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asp file upload php file upload class code

2016-07-29 08:46:26865browse

Copy the code The code is as follows:

* File upload class
class uploadFile {
public $max_size = '1000000';//Set the upload file size
public $file_name = 'date';//The renaming method represents Time naming, others use the given name
public $allow_types;//File extensions allowed to be uploaded, different file types are separated by "|"
public $errmsg = '';//Error message
public $uploaded = ' ';//Uploaded file name (including file path)
public $save_path;//Uploaded file saving path
private $files;//Submitted files waiting to be uploaded
private $file_type = array();//File type
private $ext = '';//Upload file extension
* Constructor, initialization class
* @access public
* @param string $file_name Uploaded file name
* @param string $save_path Uploaded target folder
public function __construct($save_path = './upload/',$file_name = 'date',$allow_types = '' ) {
$this->file_name = $file_name;//The renaming method represents naming based on time, and others use the given name
$this->save_path = (preg_match('//$/',$save_path) ) ? $save_path : $save_path . '/';
$this->allow_types = $allow_types == '' ? 'jpg|gif|png|zip|rar' : $allow_types;
* Upload files
* @access public
* @param $files Files waiting to be uploaded ($_FILES[] from the form)
* @return boolean Returns a Boolean value
public function upload_file($files) {
$name = $files['name'];
$type = $files['type'];
$size = $files['size'];
$ tmp_name = $files['tmp_name'];
$error = $files['error'];
switch ($error) {
case 0 : $this->errmsg = '';
case 1 : $this->errmsg = 'Exceeded the file size in php.ini';
case 2 : $this->errmsg = 'Exceeded the file size specified by the MAX_FILE_SIZE option';
case 3 : $this->errmsg = 'Only part of the file was uploaded';
case 4 : $this->errmsg = 'No file was uploaded';
case 5 : $this->errmsg = 'Upload file size is 0';
default : $this->errmsg = 'Failed to upload file! ';
if($error == 0 && is_uploaded_file($tmp_name)) {
//Detect file type
if($this->check_file_type($name) == FALSE){
return FALSE ;
//Detect file size
if($size > $this->max_size){
$this->errmsg = 'Upload file'.$name.'< /font> is too large, the maximum supported is '.ceil($this->max_size/1024).'kb files';
return FALSE;
$this- >set_save_path();//Set the file storage path
$new_name = $this->file_name != 'date' ? $this->file_name.'.'.$this->ext : date('YmdHis ').'.'.$this->ext;//Set the new file name
$this->uploaded = $this->save_path.$new_name;//The file name after uploading
//Move the file
$this->errmsg = 'File'.$this->uploaded.'Upload success! ';
return TRUE;
$this->errmsg = 'File'.$this->uploaded.'Upload failed!';
return FALSE;
* Check the uploaded file type
* @access public
* @param string $filename The file name waiting to be checked
* @return Returns TRUE if the check passes, FALSE and an error message if it fails
public function check_file_type($filename){
$ext = $this->get_file_type($filename);
$this-> ;ext = $ext;
$allow_types = explode('|',$this->allow_types);//Split the file extensions allowed to be uploaded into an array
//echo $ext;
//Check the uploaded file extension Is it among the file extensions that please allow uploading?
return TRUE;
$this->errmsg = 'Upload file' .$filename.'Type error, only supports uploading'.str_replace('|',',',$this->allow_types).', etc. File type!';
return FALSE;
* Get the file type
* @access public
* @param string $filename The target file name to get the file type
* @return string file type
public function get_file_type($filename){
$info = pathinfo($filename);
$ext = $info['extension '];
return $ext;
* Set the saving path after uploading the file
public function set_save_path(){
$this->save_path = (preg_match('//$/',$this->save_path )) ? $this->save_path : $this->save_path . '/';
//If the directory does not exist, create the directory
$this- >set_dir();
* Create directory
* @access public
* @param string $dir Path to create directory
* @return boolean Return error message and FALSE on failure
public function set_dir($dir = null){
//Check whether the path exists
$dir = $ this->save_path;
$this->errmsg = 'The folder to be created already exists! ';
$dir = explode('/', $dir);
foreach($dir as $v){
$d .= $v . '/';
if( !is_dir($d)){
$state = mkdir($d, 0777);
$this->errmsg = 'Creating directory' . $d . 'Error!';
return true;
* Pictures Processing class
* can generate thumbnails, watermark and other operations on pictures
* The default encoding of this class is UTF8. If you want to use it under GBK, please remove the Chinese string watermark iconv comment in the img_mark method
