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Errors and Exceptions in PHP

2016-07-29 09:16:171445browse

Errors and exceptions are two completely different concepts


Error types

A total of 16

Values Constant Description Remarks
1 E_ERROR (integer) Fatal runtime error. This type of error is generally an unrecoverable situation, such as a problem caused by memory allocation. The consequence is that the script terminates and does not continue to run.
2 E_WARNING (integer) Runtime warning (non-fatal error). Only a prompt message is given, but the script does not terminate.
4 E_PARSE (integer) Compile time syntax parsing error. Parsing errors are generated only by the parser.
8 E_NOTICE (integer) Runtime notification. Indicates that the script encounters a situation that may appear as an error, but there may also be similar notifications in scripts that can run normally.
16 E_CORE_ERROR (integer) A fatal error that occurred during PHP initialization startup. This error is similar to E_ERROR, but is generated by the PHP engine core. since PHP 4
32 E_CORE_WARNING (integer) Warning (non-fatal error) occurred during PHP initialization startup. Similar to E_WARNING, but generated by the PHP engine core. since PHP 4
64 E_COMPILE_ERROR (integer) Fatal compile time error. Similar to E_ERROR, but generated by the Zend script engine. since PHP 4
128 E_COMPILE_WARNING (integer) Compile time warning (non-fatal error). Similar to E_WARNING, but generated by the Zend scripting engine. since PHP 4
256 E_USER_ERROR (integer) User-generated error message. Similar to E_ERROR, but is generated by the user using the PHP function trigger_error() in the code. since PHP 4
512 E_USER_WARNING (integer) User-generated warning message. Similar to E_WARNING, but is generated by the user using the PHP function trigger_error() in the code. since PHP 4
1024 E_USER_NOTICE (integer) Notification information generated by the user. Similar to E_NOTICE, but is generated by the user using the PHP function trigger_error() in the code. since PHP 4
2048 E_STRICT (integer) Enable PHP's suggestions for code modifications to ensure the best interoperability and forward compatibility of the code. since PHP 5
4096 E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR (integer) A fatal error that can be caught. It indicates that a potentially dangerous error has occurred, but has not caused the PHP engine to become unstable. If the error is not caught by a user-defined handler (see set_error_handler()), it will become an E_ERROR and the script will terminate. since PHP 5.2.0
8192 E_DEPRECATED (integer) Runtime notification. When enabled, a warning will be given about code that may not work properly in future versions. since PHP 5.3.0
16384 E_USER_DEPRECATED (integer) User generated warning message. Similar to E_DEPRECATED, but is generated by the user using the PHP function trigger_error() in the code. since PHP 5.3.0
30719 E_ALL (integer) E_STRICT all error and warning messages. 30719 in PHP 5.3.x, 6143 in PHP 5.2.x, 2047 previously

Error level

(1) Deprecated


<code>if (ereg('/llo/', 'hello world')) {
    echo 'yes2';
} else {
    echo 'no2';
(3) Warning warning level

<code>Deprecated: Function ereg() is deprecated in /Users/weiheli/www/php/003.php on line 3

<code>$arr = ['a'=>'aaa', 'b'=>'bbb'];
echo $arr[a];
(4) Fatal error fatal level

<code>Notice: Use of undefined constant a - assumed 'a' in /Users/weiheli/www/php/003.php on line 4

<code>settype($var, 'abc');
echo $var;
(5) Parse error parsing error

<code>Warning: settype(): Invalid type in /Users/weiheli/www/php/003.php on line 3

<code>// 调用未定义的函数
(6) E_USER_ user Level errors

configuration errors

<code>Fatal error: Call to undefined function fn() in /Users/weiheli/www/php/003.php on line 3
can be set at runtime with the error_reporting directive

<code>echo 'hello world'
or can be set using the



user-thrown errors

<code>Parse error: parse error, expecting `','' or `';'' in /Users/weiheli/www/php/003.php on line 3
loggingconfiguration in php.ini

<code>; 是否显示错误。解析错误始终都会显示
display_errors = On

; 显示哪些错误
;error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED & ~E_STRICT
error_reporting = E_ALL
Logging function

Customized error handling

<code>trigger_error(string $error_msg [, int $error_type = E_USER_NOTICE ])


log_errors = On

log_errors_max_len = 1024



error_log = syslog

As you can see from the above code, exceptions will not be automatically thrown in PHP. You must use

, which is different from Java


Built-in exception classes such as PDO are not used


throwThe statements after will not be executed

try cannot be used independently

<code>set_error_handler — 设置一个用户定义的错误处理函数
Customized exception handling
<code>try {
    $num = 1 / 0;
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo $e->getMessage();

Warning: Division by zero in /Users/weiheli/www/php/003.php on line 4

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The above has introduced the errors and exceptions in PHP, including related content. I hope it will be helpful to friends who are interested in PHP tutorials.

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