Home >Backend Development >PHP Tutorial >(1) Basic configuration of WeChat public account development
As a WeChat developer using code or to implement functions such as event response, the basic configuration of WeChat development is an indispensable link. This article roughly outlines the development configuration process.
1. Log in to the WeChat public platform: Development ---> Basic Configuration
2. There is "Server Configuration" on the basic configuration page, and the default is not In the enabled state, we need to click "Modify Configuration" first to fill in the relevant items
3. Fill in the following project content
<span> 1</span> <span>php </span><span> 2</span><span>define</span>("TOKEN", "此处填写你设置的token值"<span>); </span><span> 3</span><span> 4</span><span>$wechatObj</span> = <span>new</span><span> CallbackAPI; </span><span> 5</span><span>$wechatObj</span>-><span>valid(); </span><span> 6</span><span> 7</span><span>class</span><span> CallbackAPI { </span><span> 8</span><span> 9</span><span>/*</span><span>* </span><span>10</span><span> * 签名验证 </span><span>11</span><span> * @return [type] [description] </span><span>12</span><span>*/</span><span>13</span><span>public</span><span>function</span><span> valid() { </span><span>14</span><span>$echoStr</span> = <span>$_GET</span>["echostr"<span>]; </span><span>15</span><span>$signature</span> = <span>$_GET</span>["signature"<span>]; </span><span>16</span><span>$timestamp</span> = <span>$_GET</span>["timestamp"<span>]; </span><span>17</span><span>$nonce</span> = <span>$_GET</span>["nonce"<span>]; </span><span>18</span><span>$token</span> =<span> TOKEN; </span><span>19</span><span>//</span><span>将token、timestamp、nonce按字典序排序</span><span>20</span><span>$tmpArr</span> = <span>array</span>(<span>$token</span>, <span>$timestamp</span>, <span>$nonce</span><span>); </span><span>21</span><span>sort</span>(<span>$tmpArr</span><span>); </span><span>22</span><span>$tmpStr</span> = <span>implode</span>(<span>$tmpArr</span><span>); </span><span>23</span><span>//</span><span>对tmpStr进行sha1加密</span><span>24</span><span>$tmpStr</span> = <span>sha1</span>(<span>$tmpStr</span><span>); </span><span>25</span><span>if</span>(<span>$tmpStr</span> == <span>$signature</span><span>){ </span><span>26</span><span>header</span>('content-type:text'<span>); </span><span>27</span><span>echo</span><span>$echoStr</span><span>; </span><span>28</span><span>exit</span><span>; </span><span>29</span><span> } </span><span>30</span><span> } </span><span>31</span> }
Run index.php in the browser. If the program is correct, you can see the returned string, and complete the verification at this time, and fill in the token in the code into the basic configuration In the corresponding position, click Submit. (Note: After submission, a "token verification failed" prompt may appear. If the code and parameters are checked correctly, you need to click a few more times to submit successfully)
4. After the submission is successful, Click the "Enable" button to enter the developer mode. After this mode is enabled, the functions ---> Some functions such as custom menus will not be available. If you want to use it, just click "Disable"
Hereby declare: The relevant articles are all compiled from the information and the problems encountered in the actual development situation after reading the blog posts of great experts. If you can find the original blog, you will definitely sign it. If you cannot find the original blog and quote the content, please contact the original blogger. Haihan
The above introduces (1) the basic configuration of WeChat public account development, including aspects of the content. I hope it will be helpful to friends who are interested in PHP tutorials.