* Because It is difficult to determine the size (pixels) of UTF8 Chinese characters and English letters. When there are too many mixed Chinese and English characters, the string may be biased to the left
* or to the right. Please adjust $strc_w = strlen($this- in the get_mark_xy method according to the project environment >mark_str)*7+5 Enter
* Line adjustment
* Requires GD library support. For better use of this class, it is recommended to use GD library 2.0+
* @author kickflip@php100 QQ263340607
******* ******************************************/
class uploadImg extends uploadFile {
public $mark_str = 'kickflip@php100'; //Watermark string
public $ str_r = 0; //String color R
public $str_g = 0; //String color G
public $str_b = 0; //String color B
public $mark_ttf = './upload/SIMSUN.TTC' ; //Watermark text font file (including path)
public $mark_logo = './upload/logo.png'; //Watermark image
public $resize_h;//Generate thumbnail height
public $resize_w;//Generate thumbnail Thumbnail width
public $source_img;//Source image file
public $dst_path = './upload/';//Thumbnail file storage directory, if left blank, it will be the source image storage directory
* Generate the image after thumbnail generation
* @access public
* @param integer $w The width of the reduced image (px)
* @param integer $h The height of the reduced image (px)
* @param string $ source_img source image (path + file name)
public function img_resized($w,$h,$source_img = NULL){
$source_img = $source_img == NULL ? $this->uploaded : $source_img;//Get the address of the source file, if it is empty, the default is The last uploaded image
if(!is_file($source_img)) { //Check whether the source image exists
$this->errmsg = 'File'.$source_img.'Does not exist';
return FALSE;
$this->source_img = $source_img;
$img_info = getimagesize($source_img);
$source = $this->img_create($source_img); //Create source image
$this->resize_w = $w ;
$this->resize_h = $h;
$thumb = imagecreatetruecolor($w,$h);
imagecopyresized($thumb,$source,0,0,0,0,$w,$h,$img_info [0],$img_info[1]); //Generate thumbnail image
$dst_path = $this->dst_path == '' ? $this->save_path : $this->dst_path; //Get the target Folder path
$dst_path = (preg_match('//$/',$dst_path)) ? $dst_path : $dst_path . '/';//Add / after the target folder
if(!is_dir($dst_path )) $this->set_dir($dst_path); //If the target folder does not exist, create it
$dst_name = $this->set_newname($source_img);
$this->img_output($thumb,$ dst_name);//Output image
*@access public
*@param string $source_img Source image path + file name
*@param integer $mark_type Watermark type (1 is English string, 2 is Chinese string, 3 is picture logo, default is an English string)
*@param integer $mark_postion watermark position (1 is the lower left corner, 2 is the lower right corner, 3 is the upper left corner, 4 is the upper right corner, the default is the lower right corner);
*@return The watermarked picture
public function img_mark($source_img = NULL,$mark_type = 1,$mark_postion = 2) {
$source_img = $source_img == NULL ? $this->uploaded : $source_img;//Get the address of the source file. If it is empty, it defaults to the last uploaded image
if(!is_file($source_img )) { //Check if the source image exists
$this->errmsg = 'File'.$source_img.'Does not exist';
return FALSE;
$this->source_img = $source_img;
$img_info = getimagesize($source_img);
$source = $this->img_create($source_img); //Create source image
$mark_xy = $this->get_mark_xy($mark_postion); //Get the watermark position
$mark_color = imagecolorallocate($source,$this->str_r,$this->str_g,$this->str_b);
switch($mark_type) {
case 1: //Add English string watermark
$str = $this->mark_str;
case 2: //Add Chinese string watermark
if(!is_file($this->mark_ttf)) { //Check whether the font file exists
$this->errmsg = 'Watermarking failed: font file '.$this->mark_ttf.' does not exist!';
return FALSE;
$str = $this->mark_str;
//$str = iconv('gbk','utf-8', $str);//Convert character encoding. If you use GBK encoding, please remove the comment on this line
imagettftext($source,12,0,$mark_xy[2],$mark_xy[3],$mark_color,$this->mark_ttf, $str);
case 3: //Add image watermark
if(is_file($this->mark_logo)){ //If there is a watermark For the logo image, the basic information of the logo image is obtained. If it does not exist, exit
$logo_info = getimagesize($this->mark_logo);
$this->errmsg = 'Watermarking failed: logo file '.$this->mark_logo.' does not exist! ';
return FALSE;
$logo_info = getimagesize($this->mark_logo);
if($logo_info[0]>$img_info[0] || $logo_info[1]>$img_info[1 ]) { //If the source image is smaller than the logo size, exit
$this->errmsg = 'Watermarking failed: source image '.$this->source_img.' is smaller than '.$this->mark_logo.' !';
return FALSE;
$logo = $this->img_create($this->mark_logo);
imagecopy ( $source, $logo, $mark_xy[4], $mark_xy[5], 0, 0, $logo_info[0], $logo_info[1]);
