Home >Backend Development >PHP Tutorial >Example analysis of usage of yii paging component
The example in this article describes the usage of yii paging component. Share it with everyone for your reference, the details are as follows:
When used in this case, the paging class exists in the form of components in the Yii framework.
The action code is as follows:
public function actionIndex(){ $user=User::model(); //分页的使用 $count=$user->count(); //获取总页数 $pagesize=3; //每一页显示的记录条数 $page=new Page($count,$pagesize); $sql="select * from {{user}} $page->limit"; $info=$user->findAllBySql($sql); $show_page=$page->fpage(); $this->renderPartial("index",array("info"=>$info,'show_page'=>$show_page)); }
On the view page, traverse info to obtain information, and output show_page to display the paging list and other information.
The page.php code is now attached as follows:
"上一页", "next"=>"下一页", "first"=>"首 页", "last"=>"尾 页"); private $listNum=8; /* * $total * $listRows */ public function __construct($total, $listRows=10, $pa=""){ $this->total=$total; $this->listRows=$listRows; $this->uri=$this->getUri($pa); $this->page=!empty($_GET["page"]) ? $_GET["page"] : 1; $this->pageNum=ceil($this->total/$this->listRows); $this->limit=$this->setLimit(); } private function setLimit(){ return "Limit ".($this->page-1)*$this->listRows.", {$this->listRows}"; } private function getUri($pa){ $url=$_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"].(strpos($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"], '?')?'':"?").$pa; $parse=parse_url($url); if(isset($parse["query"])){ parse_str($parse['query'],$params); unset($params["page"]); $url=$parse['path'].'?'.http_build_query($params); } return $url; } function __get($args){ if($args=="limit") return $this->limit; else return null; } private function start(){ if($this->total==0) return 0; else return ($this->page-1)*$this->listRows+1; } private function end(){ return min($this->page*$this->listRows,$this->total); } private function first(){ $html=''; if($this->page==1) $html.=''; else $html.=" <a href="%7B%24this->uri%7D&page=1">{$this->config["first"]}</a> "; return $html; } private function prev(){ $html=''; if($this->page==1) $html.=''; else $html.=" <a href="%7B%24this->uri%7D&page=%22.(%24this->page-1).%22">{$this->config["prev"]}</a> "; return $html; } private function pageList(){ $linkPage=""; $inum=floor($this->listNum/2); for($i=$inum; $i>=1; $i--){ $page=$this->page-$i; if($pageuri}&page={$page}'>{$page} "; } $linkPage.=" {$this->page} "; for($i=1; $ipage+$i; if($pagepageNum) $linkPage.=" <a href="%7B%24this->uri%7D&page=%7B%24page%7D">{$page}</a> "; else break; } return $linkPage; } private function next(){ $html=''; if($this->page==$this->pageNum) $html.=''; else $html.=" <a href="%7B%24this->uri%7D&page=%22.(%24this->page+1).%22">{$this->config["next"]}</a> "; return $html; } private function last(){ $html=''; if($this->page==$this->pageNum) $html.=''; else $html.=" <a href="%7B%24this->uri%7D&page=%22.(%24this->pageNum).%22">{$this->config["last"]}</a> "; return $html; } private function goPage(){ return ' <input type="text" value="'.$this->page.'"><input type="button" value="GO">{$this->total}{$this->config["header"]} "; $html[1]=" 每页显示<b>".($this->end()-$this->start()+1)."</b>条,本页<b>{$this->start()}-{$this->end()}</b>条 "; $html[2]=" <b>{$this->page}/{$this->pageNum}</b>页 "; $html[3]=$this->first(); $html[4]=$this->prev(); $html[5]=$this->pageList(); $html[6]=$this->next(); $html[7]=$this->last(); $html[8]=$this->goPage(); $fpage=''; foreach($display as $index){ $fpage.=$html[$index]; } return $fpage; } }
I hope this article will be helpful to everyone’s PHP program design based on the yii framework.
The above introduces the usage example analysis of Yii paging component, including the content. I hope it will be helpful to friends who are interested in PHP tutorials.