Home >Backend Development >PHP Tutorial >[PHP]PHP function
>> Statistics
strlen(string) - Length
strcmp(string1,string2) - Compare strings
>> Find
str pos( string,find,start) - Search in another string, return the first position
stripos(string,find,start) - (Case insensitive)
strrpos(string,find,start) - (last Once)
strripos(string,find,start) - (Case insensitive)(Last time)
strstr(string,search) - Match in another string, return the first matching value and the remaining part
stristr(string,search) - (case insensitive)
str_replace(find,replace,string,count) - replace
str_ireplace(find,replace,string,count) - (case insensitive)
substr(string,start,length) - intercept
>> Convert
explode(separator,string,limit) - string-> array
implode(separator, array) - array-> character String
join(separator,array) - Same as above
str_split(string,length) - Split the string into an array
parse_str(string,array) - Parse the Query string into an array
strtolower(string) - Lowercase
strtoupper(string) - uppercase
str_shuffle(string) - randomly shuffle
strrev(string) - reverse
>> output
printf(format,arg1,arg2,arg++) - Formatted output
fprintf(stream,format,arg1,arg2,arg++) - Formatted output to file
sprintf(format,arg1,arg2,arg++) - Formatted To string
>> format
str_pad(string,length,pad_string,pad_type) - pad to specified length
str_repeat(string,repeat) - repeat specified number of times
chunk_split(string,length,end ) - Insert separator
number_format(number,decimals,decimalpoint,separator) - Format numbers
trim(string,charlist) - Clean both ends
strip_tags(string,allow) - Strip HTML, XML, PHP tags
>> Escape
addslashes(string) - Add backslashes before predefined characters
addcslashes(string,characters) - Add backslashes before custom characters
htmlentities(string,quotestyle,character-set) - All characters-> HTML entities
html_entity_decode(string,quotestyle,character-set) - HTML entities-> Characters
htmlspecialchars(string ,quotestyle,character-set) - Partial characters ( & | " | ' | < | > ) -> HTML entity
htmlspecialchars_decode(string,quotestyle) - HTML entity -> Character
nl2br(string) - /n -> ,raw) - Lossy digest of the file
sha1(string,raw) - SHA1 hash sha1_file(file,raw)>> ASCII
ord(string) - Returns the ASCII of the first character Array ARRAY >> New & Assignmentlist(var1,var2,val3...) = $array - assign values to variables using array elements
range(min,max,step) - create Specified range of arrays
array_combine(array1, array2) - Create a new array: array1 is the key, array2 is the value
array_pop(array) - Tail pop
array_push(array, value1, value2. ..) - Push the tail onto the stack, equivalent to $array[] = $value
array_shift(array) - Pop the first part off the stack
array_unshift(array,value1,value2,value3...) - Push the first part onto the stack
> > Statistics
array_sum(array) - the sum of all elements
array_product(array) - the product of all elements
count(array, mode) - counts the number of elements, the same as sizeof(array, mode)
array_count_values( array) - Count the number of occurrences of elements
array_keys(array, value, strict) - Return the corresponding key
array_values(array) - Return all values
array_search(value, array, strict) - Search for value and return the key
in_array(value,array,type) - Check if value exists
array_key_exists(key,array) - Check if key exists
>> Compare
array_diff(array1,array2,array3...) - Difference set
array_intersect(array1,array2,array3...) - Intersection
array_intersect_key(array1,arra y2,array3. ..)