default: //Others are text pictures
$str = $this- >mark_str;
* Get the watermark position
* @access private
* @param integer $mark_postion The position of the watermark (1 is the lower left corner, 2 is the lower right corner, 3 is the upper left corner, 4 is the upper right corner, others are the lower right corner)
* @return array $mark_xy The coordinates of the watermark position (index 0 is the English string watermark coordinate X, index 1 is the English string watermark coordinate Y,
* index 2 is the Chinese string watermark coordinate X, index 3 is the Chinese string watermark coordinate Y, Index 4 is the watermark image coordinate X, index 5 is the watermark image coordinate Y)
private function get_mark_xy($mark_postion){
$img_info = getimagesize($this->source_img);
$stre_w = strlen($this ->mark_str)*9+5; //The length of the watermark English string (px) (the size of English characters for size 5 is about 9px, plus 5px for beauty)
//(The size of Chinese characters for size 12 is 12px, in utf8, the length of a Chinese character is 3 bytes and 4px per byte, while the length of an English character is about 9px per byte
// In order to display completely when Chinese and English are mixed, set its length to the number of bytes *7px)
$strc_w = strlen($this->mark_str)*7+5; //The length of the watermark Chinese string (px)
if(is_file($this->mark_logo)){ //If it exists The watermark logo image obtains the basic information of the logo image
$logo_info = getimagesize($this->mark_logo);
//Since the starting position of the string is different in the imagestring function and imagettftext function, the English and Chinese strings are The Y position is also different
//The imagestring function is based on the upper left corner of the text. The imagettftext function is based on the lower left corner of the text.
case 1: //The lower left corner of the position
$mark_xy[0] = 5; //Watermark English string coordinates
$mark_xy[3] = $img_info[1]-5;//Watermark Chinese string coordinate Y
$mark_xy[4] = 5;//Watermark image coordinate X
$mark_xy[5] = $img_info[1] -$logo_info[1]-5; //Watermark image coordinate Y
case 2: //Position lower right corner
$mark_xy[0] = $img_info[0]-$stre_w; //Watermark English string coordinates X
$mark_xy[1] = $img_info[1]-20; //Watermark English string coordinates Y
$mark_xy[2] = $img_info[0]-$strc_w; //Watermark Chinese string coordinates X
$ mark_xy[3] = $img_info[1]-5;//Watermark Chinese string coordinate Y
$mark_xy[4] = $img_info[0]-$logo_info[0]-5;//Watermark image coordinate X
$ mark_xy[5] = $img_info[1]-$logo_info[1]-5; //Watermark image coordinate Y
case 3: //Position upper left corner
$mark_xy[0] = 5; //Watermark in English String coordinates Chinese string coordinates Y
$mark_xy[4] = 5; //Watermark image coordinates [0] = $img_info[0]-$stre_w; // Watermark English string coordinates X
$mark_xy[1] = 5; // Watermark English string coordinates Y
$mark_xy[2] = $img_info[0] -$strc_w; //Watermark Chinese string coordinates //Watermark image coordinates //Watermark English string coordinates Chinese string coordinates /Watermark image coordinates &*/
private function img_create($source_img) {
$info = getimagesize($source_img);
switch ($info[2]){
case 1:
$ source = @imagecreatefromjpeg($source_img);
$source = @imagecreatefromgif($source_img);
case 2:
$source = @imagecreatefromjpeg($source_img);
case 3 :
$source = @imagecreatefrompng($source_img);
case 6:
$source = @imagecreatefromwbmp($source_img);
$source = FALSE;
return $ source;
* Rename the image
* @access private
* @param string $source_img Source image path + file name
* @return string $dst_name Renamed image name (path + file name)
private function set_newname($sourse_img) {
$info = pathinfo($sourse_img);
$new_name = $this->resize_w.'_'.$this->resize_h. '_'.$info['basename'];//Change the file name to: width_height_filename
if($this->dst_path == ''){ //If the path to store the thumbnail is empty The default is the same folder as the source file
$dst_name = str_replace($info['basename'],$new_name,$sourse_img);
$dst_name = $this->dst_path.$new_name;
return $dst_name;
* Output image
* @access private
* @param $im Processed image
* @param $dst_name Output image name (path + file name)
* @return Output image
public function img_output($im,$dst_name) {
$info = getimagesize($this->source_img);
switch ($info[2]) {
case 1:
imagegif($im, $dst_name);
case 2:
case 3:
case 6:

php file upload class source code packaging

The above introduces the asp file upload and php file upload class codes, including the asp file upload content. I hope it will be helpful to friends who are interested in PHP tutorials.

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