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<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd"> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" c/html; charset=UTF-8"> <title>Insert title here</title> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> function AddInput(){ var input=document.createElement('input');//创建一个input节点 var br=document.createElement('br');//创建一个br节点 input.setAttribute('type','file');//设置input节点type属性为file input.setAttribute('name','files[]');//设置input节点name属性为files[],以 数组的方式传递给服务器端 document.myForm.appendChild(br);//把节点添加到form1表单中 document.myForm.appendChild(input); } </script> </head> <body> <?php /* * 尊重作者:mckee 来自www.phpddt.com * 可同时处理用户多个<strong>上传文件</strong>。效验文件有效性后存储至指定目录。 * 可返回<strong>上传文件</strong>的相关有用信息供其它程序使用。(如文件名、类型、大小、保存路径) */ class UploadFile { protected $user_post_file = array(); //用户上传的文件 protected $save_file_path; //存放用户<strong>上传文件</strong>的路径 protected $max_file_size; //文件最大尺寸 protected $last_error; //记录最后一次出错信息 //默认允许用户上传的文件类型 protected $allow_type = array('gif', 'jpg', 'png', 'zip', 'rar', 'txt', 'doc', 'pdf','docx'); protected $final_file_path; //最终保存的文件名 protected $save_info = array(); //返回一组有用信息,用于提示用户。 /** * 构造函数 */ function __construct($file, $path, $size = 2097152, $type = '') { $this->user_post_file = $file; if(!is_dir($path)){ //存储路径文件不存在就创建 mkdir($path); <strong>chmod</strong>($path,0777); } $this->save_file_path = $path; $this->max_file_size = $size; //如果用户不填写文件大小,则默认为2M. if ($type != '') $this->allow_type = $type; } /** * 存储用户<strong>上传文件</strong>,检验合法性通过后,存储至指定位置。 */ function upload() { for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->user_post_file['name']); $i++) { //如果当前文件上传功能,则执行下一步。 if ($this->user_post_file['error'][$i] == 0) { //取当前文件名、临时文件名、大小、扩展名,后面将用到。 $name = $this->user_post_file['name'][$i]; $tmpname = $this->user_post_file['tmp_name'][$i]; $size = $this->user_post_file['size'][$i]; $mime_type = $this->user_post_file['type'][$i]; $type = $this->getFileExt($this->user_post_file['name'][$i]); //检测当前<strong>上传文件</strong>大小是否合法。 if (!$this->checkSize($size)) { $this->last_error = "The file size is too big. File name is: ".$name; $this->halt($this->last_error); continue; } //检测当前<strong>上传文件</strong>扩展名是否合法。 if (!$this->checkType($type)) { $this->last_error = "Unallowable file type: .".$type." File name is: ".$name; $this->halt($this->last_error); continue; } //检测当前<strong>上传文件</strong>是否非法提交。 if(!is_uploaded_file($tmpname)) { $this->last_error = "Invalid post file method. File name is: ".$name; $this->halt($this->last_error); continue; } //移动文件后,重命名文件用。 $basename = $this->getBaseName($name, ".".$type); //为防止文件名乱码 $basename = iconv("UTF-8","gb2312", $basename); //移动后的文件名 $saveas = $basename.time().".".$type; //组合新文件名再存到指定目录下,格式:存储路径 + 文件名 + 时间 + 扩展名 $this->final_file_path = $this->save_file_path."/".$saveas; if(!move_uploaded_file($tmpname, $this->final_file_path)) { $this->last_error = $this->user_post_file['error'][$i]; $this->halt($this->last_error); continue; } //存储当前文件的有关信息,以便其它程序调用。 $this->save_info[] = array("name" => $name, "type" => $type, "mime_type" => $mime_type, "size" => $size, "saveas" => $saveas, "path" => $this->final_file_path); } } return count($this->save_info); //返回上传成功的文件数目 } /** * 返回一些有用的信息,以便用于其它地方。 */ function getSaveInfo() { return $this->save_info; } /** * 检测用户提交文件大小是否合法 */ function checkSize($size) { if ($size > $this->max_file_size) { return false; } else { return true; } } /** * 检测用户提交文件类型是否合法 */ function checkType($extension) { foreach ($this->allow_type as $type) { if (strcasecmp($extension , $type) == 0) return true; } return false; } /** * 显示出错信息 */ function halt($msg) { printf("<b><UploadFile Error:></b> %s <br>\n", $msg); } /** * 取文件扩展名 */ function getFileExt($filename) { $stuff = pathinfo($filename); return $stuff['extension']; } /** * 取给定文件文件名,不包括扩展名。 */ function getBaseName($filename, $type) { $basename = basename($filename, $type); return $basename; } } if (!empty($_POST['submit'])) { $upload = new UploadFile($_FILES['files'], './tmp'); //上传用户文件,返回int值,为上传成功的文件个数。 $num = $upload->upload(); if ($num != 0) { echo "上传成功<br>"; echo $num."个文件上传成功"; } else { echo "上传失败<br>"; } } ?> <form name="myForm" enctype="multipart/form-data" method="POST" action=""> <input type="file" name="files[]"> <input type="submit" name="submit" value="上传"><a href="#" /a> </form> </body> </html>
The above has introduced the knowledge accumulation of developing smarty php, including uploading files and chmod. I hope it will be helpful to friends who are interested in PHP tutorials.