Home > Article > Backend Development > Use PHP to get a series of clues from the ID number (zodiac sign, zodiac sign, birthday, etc.) Sun Kebin ID number Taiwan ID number Hong Kong ID number
The first example of this article shares with you how PHP can automatically obtain the corresponding constellation function based on the ID card number for your reference. The specific content is as follows
<?php function get_xingzuo($cid) { // 根据身份证号,自动返回对应的星座 if (!isIdCard($cid)) return ''; $bir = substr($cid,10,4); $month = (int)substr($bir,0,2); $day = (int)substr($bir,2); $strValue = ''; if (($month == 1 && $day >= 20) || ($month == 2 && $day <= 18)) { $strValue = "水瓶座"; } else if (($month == 2 && $day >= 19) || ($month == 3 && $day <= 20)) { $strValue = "双鱼座"; } else if (($month == 3 && $day > 20) || ($month == 4 && $day <= 19)) { $strValue = "白羊座"; } else if (($month == 4 && $day >= 20) || ($month == 5 && $day <= 20)) { $strValue = "金牛座"; } else if (($month == 5 && $day >= 21) || ($month == 6 && $day <= 21)) { $strValue = "双子座"; } else if (($month == 6 && $day > 21) || ($month == 7 && $day <= 22)) { $strValue = "巨蟹座"; } else if (($month == 7 && $day > 22) || ($month == 8 && $day <= 22)) { $strValue = "狮子座"; } else if (($month == 8 && $day >= 23) || ($month == 9 && $day <= 22)) { $strValue = "处女座"; } else if (($month == 9 && $day >= 23) || ($month == 10 && $day <= 23)) { $strValue = "天秤座"; } else if (($month == 10 && $day > 23) || ($month == 11 && $day <= 22)) { $strValue = "天蝎座"; } else if (($month == 11 && $day > 22) || ($month == 12 && $day <= 21)) { $strValue = "射手座"; } else if (($month == 12 && $day > 21) || ($month == 1 && $day <= 19)) { $strValue = "魔羯座"; } return $strValue; } function get_shengxiao($cid) { //根据身份证号,自动返回对应的生肖 if (!isIdCard($cid)) return ''; $start = 1901; $end = $end = (int)substr($cid,6,4); $x = ($start - $end) % 12; $value = ""; if ($x == 1 || $x == -11) {$value = "鼠";} if ($x == 0) { $value = "牛";} if ($x == 11 || $x == -1) {$value = "虎";} if ($x == 10 || $x == -2) {$value = "兔";} if ($x == 9 || $x == -3) {$value = "龙";} if ($x == 8 || $x == -4) {$value = "蛇";} if ($x == 7 || $x == -5) {$value = "马";} if ($x == 6 || $x == -6) {$value = "羊";} if ($x == 5 || $x == -7) {$value = "猴";} if ($x == 4 || $x == -8) {$value = "鸡";} if ($x == 3 || $x == -9) {$value = "狗";} if ($x == 2 || $x == -10) {$value = "猪";} return $value; } function get_xingbie($cid) { //根据身份证号,自动返回性别 if (!isIdCard($cid)) return ''; $sexint = (int)substr($cid,16,1); return $sexint % 2 === 0 ? '女' : '男'; } function isIdCard($number) { // 检查是否是身份证号 // 转化为大写,如出现x $number = strtoupper($number); //加权因子 $wi = array(7, 9, 10, 5, 8, 4, 2, 1, 6, 3, 7, 9, 10, 5, 8, 4, 2); //校验码串 $ai = array('1', '0', 'X', '9', '8', '7', '6', '5', '4', '3', '2'); //按顺序循环处理前17位 $sigma = 0; for ($i = 0;$i < 17;$i++) { //提取前17位的其中一位,并将变量类型转为实数 $b = (int) $number{$i}; //提取相应的加权因子 $w = $wi[$i]; //把从身份证号码中提取的一位数字和加权因子相乘,并累加 $sigma += $b * $w; } //计算序号 $snumber = $sigma % 11; //按照序号从校验码串中提取相应的字符。 $check_number = $ai[$snumber]; if ($number{17} == $check_number) { return true; } else { return false; } } ?>
