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Apache basic configuration

2016-07-29 09:14:03978browse

* Apache Detailed configuration explanation
* Configuration file: httpd.conf
* 1. Basic configuration
* ServerRoot "D:/Apache" Apache installation directory
* Listen 80 The port number that the server listens to
* ServerName www .xxx.com:80 Main site name (host name of the website)
* ServerAdmin xxx@qq.com Administrator’s email address
* DocumentRoot "D:/WWW" The root directory of the website
* 2. The following are the Main site directory for access control
* Options FollowSymLinks
* AllowOverride None
* Order allow, deny
* Allow from all
* Detailed explanation of options:
* Options: Configure those attributes used in a specific directory, their values ​​and meanings are as follows
* ExecCGI allows the execution of CGI scripts in this directory
* FollowSymLinks allows the file system to use symbolic links in this directory
* Indexs When the user accesses this directory, if the homepage file (such as index.html) specified by DirectoryIndex cannot be found, then Returns the file list of the directory to the user
* SymLinksIfOwnerMatch When using symbolic links, access can only be made if the owner of the symbolic link is the same as the owner of the file
* AllowOverride: Allow the village to match the directives in the .htaccess file (.htaccess The file name can be changed, and the file name is determined by the AccessFileName directive)
* None: When set to None, the .htaccess file in the server directory is not searched by default, which can reduce server overhead
* All: All can be used in the .htaccess file Commands
* Order: Control which of the two access rules Allow or deny takes precedence during access
* All: List of hosts allowed to access
* Deny: List of hosts denied access
* DirectoryIndex: index.html index.htm index.php Default homepage file

The above introduces the basic configuration of Apache, including Apache content. I hope it will be helpful to friends who are interested in PHP tutorials.

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