sort(array,sorttype) - sort by value in ascending order (rebuild index)
rsort(array, sorttype) - sort by value in descending order (rebuild index)
asort(array, sorttype) - Forward sorting by value (keep index) arsort(array, sorttype) - Sort reverse by value (keep index)
natsort(array) - Natural sorting
natcasesort(array) - Size-insensitive natural sorting
ksort(array,sorttype) - Forward sorting by key
krsort(array,sorttype) - Reverse sorting by key
array_multisort(array, sorting order, sorting type) - Sorting
shuffle(array) - Randomly sort Random array sorting
array_reverse(array,preserve) - Reverse the order
>> Modify
array_change_key_case(array,case) - Convert case
array_filter(array,function) - Filter with the given method
array_map(function,array1,array2,array3...) - apply method to each element
array_fill(start,number,value) - fill array with given value
array_pad(array,size,value) - put Fill the array to a fixed length
array_flip(array) - exchange key and value
array_unique(array) - remove duplicates
>> merge & split
array_chunk(array,size,preserve_key) - cut
array_rand( array,number) - Randomly return array elements (return key when number=1)
array_slice(array,offset,length,preserve) - Intercept
array_splice(array,offset,length,array) - Replace
array_merge(array1 , array2, array3...) - Merge
array_merge_recursive(array1, array2, array3...) - Recursive merge (when the keys are the same)
>> Pointer
each(array) - Return the current element, and Move the pointer
key(array) - current key
current(array) - current value, same as pos(array)
next(array) - next value
prev(array) - previous value
reset( array) - Move to the beginning
end(array) - Move to the end
Date & Time DATE & TIME
date(format,timestamp) - Formatted output time
>> Information
getdate(timestamp) - Get date & time information array
microtime(get_as_float) - Get current time information array
>> Timestamp
time() - Current time timestamp
strtotime(time,now) - Convert string to timestamp
mktime(hour,minute,second,month,day,year,is_dst) - Get timestamp
Directory DIRreaddir(handle) - return the file name
closedir(handle) - close the handle
rewinddir(handle) - reset the handle
dir(directory) - Open the directory and return the object. The object has 3 methods: read(), rewind(), close()
parse_ini_file( file, process_sections) - Parse the ini file and return an array
set_file_buffer(file,buffer) - Set the file output buffer
>> File operation
readfile(filename,include_path,context) - Read the file and output to the bufferreadlink(linkpath)
file(path,include_path,context) - read the file as an arrayfile_get_contents(path,include_path,context,start,max_length) - read the file into a string
file_put_contents(path,data,mode,context) - write to the file
fopen(filename, mode, include_path,context) - open the file
fgetc(file) - read characters
fgets(file,length) - read One line, or specify the length g FGETCSV (File, Length, SEPAROR, Enclosure) -Chn CSV format, read a line
FPUTS (File, String, LENGTH) -Writing files FPUTCSV (FILE, FIELDS, Seperator, Encloss) - Write a file in CSV formatfread(file,length) - Read a file
fwrite(file,string,length) - Write a file
fflush(file) - Output the buffer content to a file ftruncate( file,size) - intercept the fileflock(file,lock,block) - lock the file
ftell(file) - pointer position
fseek(file,offset,whence) - position the pointer
rewind(file) - rewind Set the pointer position
feof(file) - whether the end of the file is reached
fstat (()) ( )
>> File status
fstat(file) - file information lstat(file) - file/soft link informationfileatime(filename) - last access time
filectime(filename) - on The inode information modification time
filemtime(filename) - the last file content modification time filegroup(filename) - file user groupfileowner(filename) - file user
fileperms(filename) - file permissions
fileinode( filename) - file inode
filesize(filename) - file size
