Home >Backend Development >PHP Tutorial >discuz x2.5 Template class extracted from Kangsheng product discuz
Copy the code The code is as follows:
@ Kangsheng Weibo Template Extraction Class I think this template is easy to use. Take some time to make it independently.by Lei Rijin
@ took a look at the ctt template. Is it similar to the phpcms template? ? ^_^ Hehe! ! !
@ Weibo http://weibo.com/lrjxgl
@ Everyone shares the good stuff. If you have any questions about the extraction, please ask
@ The default template file is .htm
$tpl = new template('skin',"default" );
$tpl->rewrite=true;//Enabling rewrite requires server support
$tpl->rewrite_rule=array(array("/index.php/" ),array("index.html")); //rewrite rules
$tpl->assign("str","I am String la la la");
$tpl->assign("ec","I was echoed out");
$tpl->assign("subhtml","{subtpl ttt}This is used To introduce a template file, this is to introduce ttt.htm");
$tpl-> assign("i",1);
if(!defined("CHARSET")) define("CHARSET","gb2312");//character Encoding
if(!defined("DIR_TPL")) define("DIR_TPL","tpl");//Default template directory
if(!defined("DIR_DATA")) define("DIR_DATA","data"); //Default data directory
if(!defined("DEBUG")) define("DEBUG",0);//Default running mode
class template {
//note var
public $rewrite=false;//Whether it is enabled Pseudo-static rewrite
public $rewrite_rule=array(); //Set pseudo-static rules
public $defaulttpldir;//Default template
public $tpldir;//Template directory
public $objdir;//Compilation cache directory
public $ tplfile;//Template file
public $objfile;//Compiled file
public $tplid=1;//Template number
public $currdir='default';//Current style directory
public $vars=array();/ /note variable table
public $removeblanks=false;//remove spaces
public $stdout='display';//output type
function __construct($tplid, $currdir) {
$this->template($tplid , $currdir);
function template($tplid, $currdir) {
if(file_exists(DIR_TPL.'/'.$currdir)) {
$this->currdir = $currdir;
$this->tplid = $tplid;
} else {
$this->currdir = 'default';
$this->tplid = 1;
$this->defaulttpldir = DIR_TPL.' /default';
$this->tpldir = DIR_TPL.'/'.$this->currdir;
$this->objdir = DIR_DATA.'/cache/tpl';
if(version_compare(PHP_VERSION, ' 5') == -1) {
register_shutdown_function(array(&$this, '__destruct'));
//note public
function assign($k, $v) {
$this-> vars[$k] = $v;
//note public
function display($file) {
extract($this->vars, EXTR_SKIP);
include $this->getObj($file);
function getObj($file, $tpldir = '') {
$subdir = ($pos = strpos($file, '/')) === false ? '' : substr($file, 0, $ pos);
$file = $subdir ? substr($file, $pos + 1) : $file;
$this->tplfile = ($tpldir ? $tpldir : $this->tpldir).'/' .($subdir ? $subdir.'/' : '').$file.'.htm';
$this->objfile = $this->objdir.'/'.($tpldir ? '' : $this->tplid.'_').($subdir ? $subdir.'_' : '').$file.'.php';
//note default directory
if(@filemtime($this- >tplfile) === FALSE) {
$this->tplfile = $this->defaulttpldir.'/'.($subdir ? $subdir.'/' : '').$file.'.htm ';
//note Determine whether the comparison is expired
if(!file_exists($this->objfile) || DEBUG && @filemtime($this->objfile) < filemtime($this->tplfile) ) {
return $this->objfile;
function getTpl($file) {
$subdir = ($pos = strpos($file, '/') ) === false ? '' : substr($file, 0, $pos);
$file = $subdir ? substr($file, $pos + 1) : $file;
$tplfile = $this-> tpldir.'/'.($subdir ? $subdir.'/' : '').$file.'.htm';
if(@filemtime($tplfile) === FALSE) {
$tplfile = $this ->defaulttpldir.'/'.($subdir ? $subdir.'/' : '').$file.'.htm';
return $tplfile;
function compile() {
$var_regexp = "@?\$[a-zA-Z_]w*(?:[[w."'[]$]+])*";
