Home >Backend Development >PHP Tutorial >PHP file operation: methods to obtain files in a directory and calculate relative paths
Get the files in the directory
1. Get the files in the directory, excluding subdirectories
//获取某目录下所有文件、目录名(不包括子目录下文件、目录名) $handler = opendir($dir); while (($filename = readdir($handler)) !== false) {//务必使用!==,防止目录下出现类似文件名“0”等情况 if ($filename != "." && $filename != "..") { $files[] = $filename ; } } } closedir($handler); //打印所有文件名 foreach ($filens as $value) { echo $value."<br />"; }
2. Get all the files in the directory, including subdirectories
function get_allfiles($path,&$files) { if(is_dir($path)){ $dp = dir($path); while ($file = $dp ->read()){ if($file !="." && $file !=".."){ get_allfiles($path."/".$file, $files); } } $dp ->close(); } if(is_file($path)){ $files[] = $path; } } function get_filenamesbydir($dir){ $files = array(); get_allfiles($dir,$files); return $files; } $filenames = get_filenamesbydir("static/image/"); //打印所有文件名,包括路径 foreach ($filenames as $value) { echo $value."<br />"; }
Method to calculate the relative path between two files
PHP method to calculate the relative path between two files
For example:
The path of file A is /home/web/lib/img/cache.php
The path of file B is /home/web/api/img/show. php
Then, the path of file A relative to file B is ../../lib/img/cache.php, that is, the relative path of file B accessing file A.
function getRelativePath
<?php /** 计算path1 相对于 path2 的路径,即在path2引用paht1的相对路径 * @param String $path1 * @param String $path2 * @return String */ function getRelativePath($path1, $path2){ $arr1 = explode('/', $path1); $arr2 = explode('/', $path2); // 获取相同路径的部分 $intersection = array_intersect_assoc($arr1, $arr2); $depth = 0; for($i=0,$len=count($intersection); $i<$len; $i++){ if(!isset($intersection[$i])){ $depth = $i; break; } } // 将path2的/ 转为 ../,path1获取后面的部分,然后合拼 $tmp = array_merge(array_fill(0, count($arr2)-$depth-1, '..'), array_slice($arr1, $depth)); $relativePath = implode('/', $tmp); return $relativePath; } ?>
<?php $path1 = '/home/web/lib/img/cache.php'; $path2 = '/home/web/api/img/show.php'; echo getRelativePath($path1, $path2); // ../../lib/img/cache.php ?>
The above has introduced the method of obtaining files in a directory and calculating relative paths in PHP file operations, including the relevant aspects. I hope it will be helpful to friends who are interested in PHP tutorials.