filetype(filename) - file type
>> path
pathinfo(path,options) - path information
linkinfo(path) - hard link Information
basename(path,suffix) - Get the file name
dirname(path) - Get the directory path
realpath(path) - Get the absolute path
>> Size
disk_total_space(directory) - Get the total space size
disk_free_space(directory) - size of available space
>> Determine
file_exists(path) - whether the file or directory exists
is_dir(path) - directory
is_file(path) - file
is_link(path ) - connection
is_readable(path) - readable
is_writable(path) - writable
is_executable(path) - executable
>> system
touch (filename, time, atime)
chgrp(filename,group)chmod(filename,mode)chown(filename,owner)glob(pattern,flags) >> ; HTTP POSTis_uploaded_file(filename) - Whether the file is uploaded via HTTP POST move_uploaded_file(filename,newloc) - Move the uploaded file Errors and exceptions ERROR & EXCEPTION debug_backtrace() - Generate backtrace associative array debug_print_backtrace() - Output error_get_last() - Get the lowest level errorerror_reporting(report_level) - Set the error reporting level
>> Trigger error/throw exception
trigger_error(error_message,error_types) - trigger error
throw new Exception() - throw exception
>> Specify handler function
set_error_handler(error_function,error_types) - error handling function
set_exception_handler(exception_function) - Exception handling function
filter_has_var(type, variable) - Whether there is this variablefilter_input(input_type, variable, filter, options) - Filter external input filter_input_array ( input_type, args)filter_var_array(array, args)
>> Filter
FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING - Remove or encode special characters
FILTER_SANITIZE_ENCODED - Similar to urlendode
FILTER_SANITIZE_MAGIC_QUOTES - Similar to addslashes
FILTER_CALLBACK - Call custom function
File transfer FTP
>> connection ftp_connect(host,port,timeout) - Establish a connection ftp_ssl_connect(host,port ,timeout) - SSL secure connectionftp_get_option(ftp_connection,option) - Get parameters
ftp_set_option(ftp_connection,option,value) - Set options
ftp_close(ftp_connection) - Close the connection, same as ftp_quit()
>> Directory
ftp_mkdir(ftp_connection,dir) - Create a directory
ftp_rmdir(ftp_connection,dir) - Delete the directory
ftp_ch dir(ftp_connection,dir ) - Change directory
ftp_cdup(ftp_connection) - Parent directory
ftp_pwd(ftp_connection) - Current path
ftp_nlist(ftp_connection,dir) - Column directory
ftp_rawlist(ftp_connection,dir,recursive) - Directory list details
& gt; > File
ftp_put(ftp_connection,remote,local,mode,resume) - Upload file
ftp_fput(ftp_connection,remote,local,mode,resume) - Upload local open file
ftp_nb_put(ftp_connection,remote,local,mode ,resume) - Asynchronous upload
ftp_nb_fput(ftp_connection,remote,local,mode,resume) - Asynchronous upload of locally opened files
ftp_get(ftp_connection,local,remote,mode,resume) - Download file ftp_fget(ftp_connection, local,remote,mode,resume) - Download to local open file
ftp_nb_get(ftp_connection,local,remote,mode,resume) - Asynchronous download
ftp_nb_fget(ftp_connection,local,remote,mode,resume) - Asynchronous download to local Open file
ftp_delete(ftp_connection,path) - Delete fileftp_rename(ftp_connection,from,to) - Rename
ftp_chmod(ftp_connection,mode,file) - Change file permissions
ftp_size(ftp_connection,remote_file) - File size
ftp_mdtm(ftp_connection,file) - File last modification time
headers_list() - Header list array
head ers_sent() - Whether the header has been sent
setcookie(name,value,expire,path,domain,secure) - Set Cookie
Math MATHround() - Rounding
ceil() - Rounding up
floor() - Rounding down
max() - Returning the maximum value
min() - Returning the minimum value
pow(x,y) - x y power
sqrt() - square root
abs() - absolute valuerand(min,max) - return a random integer
>> basebase_convert(number,frombase,tobase) - Arbitrary base conversion