$vtag_regexp = "=(@?\$[a -zA-Z_]w*(?:[[w."'[]$]+])*)?>";
$const_regexp = "{([w]+)}";
$template = file_get_contents ($this->tplfile);
for($i = 1; $i <= 3; $i++) {
if(strpos($template, '{subtpl') !== FALSE) {
if( DEBUG == 2) {
$template = str_replace('{subtpl ', '{tpl ', $template);
} else {
$template = preg_replace("/[nrt]*{subtpls+([a-z0- 9_:/]+)}[nrt]*/ies", "file_get_contents($this->getTpl('\1'))", $template);
$remove = array(
' ///debug.+?(r|n)/i',
$this->removeblanks && $template = preg_replace($remove, '', $template);
$template = preg_replace("//s", "{\1}", $template);
$template = preg_replace("/{($var_regexp)}/", "=\1?>", $template);
$template = preg_replace( "/{($const_regexp)}/", "=\1?>", $template);
$template = preg_replace("/(?", $template);
$template = preg_replace("/=(@?\$[a-zA-Z_]w*)(([[\$[]w]+])+)?>/ies", "$this->arrayindex('\1', '\2')", $template);
$template = preg_replace("/{{eval (.*?)}}/ies", "$this->stripvtag(' \1?>')", $template);
$template = preg_replace("/{eval (.*?)}/ies", "$this->stripvtag(' \1?>')", $template);
$template = preg_replace("/[nrt]*{echos+(.+?)}[nrt]*/ies", "$this->stripvtag(' echo \1; ?>','')", $template);
$template = preg_replace("/{for (.*?)}/ies", "$this->stripvtag(' for(\1) {?>')", $template);
$template = preg_replace("/{elseifs+(.+?)}/ies", "$this->stripvtag(' } elseif(\1) { ?>')", $template);
for($i=0; $i<2; $i++) {
$template = preg_replace("/{loops+$vtag_regexps+$vtag_regexps+$vtag_regexp}(.+?){/loop}/ies", "$this->loopsection('\1', '\2', '\3', '\4')", $template);
$template = preg_replace("/{loops+$vtag_regexps+$vtag_regexp}(.+?){/loop}/ies", "$this->loopsection('\1', '', '\2', '\3')", $template);
$template = preg_replace("/{ifs+(.+?)}/ies", "$this->stripvtag(' if(\1) { ?>')", $template);
$template = preg_replace("/{tpls+(w+?)}/is", " include $this->getObj("\1");?>", $template);
$template = preg_replace("/{tpls+(.+?)}/ise", "$this->stripvtag(' include $this->getObj("\1"); ?>')", $template);
$template = preg_replace("/{tmptpls+(w+?)}/is", " include $this->getObj("\1", $this->objdir);?>", $template);
$template = preg_replace("/{tmptpls+(.+?)}/ise", "$this->stripvtag(' include $this->getObj("\1", $this->objdir); ?>')", $template);
$template = preg_replace("/{else}/is", " } else { ?>", $template);
$template = preg_replace("/{/if}/is", " } ?>", $template);
$template = preg_replace("/{/for}/is", " } ?>", $template);
$template = preg_replace("/$const_regexp/", "=\1?>", $template);//note {else} 也符合常量格式,此处要注意先后顺序
$template = preg_replace("/(\$[a-zA-Z_]w+[)([a-zA-Z_]w+)]/i", "\1'\2']", $template);
$fp = fopen($this->objfile, 'w');
fwrite($fp, $template);
function arrayindex($name, $items) {
$items = preg_replace("/[([a-zA-Z_]w*)]/is", "['\1']", $items);
return "=$name$items?>";
function stripvtag($s) {
$vtag_regexp = "=(@?\$[a-zA-Z_]w*(?:[[w."'[]$]+])*)?>";
return preg_replace("/$vtag_regexp/is", "\1", str_replace("\"", '"', $s));
function loopsection($arr, $k, $v, $statement) {
$arr = $this->stripvtag($arr);
$k = $this->stripvtag($k);
$v = $this->stripvtag($v);
$statement = str_replace("\"", '"', $statement);
return $k ? " foreach((array)$arr as $k => $v) {?>$statement}?>" : " foreach((array)$arr as $v) {?>$statement } ?>";
function __destruct() {
$content = ob_get_contents();
//处理 rewrite
if($this->rewrite) {
echo $content;
$tpl = new template('skin',"default");
$tpl->rewrite=true;//开启rewrite 需要服务器支持
$tpl->rewrite_rule=array(array("/index.php/"),array("index.html")); //rewrite规则
$tpl->assign("subhtml","{subtpl ttt}这是用来引入一个模板文件的,这个就是引入ttt.htm");
复制代码 代码如下:
< ;html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">