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Notes on developing Google Chrome browser extensions_javascript skills

2016-05-16 15:21:401619browse

According to company regulations, eight hours per month, flexible working system. So everyone usually doesn't come on time. If something happens, they go back early after get off work. So there may not be enough working hours in a month, but the company’s attendance calendar is like this:

Except for leave and statutory holidays, the other display styles are the same. It is very inconvenient to estimate the approximate working hours for this month one by one every time. Later, I saw that someone in the company was using a Chrome extension that could calculate working hours for a month, but I felt that I still didn’t see what I wanted to see, because in addition to the accumulated working hours per month, I also wanted to see : Average working hours per day, working hours per day, the number of days after 20 o'clock (those who get off work after 20 o'clock can be reimbursed for dinner, haha...), the number of days when they get off work after 22 o'clock (taxi fare is reimbursed)... So I decided Just write one yourself.

In the first step, I wrote a JS method and then copied and pasted it through the Console of the F12 developer tool to run it.

The OA system used by the company does not reference the jQuery library, so my initial idea was to dynamically reference the jQuery class library, as follows:

Copy code The code is as follows:
var script = document.createElement("script");
script.src = "http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.5.2/jquery.min.js";

But we encountered problems: one is that $ is occupied, and the other is that the HR system uses iframe nesting, and there is also frame nesting, and the structure is very complicated. The code run by the console runs at the top level, and the later chrome extension plug-ins run in the internal frame. Maybe the JS here cannot be used directly. Although the problem of $ being occupied can be solved by jQuery.noConflict();, there is a calling order problem between the jquery library and the original system's JS library, and the jQuery object cannot be accessed in the internal frame. Finally I decided to give up using jQuery and use native JavaScript.

The JS code is as follows:

 * author:清明雨上
 * date:2016-1-5
var mydate = function() {
  function getTimeDiff(time1, time2) {
    var st1 = time1.split(':');
    var st2 = time2.split(':');
    return ((st2[0] | 0) * 60 + (st2[1] | 0)) - ((st1[0] | 0) * 60 + (st1[1] | 0) * 1);

  var timeList = [];
  var mymain = window.parent.frames['Main'].document.getElementById('ctl00_cphMain_CalendarAC');
  var listAC = mymain.getElementsByClassName('listAC');
  for (var i = 0; i < listAC.length; i++) {
    var item = listAC[i];
    var t = {};
    t.timeSpan = item.getElementsByTagName('td')[1].innerText;
    t.remark = item.getElementsByTagName('td')[2].innerText;

  var totalMin = 0;
  var noworkDays = 0; //请假天数
  var workDays = 0; //实际上班天数
  var workHourEveryday = [];
  var no8h = 0; //未满8小时天数
  var over20 = 0; //20点以后下班天数
  var over21 = 0; //21点以后下班天数
  var over22 = 0; //22点以后下班天数
  var over23 = 0; //23点以后下班天数
  for (var i = 0; i < timeList.length; i++) {
    var time = timeList[i];
    if (time.remark != '无') {
    if (time.timeSpan == '无刷卡记录')

    var splitTime = time.timeSpan.split('~');
    if (splitTime.length == 2) {
      var begin = splitTime[0];
      var end = splitTime[1];
      var thisMin = getTimeDiff(begin, end);
      totalMin += thisMin;
      if (thisMin / 60 < 8) {
        workHourEveryday.push('<font color="red"><b style="font-size:15px">' + parseInt(thisMin / 60) + '</b>.' + thisMin % 60 + '</font>');
      } else {
        workHourEveryday.push('<b style="font-size:15px">' + parseInt(thisMin / 60) + '</b>.' + thisMin % 60);
        var offworkHour = parseInt(end.split(':')[0]);
        if (offworkHour >= 20) {
        if (offworkHour >= 21) {
        if (offworkHour >= 22) {
        if (offworkHour >= 23) {
  var myHour = parseInt(totalMin / 60); //本月工作累计小时数
  var otherMin = totalMin % 60; //本月工作出小时部分外的分钟数
  var avgHourOneDay = workDays == 0 &#63; '0.0' : '<b style="font-size:15px">'+(parseInt(myHour / workDays) + '</b>.' + (parseInt((myHour % workDays) * 60 / workDays) + parseInt(otherMin / workDays))); //平均每天工作时长