decbin() - Decimal -> BinaryBindec(binary_string) - Binary -> Decimal
dechex() - Decimal -> Hexadecimal
hexdec() - Ten Hexadecimal-> Decimal
decoct() - Decimal-> Octal
octdec() - Octal-> Decimal>> Trigonometric function
cos() - Cosine
ac os() - Arccosine
sin() - Sine
asin() - Arcsine
tan() - Tangent
atan() - - Arctangent
mysql_connect (server, user, pwd, newlink, clientflag) - connection
mysql_pconnect(server, user, pwd, clientflag) - long connection
mysql_close(connection) - close
>> query
mysql_select_db(database ,connection ) - Select the database
mysql_query(sql) - Execute the query, return the resource handle
mysql_fetch_array(data,array_type) - Query, return the array
mysql_fetch_assoc(data) - Return the associative array
mysql_fetch_object(data) - Query, Return Object
mysql_num_rows(data) - Number of result rows
>> Connection status
mysql_ping(connection) - Check the connection, reconnect if disconnected
mysql_thread_id(connection) - Current connection ID
mysql_client_encoding(connection) - Current character set
mysql_list_dbs(connection) - List database
>> Last operation
mysql_info(connection) - Last queried information
mysql_affected_rows(connection) - Number of affected rows
mysql_insert_id(connection) ) - The last inserted ID
mysql_errno(connection) - The last error ID
mysql_error(connection) - The last error message
Input and output I/O
print_r( value)
var_dump(value) - with type
var_export(value) - returns legal PHP code
[PHP]PHP functionstrlen(string) - Length
strcmp(string1,string2) - Compare strings
>> Find
strpos(string,find,start) - 在另一个字符串中查找, 返回第一次位置
stripos(string,find,start) - (大小写不敏感)
strrpos(string,find,start) - (最后一次)
strripos(string,find,start) - (大小写不敏感)(最后一次)
strstr(string,search) - 在另一个字符串中匹配, 返回第一次匹配值及剩余部分
stristr(string,search) - (大小写不敏感)
str_replace(find,replace,string,count) - 替换
str_ireplace(find,replace,string,count) - (大小写不敏感)
substr(string,start,length) - 截取
>> 转换
explode(separator,string,limit) - 字符串 -> 数组
implode(separator, array) - 数组 -> 字符串
join(separator,array) - 同上
str_split(string,length) - 字符串分割为数组
parse_str(string,array) - 解析Query串为数组
strtolower(string) - 小写
strtoupper(string) - 大写
str_shuffle(string) - 随机打散
strrev(string) - 反转
>> 输出
printf(format,arg1,arg2,arg++) - 格式化输出
fprintf(stream,format,arg1,arg2,arg++) - 格式化输出到文件
sprintf(format,arg1,arg2,arg++) - 格式化到字符串
>> 格式化
str_pad(string,length,pad_string,pad_type) - 填充到指定长度
str_repeat(string,repeat) - 重复指定次数
chunk_split(string,length,end) - 插入分隔符
number_format(number,decimals,decimalpoint,separator) - 格式化数字
trim(string,charlist) - 两端清理
strip_tags(string,allow) - 剥离HTML, XML, PHP标签
>> 转义
addslashes(string) - 在预定义字符前添加反斜杠
addcslashes(string,characters) - 在自定义字符前添加反斜杠
htmlentities(string,quotestyle,character-set) - 全部字符 -> HTML实体
html_entity_decode(string,quotestyle,character-set) - HTML实体 -> 字符
htmlspecialchars(string,quotestyle,character-set) - 部分字符( & | " | ' | < | > ) -> HTML实体
htmlspecialchars_decode(string,quotestyle) - HTML实体 -> 字符
nl2br(string) - /n ->
>> 加密
crypt(str,salt) - 单向有损加密
md5(string,raw) - 散列
md5_file(path,raw) - 文件有损摘要
sha1(string,raw) - SHA1散列
ord(string) - 返回第一个字符的ASCII
>> 新建&赋值
list(var1,var2,val3...) = $array - 用数组元素给变量赋值
range(min,max,step) - 建立指定范围的数组
array_combine(array1,array2) - 新建数组:array1为key,array2为value
>> 栈
array_pop(array) - 尾部出栈
array_push(array,value1,value2...) - 尾部入栈,相当于$array[] = $value
array_shift(array) - 首部出栈
array_unshift(array,value1,value2,value3...) - 首部入栈
>> 统计
array_sum(array) - 所有元素的和
array_product(array) - 所有元素的乘积
count(array,mode) - 统计元素个数,同 sizeof(array,mode)
array_count_values(array) - 统计元素出现次数
array_keys(array,value,strict) - 返回对应的key
array_values(array) - 返回所有value
array_search(value,array,strict) - 搜索value,返回key
in_array(value,array,type) - 检查value是否存在
array_key_exists(key,array) - 检查key是否存在
>> 比较
array_diff(array1,array2,array3...) - 差集
array_intersect(array1,array2,array3...) - Intersection
array_intersect_key(array1,arra y2,array3. ..)
