Home >Backend Development >PHP Tutorial >free adults movies code to convert any format video to flv using php
Copy the code The code is as follows:
class EcodeFlv {
var $fromFile; //Uploaded file
var $toFilePath; / /Save the file path
var $toPicPath; //Save the picture path
var $mpeg; //The path of the ffmpeg.exe file
var $mencode; //The path of the mencode.exe file
var $cmdToFile; //Convert file command
var $cmdToPic; //Convert picture command
var $toFileName; //Converted file name
var $mpegComm; //Conversion command for ffmpeg.exe
var $mencodeComm; //Command for mencode.exe
var $ mpegType;
var $mencodeType;
var $midi; //The path of mdi.exe
var $cmdMidi; //The command of mdi.exe
//Initialization class
function EcodeFlv($fromFile,$toFilePath,$toPicPath,$ mpeg,$mencode,$midi) {
$this->mpegComm = false;
$this->mencodeComm = false;
$this->fromFile = $fromFile;
$this->toFilePath = $toFilePath ;
$this->toPicPath = ROOT_DIR."/".$toPicPath;
$this->mpeg = ROOT_DIR.$mpeg;
$this->mencode = ROOT_DIR.$mencode;
$this-> midi = ROOT_DIR.$midi;
$this->mpegType=array (
"video /3gpp"=>".3gp",
$this ->mencodeType = array(
"audio/x-ms -wmv"=>".wmv",
//Check file type
function checkType() {
return false;
//$contentType = mime_content_type($this->fromFile);
$exe = "D:serverphpextrasmagic";
$handel = new finfo(FILEINFO_MIME, $exe);
$contentType = $handel->file($this-> fromFile);
foreach($this->mpegType as $index=>$key){
if($contentType == $index){
$name = md5(date("Ymd").tiime( ));
$this->toFileName = $name;
$this->$mpegComm = true;
return true;
foreach($this->mencodeType as $index=>$key ){
if($contentType == $index){
$name = md5(date("Ymd").time());
$this->toFileName = $name;
$this->mencodeComm = true;
return true;
return false;
//Set file and picture size
function setSize($flvSize,$picSize) {
$flvWidth = $flvSize[0];
$flvHeight = $flvSize[1];
$picWidth = $picSize[0];
$picHeight = $picSize[1];
$picName = $this->toPicPath.$this->toFileName.".jpg ";
$flvName = $this->toFilePath.$this->toFileName.".flv";
$toMdi = ROOT_DIR."/".$flvName;
$size = $picWidth."x".$ picHeight;
$this->cmdToFile= "$this->mpeg -i $this->fromFile -y -ab 56 -ar 22050 -b 500 -r 15 -s $flvWith*$flvHeight $flvName";
$this->cmdToFile = "$this->mencode $this->fromFile -vf scale=$ flvWidth:$flvHeight -ffourcc FLV1 -of lavf -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=flv:vbitrate=70:acodec=mp3:abitrate=56:dia=-1 -ofps 25 -srate 22050 -oac mp3lame -o $flvName";
$this->cmdToPic = "$this->mpeg -i $toMdi -y -f image2 -ss 8 -t 0.003 -s $size $picName";
$this->cmdMidi = "$ this->midi $toMdi /k";
echo $this->cmdToPic;
//Start conversion
function toEcode() {
exec($this->cmdToFile,$ flvStatus)
The above introduces the code for free adults movies to convert any format video to flv using PHP, including the content of free adults movies. I hope it will be helpful to friends who are interested in PHP tutorials.