  var html = '<div class="alectest" style="background: #cbebfb;padding:7px;">\
        <div>出勤时间:<b style="font-size:15px;color:red">' + myHour + '</b>小时<font color="red">' + otherMin + '</font>分钟(平均<font color="red">' + avgHourOneDay + '</font>小时/天)</div>\
        <div>参考时间:' + workDays * 8 + '小时【' + workDays + '天】(除去请假和节假日,实际有打卡记录的天数)</div>\
        <div>请假/外出天数:' + noworkDays + '天</div>\
        <div>每天工作时间(格式:小时.分钟):' + workHourEveryday.join(',') + '</div>\
        <div>未满8小时天数:<b style="font-size:15px">' + no8h + '</b>天</div>\
        <div>20点以后下班天数:<b style="font-size:15px">' + over20 + '</b>天</div>\
        <div>21点以后下班天数:<b style="font-size:15px">' + over21 + '</b>天</div>\
        <div>22点以后下班天数:<b style="font-size:15px">' + over22 + '</b>天</div>\
        <div>23点以后下班天数:<b style="font-size:15px">' + over23 + '</b>天</div>\
  var alectest = mymain.parentNode.getElementsByClassName('alectest');
  if (alectest.length > 0) {
    // mymain.parentNode.removeChild(alectest[0]);
    alectest[0].innerHTML = html;
  } else {
    var div = document.createElement("div");
    div.innerHTML = html;
    var fragement = document.createDocumentFragment();
    while (div.childNodes[0]) {
    mymain.parentNode.insertBefore(fragement, mymain);
var bindBtnClick = function() {
  window.parent.frames['Main'].document.getElementById('ctl00_cphTop_BtnQuery').addEventListener('click', function() {
    var inter = setInterval(function() {
      if (window.parent.frames['Main'].document.getElementById('ctl00_cphMain_CalendarAC') &&
        window.parent.frames['Main'].document.getElementById('ctl00_UpMaster').style.display == 'none') {
    }, 500);
  }, false);

Code description: Listen to the click event of the attendance query button. After the attendance information is loaded, execute my JS method.

The second step is to develop a Chrome extension

Reference materials: http://open.chrome.360.cn/extension_dev/content_scripts.html (Query the description of each attribute of the content_scripts node of manifest.json)

Manifest.json is required, the final content is as follows:

  "name": "Extension Name", 
 "version": "0.1.0", 
 "description": "插件描述",
 "icons": { "48": "icon.png" },
 "content_scripts": [
   "all_frames" : true,
   "matches": ["http://*"],
   "js": ["haha.js"],
   "run_at": "document_end"

In addition, place an icon.png image in the same directory. At this point, all files are ready. The directory is as follows:

Open the developer mode of Chrome's extension list "Large package extension..." and enter the parent directory where the above three files are located in the extension root directory.

Click [Package Extension].

Note: If clicking the button does not reflect for a long time, it may be that your chrome does not allow third-party non-certified extensions. The solution is to right-click the chrome shortcut > Properties > append "enable" after the target input box -easy-off-store-extension-install", pay attention to the preceding space.

Then try the above steps again.

Step 3: Prevent Chrome from blocking unofficial extensions Settings

Chrome will prompt to suspend unofficial extensions, and the prompt will appear every time it is started, which is very annoying.

Find information: http://www.itechzero.com/prevent-chrome-shielding-unofficial-extensions-tutorial.html (Tutorial on preventing Chrome from blocking unofficial extensions)

According to the above information, this problem can be easily solved.


At this point, the scalable program is completed, and the result is as follows:

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