sort(array,sorttype) - sort by value in ascending order (rebuild index)
rsort(array, sorttype) - sort by value in descending order (rebuild index)
asort(array, sorttype) - Forward sorting by value (keep index) arsort(array, sorttype) - Sort reverse by value (keep index)
natsort(array) - Natural sorting
natcasesort(array) - Size-insensitive natural sorting
ksort(array,sorttype) - Forward sorting by key
krsort(array,sorttype) - Reverse sorting by key
array_multisort(array, sorting order, sorting type) - Sorting
shuffle(array) - Randomly sort Random array sorting
array_reverse(array,preserve) - Reverse the order
>> Modify
array_change_key_case(array,case) - Convert case
array_filter(array,function) - Filter with the given method
array_map(function,array1,array2,array3...) - apply method to each element
array_fill(start,number,value) - fill array with given value
array_pad(array,size,value) - put Fill the array to a fixed length
array_flip(array) - exchange key and value
array_unique(array) - remove duplicates
>> merge & split
array_chunk(array,size,preserve_key) - cut
array_rand( array,number) - Randomly return array elements (return key when number=1)
array_slice(array,offset,length,preserve) - Intercept
array_splice(array,offset,length,array) - Replace
array_merge(array1 , array2, array3...) - Merge
array_merge_recursive(array1, array2, array3...) - Recursive merge (when the keys are the same)
>> Pointer
each(array) - Return the current element, and Move the pointer
key(array) - current key
current(array) - current value, same as pos(array)
next(array) - next value
prev(array) - previous value
reset( array) - Move to the beginning
end(array) - Move to the end
Date & Time DATE & TIME
date(format,timestamp) - Formatted output time
>> Information
getdate(timestamp) - Get date & time information array
microtime(get_as_float) - Get current time information array
>> Timestamp
time() - Current time timestamp
strtotime(time,now) - Convert string to timestamp
mktime(hour,minute,second,month,day,year,is_dst) - Get timestamp
Directory DIRreaddir(handle) - return the file name
closedir(handle) - close the handle
rewinddir(handle) - reset the handle
dir(directory) - Open the directory and return the object. The object has 3 methods: read(), rewind(), close()
parse_ini_file( file, process_sections) - Parse the ini file and return an array
set_file_buffer(file,buffer) - Set the file output buffer
>> File operation
readfile(filename,include_path,context) - Read the file and output to the bufferreadlink(linkpath)
file(path,include_path,context) - read the file as an arrayfile_get_contents(path,include_path,context,start,max_length) - read the file into a string
file_put_contents(path,data,mode,context) - write to the file
fopen(filename, mode, include_path,context) - open the file
fgetc(file) - read characters
fgets(file,length) - read One line, or specify the length g FGETCSV (File, Length, SEPAROR, Enclosure) -Chn CSV format, read a line
FPUTS (File, String, LENGTH) -Writing files FPUTCSV (FILE, FIELDS, Seperator, Encloss) - Write a file in CSV formatfread(file,length) - Read a file
fwrite(file,string,length) - Write a file
fflush(file) - Output the buffer content to a file ftruncate( file,size) - intercept the fileflock(file,lock,block) - lock the file
ftell(file) - pointer position
fseek(file,offset,whence) - position the pointer
rewind(file) - rewind Set the pointer position
feof(file) - whether the end of the file is reached
fstat (()) ( )
>> File status
fstat(file) - file information lstat(file) - file/soft link informationfileatime(filename) - last access time
filectime(filename) - on The inode information modification time
filemtime(filename) - the last file content modification time filegroup(filename) - file user groupfileowner(filename) - file user
fileperms(filename) - file permissions
fileinode( filename) - file inode
filesize(filename) - file size
filetype(filename) - file type
>> path
pathinfo(path,options) - path information
linkinfo(path) - hard link Information
basename(path,suffix) - Get the file name
dirname(path) - Get the directory path
realpath(path) - Get the absolute path
>> Size
disk_total_space(directory) - Get the total space size
disk_free_space(directory) - size of available space
>> Determine
file_exists(path) - whether the file or directory exists
is_dir(path) - directory
is_file(path) - file
is_link(path ) - connection
is_readable(path) - readable
is_writable(path) - writable
is_executable(path) - executable
>> system
touch (filename, time, atime)