The second example: Use PHP to extract the birthday from the ID card. Including 15-digit and 18-digit ID cards:
function getIDCardInfo($IDCard,$format=1){ $result['error']=0;//0:未知错误,1:身份证格式错误,2:无错误 $result['flag']='';//0标示成年,1标示未成年 $result['tdate']='';//生日,格式如:2012-11-15 if(!preg_match("/^(\d{15}$|^\d{18}$|^\d{17}(\d|X|x))$/",$IDCard)){ $result['error']=1; return $result; }else{ if(strlen($IDCard)==18) { $tyear=intval(substr($IDCard,6,4)); $tm $tday=intval(substr($IDCard,12,2)); } elseif(strlen($IDCard)==15) { $tyear=intval("19".substr($IDCard,6,2)); $tm $tday=intval(substr($IDCard,10,2)); } if($tyear>date("Y")||$tyear<(date("Y")-100)) { $flag=0; } elseif($tmonth<0||$tmonth>12) { $flag=0; } elseif($tday<0||$tday>31) { $flag=0; }else { if($format) { $tdate=$tyear."-".$tmonth."-".$tday; } else { $tdate=$tmonth."-".$tday; } if((time()-mktime(0,0,0,$tmonth,$tday,$tyear))>18*365*24*60*60) { $flag=0; } else { $flag=1; } } } $result['error']=2;//0:未知错误,1:身份证格式错误,2:无错误 $result['isAdult']=$flag;//0标示成年,1标示未成年 $result['birthday']=$tdate;//生日日期 return $result; }
The last example: php is a function to extract the birthday date from the ID card number and determine whether it is an adult. It can determine 15-digit and 18-digit ID cards at the same time. After personal testing, it is very easy to use. The shared function code is as follows:
<?php //用php从身份证中提取生日,包括位和位身份证 function getIDCardInfo($IDCard){ $result['error']=;//:未知错误,:身份证格式错误,:无错误 $result['flag']='';//标示成年,标示未成年 $result['tdate']='';//生日,格式如:-- if(!eregi("^[-]([-a-zA-Z]{}|[-a-zA-Z]{})$",$IDCard)){ $result['error']=; return $result; }else{ if(strlen($IDCard)==){ $tyear=intval(substr($IDCard,,)); $tm $tday=intval(substr($IDCard,,)); if($tyear>date("Y")||$tyear<(date("Y")-)){ $flag=; }elseif($tmonth<||$tmonth>){ $flag=; }elseif($tday<||$tday>){ $flag=; }else{ $tdate=$tyear."-".$tmonth."-".$tday." ::"; if((time()-mktime(,,,$tmonth,$tday,$tyear))>****){ $flag=; }else{ $flag=; } } }elseif(strlen($IDCard)==){ $tyear=intval("".substr($IDCard,,)); $tm $tday=intval(substr($IDCard,,)); if($tyear>date("Y")||$tyear<(date("Y")-)){ $flag=; }elseif($tmonth<||$tmonth>){ $flag=; }elseif($tday<||$tday>){ $flag=; }else{ $tdate=$tyear."-".$tmonth."-".$tday." ::"; if((time()-mktime(,,,$tmonth,$tday,$tyear))>****){ $flag=; }else{ $flag=; } } } } $result['error']=;//:未知错误,:身份证格式错误,:无错误 $result['isAdult']=$flag;//标示成年,标示未成年 $result['birthday']=$tdate;//生日日期 return $result; }
The usage is as follows:
getIDCardInfo('ID card number');
The above code is the php function that the editor shared with you to extract the birthday date from the ID card number and verify whether it is an adult. I hope it will be useful to everyone.
The above introduces the use of PHP to obtain a series of clues (zodiac sign, zodiac sign, birthday, etc.) from the ID number, including the content of the ID number. I hope it will be helpful to friends who are interested in PHP tutorials.