Home >Backend Development >PHP Tutorial >PHP+swoole implements simple multi-person online chat group messaging
Due to the limited capabilities of this article, many details of the chat logic have not been implemented. Only group messaging has been implemented. The specific code is as follows:
php code:
$serv = new swoole_websocket_server("",3999); //服务的基本设置 $serv->set(array( 'worker_num' => 2, 'reactor_num'=>8, 'task_worker_num'=>1, 'dispatch_mode' => 2, 'debug_mode'=> 1, 'daemonize' => true, 'log_file' => __DIR__.'/log/webs_swoole.log', 'heartbeat_check_interval' => 60, 'heartbeat_idle_time' => 600, )); $serv->on('connect', function ($serv,$fd){ // echo "client:$fd Connect.".PHP_EOL; }); //测试receive $serv->on("receive",function(swoole_server $serv,$fd,$from_id,$data){ // echo "receive#{$from_id}: receive $data ".PHP_EOL; }); $serv->on('open', function($server, $req) { // echo "server#{$server->worker_pid}: handshake success with fd#{$req->fd}".PHP_EOL;; // echo PHP_EOL; }); $serv->on('message',function($server,$frame) { // echo "message: ".$frame->data.PHP_EOL; $msg=json_decode($frame->data,true); switch ($msg['type']){ case 'login': $server->push($frame->fd,"欢迎欢迎~"); break; default: break; } $msg['fd']=$frame->fd; $server->task($msg); }); $serv->on("workerstart",function($server,$workerid){ // echo "workerstart: ".$workerid.PHP_EOL; // echo PHP_EOL; }); $serv->on("task","on_task"); $serv->on("finish",function($serv,$task_id,$data){ return ; }); $serv->on('close', function($server,$fd,$from_id) { // echo "connection close: ".$fd.PHP_EOL; // echo PHP_EOL; }); $serv->start(); function on_task($serv,$task_id,$from_id,$data) { switch ($data['type']){ case 'login': $send_msg="说:我来了~"; break; default: $send_msg="说:{$data['msg']['speak']}"; break; } foreach ($serv->connections as $conn){ if ($conn!=$data['fd']){ if (strpos($data['msg']['name'],"游客")===0){ $name=$data['msg']['name']."_".$data['fd']; }else{ $name=$data['msg']['name']; } }else{ $name="我"; } $serv->push($conn,$name.$send_msg); } return; } function on_finish($serv,$task_id,$data){ return true; }
Front-end code:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd"> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" c src="jquery-1.12.0.min.js"> </script> </head> <body> <h2>WebSocket Test</h2> 昵称:<input type="text" size="5" value="游客"/> <input type="text"> <button rows="10" cols="50"></textarea> <div></div> </body> <script language="javascript"type="text/javascript"> var wsUri ="ws://"; var output; function init() { output = document.getElementById("output"); testWebSocket(); } function testWebSocket() { websocket = new WebSocket(wsUri); websocket.onopen = function(evt) { onOpen(evt) }; websocket.onclose = function(evt) { onClose(evt) }; websocket.onmessage = function(evt) { onMessage(evt) }; websocket.onerror = function(evt) { onError(evt) }; } function get_speak_msg(){ var name=document.getElementById("name").value; var speak=document.getElementById("content").value; var js return json_msg; } function pack_msg(type,msg){ return '{"type":"'+type+'","msg":'+msg+'}'; } function onOpen(evt) { append_speak("已经联通服务器........."); speak_msg=get_speak_msg(); send_msg=pack_msg("login",speak_msg); doSend(send_msg); } function onClose(evt) { append_speak("俺老孙去也!"); } function onMessage(evt) { append_speak(evt.data); } function onError(evt) { alert(evt.data); } function doSend(message) { websocket.send(message); } function append_speak(new_msg){ document.getElementById("message").value=document.getElementById("message").value+new_msg+"\n"; document.getElementById('message').scrollTop = document.getElementById('message').scrollHeight; } function speak_to_all(){ send_msg=pack_msg("speak",get_speak_msg()); if(document.getElementById("content").value==""){ return; } doSend(send_msg); document.getElementById("content").value=""; } init(); </script> </html>
Recommended article: php How to install swoole extension Use swoole to extend php websocket example
The above code shares with you the relevant code for PHP+swoole to implement simple multi-person online chat group messaging. I hope this article will be helpful to everyone.
The above introduces PHP+swoole to implement simple multi-person online chat group sending, including aspects of the content. I hope it will be helpful to friends who are interested in PHP tutorials.