chgrp(filename,group)chmod(filename,mode)chown(filename,owner)glob(pattern,flags) >> ; HTTP POSTis_uploaded_file(filename) - Whether the file is uploaded via HTTP POST move_uploaded_file(filename,newloc) - Move the uploaded file Errors and exceptions ERROR & EXCEPTION debug_backtrace() - Generate backtrace associative array debug_print_backtrace() - Output error_get_last() - Get the lowest level errorerror_reporting(report_level) - Set the error reporting level
>> Trigger error/throw exception
trigger_error(error_message,error_types) - trigger error
throw new Exception() - throw exception
>> Specify handler function
set_error_handler(error_function,error_types) - error handling function
set_exception_handler(exception_function) - Exception handling function
filter_has_var(type, variable) - Whether there is this variablefilter_input(input_type, variable, filter, options) - Filter external input filter_input_array ( input_type, args)filter_var_array(array, args)
>> Filter
FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING - Remove or encode special characters
FILTER_SANITIZE_ENCODED - Similar to urlendode
FILTER_SANITIZE_MAGIC_QUOTES - Similar to addslashes
FILTER_CALLBACK - Call custom function
File transfer FTP
>> connection ftp_connect(host,port,timeout) - Establish a connection ftp_ssl_connect(host,port ,timeout) - SSL secure connectionftp_get_option(ftp_connection,option) - Get parameters
ftp_set_option(ftp_connection,option,value) - Set options
ftp_close(ftp_connection) - 关闭连接,同 ftp_quit()
>> 目录
ftp_mkdir(ftp_connection,dir) - 建立目录
ftp_rmdir(ftp_connection,dir) - 删除目录
ftp_chdir(ftp_connection,dir) - 改变目录
ftp_cdup(ftp_connection) - 父目录
ftp_pwd(ftp_connection) - 当前路径
ftp_nlist(ftp_connection,dir) - 列目录
ftp_rawlist(ftp_connection,dir,recursive) - Directory list details
>> Files
ftp_put(ftp_connection,remote,local,mode,resume) - Upload files
ftp_fput(ftp_connection,remote,local,mode,resume ) - Upload locally opened files
ftp_nb_put(ftp_connection,remote,local,mode,resume) - Asynchronous upload
ftp_nb_fput(ftp_connection,remote,local,mode,resume) - Asynchronously upload locally opened files
ftp_get(ftp_connection, local,remote,mode,resume) - Download file
ftp_fget(ftp_connection,local,remote,mode,resume) - Download and open file locally
ftp_nb_get(ftp_connection,local,remote,mode,resume) - Asynchronous download
ftp_nb_fget(ftp_connection,local,remote,mode,resume) - Asynchronously download to local open file
ftp_delete(ftp_connection,path) - Delete file
ftp_rename(ftp_connection,from,to) - Rename
ftp_chmod(ftp_connection, mode,file) - change file permissions
ftp_size(ftp_connection,remote_file) - file size
ftp_mdtm(ftp_connection,file) - file last modified time
header(string,replace,http_response_code) - send HTTP headers
headers_list() - Headers list array
headers_sent() - Whether headers have been sent
setcookie(name,value,expire,path,domain,secure) - Set Cookie
>> Arithmetic
round() - Rounding
ceil() - Rounding up
floor() - Rounding down
max() - Return the maximum value
min () - Returns the minimum value
pow(x,y) - x raised to the yth power
sqrt() - Square root
abs() - Absolute value
rand(min,max) - Returns a random integer
>> Base
base_convert(number,frombase,tobase) - Any base conversion
decbin() - Decimal -> Binary
Bindec(binary_string) - Binary -> Decimal
dechex( ) - decimal-> hexadecimal
hexdec() - hexadecimal-> decimal
decoct() - decimal-> octal
octdec() - octal-> decimal
> ;> Trigonometric functions
cos() - cosine
acos() - inverse cosine
sin() - sine
asin() - inverse sine
tan() - tangent
atan() - - anyway Cut
>> connection
mysql_connect(server,user,pwd,newlink,clientflag) - connection
mysql_pconnect(server,user,pwd,clientflag) - long connection
Mysql_close(connection ) - Close
>> Query
mysql_select_db(database, connection) - Select the database
mysql_query(sql) - Execute the query and return the resource handle
mysql_fetch_array(data, array_type) - Query, return the array
mysql_fetch_assoc (data) - Returns associative array
mysql_fetch_object(data) - Query, returns object
mysql_num_rows(data) - Number of result rows
>> Connection status
mysql_ping(connection) - Check connection, reset if disconnected Connect
mysql_thread_id(connection) - Current connection ID
mysql_client_encoding(connection) - Current character set
mysql_list_dbs(connection) - List database
>> Last operation
mysql_info(connection) - Last query Information
mysql_affected_rows(connection) - number of affected rows
mysql_insert_id(connection) - last inserted ID
mysql_errno(connection) - last error ID
mysql_error(connection) - last error message
input and output I/O
var_dump(value) - with type
var_export(value) - return legal PHP code
The above introduces [PHP]PHP functions, including the relevant content. I hope it will be helpful to friends who are interested in PHP tutorials.