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Home >Backend Development >PHP Tutorial >Italic gb2312 PHP interception string function supports gb2312 and utf-8
1. Function to intercept GB2312 characters
PHP code
Copy code The code is as follows:
//Intercept Chinese string
function mysubstr($str, $start, $len) {
$tmpstr = "";
$strlen = $start + $len;
for($i = 0; $i < $strlen; $i++) {
if(ord(substr($str, $i, 1 )) > 0xa0) {
$tmpstr .= substr($str, $i, 2);
} else
$tmpstr .= substr($str, $i, 1);
return $tmpstr;
Copy code The code is as follows:
//Intercept utf8 characters String
function utf8Substr($str, $from, $len)
return preg_replace('#^(?:[x00-x7F]|[xC0-xFF][x80-xBF]+){0,'.$ from.'}'.
'$1 ',$str);
Copy code The code is as follows:
Chinese character interception function supported by both Utf-8 and gb2312
cut_str(string, interception length, starting length, encoding);
Encoding defaults to utf-8
Starting length defaults to 0
function cut_str($ string, $sublen, $start = 0, $code = 'UTF-8')
if($code == 'UTF-8')
$pa = "/[x01-x7f]|[xc2 -xdf][x80-xbf]|xe0[xa0-xbf][x80-xbf]|[xe1-xef][x80-xbf][x80-xbf]|xf0[x90-xbf][x80-xbf][x80 -xbf]|[xf1-xf7][x80-xbf][x80-xbf][x80-xbf]/";
preg_match_all($pa, $string, $t_string);
if(count($t_string[0] ) - $start > $sublen) return join('', array_slice($t_string[0], $start, $sublen))."...";
return join('', array_slice($t_string[0 ], $start, $sublen));
$start = $start*2;
$sublen = $sublen*2;
$strlen = strlen($string);
$tmpstr = '' ;
for($i=0; $i< $strlen; $i++)
if($i>=$start && $i< ($start+$sublen))
if(ord(substr($ string, $i, 1))>129)
$tmpstr.= substr($string, $i, 2);
$tmpstr.= substr($string, $i, 1 );
if(ord(substr($string, $i, 1))>129) $i++;
if(strlen($tmpstr)< $strlen ) $tmpstr.= ". ..";
return $tmpstr;
$str = "The string that abcd needs to intercept";
echo cut_str($str, 8, 0, 'gb2312');
Copy code The code is as follows:
* @package BugFree
* @version $Id: FunctionsMain.inc.php,v 1.32 2005/09/24 11:38:37 wwccss Exp $
* Return part of a string(Enhance the function substr())
* @author Chunsheng Wang
* @param string $String the string to cut.
* @param int $Length the length of returned string.
* @param booble $Append whether append "...": false|true
* @return string the cutted string.
function sysSubStr($String,$Length,$Append = false )
if (strlen($String) < = $Length )
return $String;
$I = 0;
while ($I < $Length)
$ StringTMP = substr($String,$I,1);
if ( ord($StringTMP) >=224 )
$StringTMP = substr($String,$I,3);
$I = $I + 3;
elseif( ord($StringTMP) >=192 )
$StringTMP = substr($String,$I,2);
$I = $I + 2;
$I = $I + 1;
$StringLast[] = $StringTMP;
$StringLast = implode("",$StringLast);
$StringLast .= ".. .";
return $StringLast;
$String = "book.chinaz.com -- Webmaster Library, Webmaster Tutorial";
$Length = "18";
$Append = false;
echo sysSubStr($String,$Length,$Append);
The above introduces the regular script gb2312 PHP interception string function that supports gb2312 and utf-8, including the content of regular script gb2312. I hope it will be helpful to friends who are interested in PHP tutorials.