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Common functions for php arrays
Returns an array that contains all the units in arr1 after the callback has been applied. The number of arguments accepted by callback should match the number of arrays passed to the array_map() function.
<code><span>/*例1*/</span><span><?php</span><span><span>function</span><span>cube</span><span>( <span>$n</span> )</span> {</span><span>return</span>( <span>$n</span> * <span>$n</span> * <span>$n</span> ); } <span>$a</span> = <span>array</span>( <span>1</span> , <span>2</span> , <span>3</span> , <span>4</span> , <span>5</span> ); <span>$b</span> = array_map ( <span>"cube"</span> , <span>$a</span> ); print_r ( <span>$b</span> ); <span>/** 输出 Array ( [0] => 1 [1] => 8 [2] => 27 [3] => 64 [4] => 125 ) **/</span><span>?></span></code>
<code><span><?php</span><span>/*例2*/</span><span>/*将多个数组进行合并*/</span><span>$a</span> = <span>array</span>( <span>1</span> , <span>2</span> , <span>3</span> , <span>4</span> , <span>5</span> ); <span>$b</span> = <span>array</span>( <span>"one"</span> , <span>"two"</span> , <span>"three"</span> , <span>"four"</span> , <span>"five"</span> ); <span>$c</span> = <span>array</span>( <span>"uno"</span> , <span>"dos"</span> , <span>"tres"</span> , <span>"cuatro"</span> , <span>"cinco"</span> ); <span>$d</span> = array_map ( <span>null</span> , <span>$a</span> , <span>$b</span> , <span>$c</span> ); print_r ( <span>$d</span> ); <span>/*输出 Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => 1 [1] => one [2] => uno ) [1] => Array ( [0] => 2 [1] => two [2] => dos ) [2] => Array ( [0] => 3 [1] => three [2] => tres ) [3] => Array ( [0] => 4 [1] => four [2] => cuatro ) [4] => Array ( [0] => 5 [1] => five [2] => cinco ) ) */</span><span>?></span></code>
step represents the interval value. If not written, the default is 1
<code><span>/* 例1,产生一组数字 */</span><span>$nums</span> = range(<span>1</span>, <span>5</span>); print_r(<span>$nums</span>); <span>/* 输出: Array ( [0] => 1 [1] => 2 [2] => 3 [3] => 4 [4] => 5 ) */</span><span>$nums</span> = range(<span>1</span>, <span>5</span>, <span>2</span>); print_r(<span>$nums</span>); <span>/* 输出: Array ( [0] => 1 [1] => 3 [2] => 5 ) */</span></code>
<code><span>/* 例2,产生一组字母数组 */</span><span>$array</span> = range(<span>'a'</span>,<span>'f'</span>); print_r(<span>$array</span>); <span>/* 输出: Array ( [0] => a [1] => b [2] => c [3] => d [4] => e [5] => f ) */</span><span>$array</span> = <span>array</span>(<span>'a'</span>, <span>'f'</span>, <span>2</span>); print_r(<span>$array</span>); <span>/* 输出: print_r($array); /* 输出: Array ( [0] => a [1] => c [2] => e ) */</span></code>
,array_merge() merges one or more The elements of two arrays are combined, and the values in one array are appended to the end of the previous array. Returns the resulting array.
If the input array has the same string key name, the value after the key name will overwrite the previous value. However, if the array contains numeric keys, the subsequent values will not overwrite the original values but will be appended to them.
If only an array is given and the array is numerically indexed, the key names are re-indexed in a consecutive manner. [
<code><span>/* 解释:如果只给了一个数组并且该数组是数字索引的,则键名会以连续方式重新索引。 */</span><span>$array1</span> = <span>array</span>(<span>1</span>, <span>2</span>, <span>3</span>, <span>4</span>, <span>5</span>); <span>$array2</span> = <span>array</span>(<span>1</span>, <span>2</span>, <span>8</span>, <span>9</span>); <span>$array3</span> = array_merge(<span>$array1</span>, <span>$array2</span>); print_r(<span>$array3</span>); <span>/* 输出: Array ( [0] => 1 [1] => 2 [2] => 3 [3] => 4 [4] => 5 [5] => 1 [6] => 2 [7] => 8 [8] => 9 ) */</span></code>
<code><span>/* 例1 */</span><span>$ar1</span> = <span>array</span>(<span>"color"</span> => <span>array</span>(<span>"favorite"</span> => <span>"red"</span>), <span>5</span>); <span>$ar2</span> = <span>array</span>(<span>10</span>, <span>"color"</span> => <span>array</span>(<span>"favorite"</span> => <span>array</span>(<span>'a'</span>=><span>"red"</span>), <span>"blue"</span>)); <span>$result</span> = array_merge_recursive(<span>$ar1</span>, <span>$ar2</span>); print_r(<span>$result</span>); <span>/* 输出: Array ( [color] => Array ( [favorite] => Array ( [0] => red [a] => red 重点 ) [0] => blue ) [0] => 5 [1] => 10 ) */</span></code>array_pad ( array inp
<code><span>/* 例2 */</span><span>$ar1</span> = <span>array</span>(<span>"color"</span> => <span>array</span>(<span>"favorite"</span> => <span>"red"</span>), <span>5</span>); <span>$ar2</span> = <span>array</span>(<span>10</span>, <span>"color"</span> => <span>array</span>(<span>"favorite"</span> =><span>"red"</span>, <span>"blue"</span>)); <span>$result</span> = array_merge_recursive(<span>$ar1</span>, <span>$ar2</span>); print_r(<span>$result</span>); <span>/* 输出: Array ( [color] => Array ( [favorite] => Array ( [0] => red [1] => red 重点 ) [0] => blue ) [0] => 5 [1] => 10 ) */</span></code>array_pop ( array &$array ) removes the last one element, the original array will change array_pop() pops and returns the last element of the array array, and decrements the length of the array array by one. NULL will be returned if array is empty (or not an array). In addition, a Warning will be generated if the called value is not a number.
<code><span><?php</span><span>$input</span> = <span>array</span>(<span>12</span>, <span>10</span>, <span>9</span>); <span>$result</span> = array_pad(<span>$input</span>, <span>5</span>, <span>0</span>); <span>// result is array(12, 10, 9, 0, 0)</span><span>$result</span> = array_pad(<span>$input</span>, -<span>7</span>, -<span>1</span>); <span>// result is array(-1, -1, -1, -1, 12, 10, 9)</span><span>$result</span> = array_pad(<span>$input</span>, <span>2</span>, <span>"noop"</span>); <span>// not padded</span><span>/* 如果size<数组的长度,将不会有变化 */</span><span>?></span></code>array_shift() moves the unit at the beginning of the array out of the array. The original array will change. After using this function, the array pointer will be reset (reset()). array_shift() shifts the first element of the array out and returns it as the result, decrements the length of the array by one and shifts all other elements forward one position. All numeric key names will be changed to count from zero, and text key names will remain unchanged. If array is empty (or not an array) it will return NULL
test() Formatted output array
sort() After the values are sorted, it will be an index array, even if it was originally an associative array
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The above introduces the PHP array function query manual, including array functions and PHP content. I hope it will be helpful to friends who are interested in PHP tutorials.