;';
        echo "区元: $euro" . $this->makeApapterRequest(new EuroAdapter()) . '<br />';
        echo "美元: $: " . $this->makeDollarRequest(new DollarCalc()) . '<br />';
    private function makeApapterRequest(ITarget $req)
        return $req->requestCalc(40,50);
    private function makeDollarRequest(DollarCalc $req)
        return $req->requestCalc(40,50);
$woker = new Client();

The running results are as follows:

Euros: €72.999
Dollars: $: 90

As you can see, both US dollars and euros can be processed, which is the convenience of the adapter mode.

This calculation is very easy Simple, if it is for more complex calculations, inheritance should provide the necessary interface and specific implementation to establish the Target interface of the class adapter

Use the combined adapter pattern

      对象适配器模式使用组合而不是继承, 不过它也会完成同样的目标. 通过比较这两个版本的适配器模式, 可以看出它们各自的优缺点. 采用类适配器模式时,适配器可以继承它需要的大多数功能, 只是通过接口稍微调. 在对象适配器模式中 适配器(Adapter)参与使用被适配者(Adaptee), 并实现Target接口. 在类适配器模式中, 适配器(Adapter)则是一个被适配者(Adaptee), 并实现Target接口.

示例: 从桌面环境转向移动环境

PHP程序员经常会遇到这样一个问题:需要适应移动环境而做出调整.不久之前,你可能只需要考虑提供一个网站来适应多种不同的桌面环境. 大多数桌面都使用一个布局, 再由设计人员让它更美观. 对于移动设备, 设计人员和开发人员不仅需要重新考虑桌面和移动环境中页面显示的设计元素, 还要考虑如何从一个环境切换到另一个环境.

首先来看桌面端的类Desktop(它将需要一个适配器). 这个类使用了一个简单但很宽松的接口:


interface IFormat
    public function formatCSS();
    public function formatGraphics();
    public function horizontalLayout();

它支持css和图片选择, 不过其中一个方法指示一种水平布局, 我们知道这种布局并不适用小的移动设备.下面给出实现这个接口的Desktop类


class Desktop implements IFormat
    public function formatCSS()
        echo "引用desktop.css<br />";
    public function formatGraphics()
        echo "引用desktop.png图片<br />";
    public function horizontalLayout()
        echo '桌面:水平布局';

问题来了, 这个布局对于小的移动设备来说太宽了. 所以我们的目标是仍采用同样的内容, 但调整为一种移动设计.




interface IMobileFormat
    public function formatCSS();
    public function formatGraphics();
    public function verticalLayout();

可以看到, IMobileFormat接口和IFormat接口是不一样的,也就是不兼容的, 一个包含了方法horizontalLayout(), 另一个包含方法verticalLaout(), 它们的差别很小, 最主要的区别是: 桌面设计可以采用水平的多栏布局, 而移动设计要使用垂直布局,而适配器就是要解决这个问题



class Mobile implements IMobileFormat
    public function formatCSS()
        echo "引用mobile.css<br />";
    public function formatGraphics()
        echo "引用mobile.png图片<br />";
    public function verticalLayout()
        echo '移动端:垂直布局';

Mobile类和Desktop类非常相似, 不过是图片和CSS引用不同



class MobileAdapter implements IFormat
    private $mobile;
    public function __construct(IMobileFormat $mobileNow)
        $this->mobile = $mobileNow;
    public function formatCSS()
    public function formatGraphics()
    public function horizontalLayout()

可以看到,MobileAdapter实例化时要提供一个Mobile对象实例.还要注意 ,类型提示中使用了IMobileFormat, 确保参数是一个Mobile对象.有意思的是, Adapter参与者通过实现horizontalLayout()方法来包含verticalLayout()方法.实际上, 所有MobileAdapter方法都包装了一个Mobile方法.碰巧的是, 适配器参与者中的一个方法并不在适配器接口中(verticalLayout());它们可能完全不同, 适配器只是把它们包装在适配器接口(IFormat)的某一方法中.



class Client
    private $mobile;
    private $mobileAdapter;
    public function __construct()
        $this->mobile = new Mobile();
        $this->mobileAdapter = new MobileAdapter($this->mobile);
$worker = new Client();

适配器模式中的Client类必须包装Adaptee(Mobile)的一个实例, 以便集成到Adapter本身.实例化Adapter时, Client使用Adatee作为参数来完成Adapter的实例化.所以客户必须首先创建一个Adapter对象(new Mobile()), 然后创建一个Adapter((new MobileAdapter($this->mobile)).

Client类的大多数请求都是通过MobileAdapter发出的. 不过这个代码的最后他使用了Mobile类的实例.


      PHP程序员要即该面对变化.不同版本的PHP会变化, 可能增加新的功能, 另外还可能取消一些功能.而且随着PHP的大大小小的变化,MySQL也在改变.例如, mysql的扩展包升级为mysqli, PHP开发人员需要相应调整, 要改为使用mysqli中的新API.这里适合采用适配器模式吗?可能不适合.适配器可能适用, 可能不适用,这取决于你的程序如何配置.当然可以重写所有连接和交互代码, 不过这可不是适配器模式的本意, 这就像是重新安装USB连接头, 想把它插进标准的墙上插座一样. 不过, 如果所有原来的mysql代码都在模块中, 你可以修改这个模块(类),换入一个有相同接口的新模块.只是要使用mysqli而不是mysql.我不认为交换等同于适配器, 不过道理是一样的, 在适配器模式中, 原来的代码没有任何改变, 有变化的只是适配器.

如果需要结合使用两个不兼容的接口, 这种情况下, 适配器模式最适用.适配器可以完成接口的"联姻".可以把适配器看作是一个婚姻顾问;通过创建一个公共接口来克服双方的差异.利用 这种设计模式, 可以促成二者的合作,而避免完全重写某一部分.


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