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PHP gets image information exif

2016-07-29 09:12:531451browse


$file_arr = read_exif_data('./1.png');


array (size=49)
  'FileName' => string '2.png' (length=5)
  'FileDateTime' => int 1446107171
  'FileSize' => int 2640955
  'FileType' => int 2
  'MimeType' => string 'image/jpeg' (length=10)
  'SectionsFound' => string 'ANY_TAG, IFD0, THUMBNAIL, EXIF, INTEROP' (length=39)
  'COMPUTED' => 
    array (size=12)
      'html' => string 'width="4128" height="2322"' (length=26)
      'Height' => int 2322
      'Width' => int 4128
      'IsColor' => int 1
      'ByteOrderMotorola' => int 0
      'ApertureFNumber' => string 'f/2.2' (length=5)
      'UserComment' => null
      'UserCommentEncoding' => string 'ASCII' (length=5)
      'Thumbnail.FileType' => int 2
      'Thumbnail.MimeType' => string 'image/jpeg' (length=10)
      'Thumbnail.Height' => int 288
      'Thumbnail.Width' => int 512
  'ImageWidth' => int 4128
  'ImageLength' => int 2322
  'Make' => string 'SAMSUNG' (length=7)
  'Model' => string 'GT-I9500' (length=8)
  'Orientation' => int 3
  'XResolution' => string '72/1' (length=4)
  'YResolution' => string '72/1' (length=4)
  'ResolutionUnit' => int 2
  'Software' => string 'I9500ZCUHND1' (length=12)
  'DateTime' => string '2015:10:29 16:05:28' (length=19)
  'YCbCrPositioning' => int 1
  'Exif_IFD_Pointer' => int 226
    array (size=9)
      'ImageWidth' => int 512
      'ImageLength' => int 288
      'Compression' => int 6
      'Orientation' => int 3
      'XResolution' => string '72/1' (length=4)
      'YResolution' => string '72/1' (length=4)
      'ResolutionUnit' => int 2
      'JPEGInterchangeFormat' => int 10570
      'JPEGInterchangeFormatLength' => int 11304
  'ExposureTime' => string '1/33' (length=4)
  'FNumber' => string '22/10' (length=5)
  'ExposureProgram' => int 2
  'ISOSpeedRatings' => int 160
  'ExifVersion' => string '0220' (length=4)
  'DateTimeOriginal' => string '2015:10:29 16:05:28' (length=19)
  'DateTimeDigitized' => string '2015:10:29 16:05:28' (length=19)
  'ShutterSpeedValue' => string '506/100' (length=7)
  'ApertureValue' => string '227/100' (length=7)
  'BrightnessValue' => string '177/100' (length=7)
  'ExposureBiasValue' => string '0/10' (length=4)
  'MaxApertureValue' => string '227/100' (length=7)
  'MeteringMode' => int 2

Parameter description:

'文件名' => $infoAll['FileName'], 
            '文件修改时间' => date('Y:m:d H:i:s',$infoAll['FileDateTime']), 
            '文件大小' => round($infoAll['FileSize']/1024) . 'kb', 
            'Exif文件类型' => $this->getImgtype($imgPath,'Exif'), 
            'Mime文件类型' => $infoAll['MimeType'], 
            '找到Sections' => $infoAll['SectionsFound'], 
            'html中图片宽高' => $infoAll['html'], 
            '图片高度' => $infoAll['Height'] . 'px', 
            '图片宽度' => $infoAll['Width'] . 'px', 
            '是否彩色' => $infoAll['IsColor'] == 1 ? '是' : '否', 
            '是否为Motorola字节顺序' => $infoAll['ByteOrderMotorola'] == 1 ? '是' : '否', 
            '光圈数' => $infoAll['ApertureFNumber'], 
            '作者注释' => $infoAll['Comments'], 
            '作者' => $infoAll['Author'], 
            '用户注释' => $infoAll['UserComment'], 
            '用户注释编码' => $infoAll['UserCommentEncoding'], 
            '缩略图Exif文件类型' => $this->getImgtype($imgPath,'Exif'), 
            '缩略图Mime文件类型' => $infoAll['Thumbnail.MimeType'], 
            '制造商' => $infoAll['Make'], 
            '型号' => $infoAll['Model'], 
            '方向' => array_search($infoAll['Orientation'],array( 
                'top left side' => 1, 
                'top right side' => 2, 
                'bottom right side' => 3, 
                'bottom left side' => 4, 
                'left side top' => 5, 
                'right side top' => 6, 
                'right side bottom' => 7, 
                'left side bottom' => 8 
            '水平分辨率' => $infoAll['XResolution'], 
            '垂直分辨率' => $infoAll['YResolution'], 
            '分辨率单位' => array_search($infoAll['ResolutionUnit'],array( 
                '无单位' => 1, 
                '英寸' => 2, 
                '厘米' => 3 
            '创建软件' => $infoAll['Software'], 
            '最后修改时间' => $infoAll['DateTime'], 
            'YCbCr位置控制' => $infoAll['YCbCrPositioning'] == 1 ? '像素阵列的中心' : '基准点', 
            'Exif图像IFD的指针' => $infoAll['Exif_IFD_Pointer'], 
            '压缩方式' => $infoAll['Compression'] == 6 ? 'jpeg压缩' : '无压缩', 
            'JPEG SOI偏移' => $infoAll['JPEGInterchangeFormat'], 
            'JPEG数据字节' => $infoAll['JPEGInterchangeFormatLength'], 
            '曝光时间' => $infoAll['ExposureTime'] . '秒', 
            '焦距比数' => $infoAll['FNumber'], 
            '曝光程序' => array_search($infoAll['ExposureProgram'],array( 
                '手动控制' => 1, 
                '程序控制' => 2, 
                '光圈优先' => 3, 
                '快门优先' => 4, 
                '景深优先' => 5, 
                '运动模式' => 6, 
                '肖像模式' => 7, 
                '风景模式' => 8 
            'ISO感光度' => $infoAll['ISOSpeedRatings'], 
            'Exif版本' => $infoAll['ExifVersion'], 
            '拍摄时间' => $infoAll['DateTimeOriginal'], 
            '数字化时间' => $infoAll['DateTimeDigitized'], 
            '分量配置' => $infoAll['ComponentsConfiguration'], 
            '图像压缩率' => $infoAll['CompressedBitsPerPixel'], 
            '曝光补偿' => $infoAll['ExposureBiasValue'] . '电子伏特', 
            '最大光圈值' => $infoAll['MaxApertureValue'], 
            '测光模式' => array_search($infoAll['MeteringMode'],array( 
                '未知' => 0, 
                '平均' => 1, 
                '中央重点平均测光' => 2, 
                '点测' => 3, 
                '分区' => 4, 
                '评估' => 5, 
                '局部' => 6, 
                '其他' => 255 
            '光源' => array_search($infoAll['LightSource'],array( 
                '未知' => 0, 
                '日光灯' => 1, 
                '荧光灯' => 2, 
                '钨丝灯' => 3, 
                '闪光灯' => 10, 
                '标准灯光A' => 17, 
                '标准灯光B' => 18, 
                '标准灯光C' => 19, 
                'D55' => 20, 
                'D65' => 21, 
                'D75' => 22, 
                '其他' => 255, 
            '闪光灯' => array_search($infoAll['Flash'],array( 
                '闪光灯未闪光' => 0, 
                '闪光灯已闪光' => 1, 
                '闪光灯已闪光但频闪观测器未检测到返回光源' => 5, 
                '闪光灯已闪光,频闪观测器检测到返回光源' => 7 
            '焦距' => $infoAll['FocalLength'] . '毫米', 
            '亚秒时间' => $infoAll['SubSecTime'], 
            '亚秒级拍摄时间' => $infoAll['SubSecTimeOriginal'], 
            '亚秒级数字化时间' => $infoAll['SubSecTimeDigitized'], 
            'FlashPix版本' => $infoAll['FlashPixVersion'], 
            '色彩空间' => $infoAll['ColorSpace'] == 1 ? 'sRGB' : 'Uncalibrated', 
            'Exif图片宽度' => $infoAll['ExifImageWidth'] . 'px', 
            'EXif图片高度' => $infoAll['ExifImageLength'] . 'px', 
            'IFD格式数据偏移量' => $infoAll['InteroperabilityOffset'], 
            '彩色区域传感器类型' => $infoAll['SensingMethod'] == 2 ? '单色区传感器' : '其他', 
            '图片像源' => $infoAll['FileSource'] == '0x03' ? '数码相机' : '其他', 
            '场景类型' => $infoAll['SceneType'] == '0x01' ? '直接拍摄' : '其他', 
            '滤波阵列图案' => $infoAll['CFAPattern'], 
            '自定义图像处理' => $infoAll['CustomRendered'], 
            '曝光模式' => $infoAll['CustomRendered'] == 1 ? '手动' : '自动', 
            '白平衡' => $infoAll['WhiteBalance'] == 1 ? '手动' : '自动', 
            '数位变焦倍率' => $infoAll['DigitalZoomRatio'], 
            '等价35mm焦距' => $infoAll['FocalLengthIn35mmFilm'] . '毫米', 
            '取景模式' => array_search($infoAll['SceneCaptureType'],array( 
                '自动' => 0, 
                '肖像场景' => 1, 
                '景观场景' => 2, 
                '运动场景' => 3, 
                '夜景' => 4, 
                '自动曝光' => 5, 
                '光圈优先自动曝光' => 256, 
                '快门优先自动曝光' => 512, 
                '手动曝光' => 768, 
            '增益控制' => $infoAll['GainControl'], 
            '对比度' => array_search($infoAll['Contrast'],array( 
                '低' => -1, 
                '普通' => 0, 
                '高' => 1 
            '饱和度' => array_search($infoAll['Saturation'],array( 
                '低' => -1, 
                '普通' => 0, 
                '高' => 1 
            '清晰度' => array_search($infoAll['Sharpness'],array( 
                '低' => -1, 
                '普通' => 0, 
                '高' => 1 
            '对焦距离' => array_search($infoAll['SubjectDistanceRange'],array( 
                '未知' => 0, 
                '微距' => 1, 
                '近景' => 2, 
                '远景' => 3 
            'InterOperability指数' => $infoAll['InterOperabilityIndex'], 
            'InterOperability版本' => $infoAll['InterOperabilityVersion'] 

The above introduces how to obtain image information exif with PHP, including the content. I hope it will be helpful to friends who are interested in PHP tutorials.

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