Connec"/> Connec">

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adb php adodb paging implementation code

2016-07-29 08:39:39979browse

Copy the code The code is as follows:

include("adodb/"); //Include the adodb class library file
include("adodb/ php"); //Contains adodb-pager class library file
$conn = NewADOConnection('mysql'); //Create adodb object and declare the database type to be MySQL
$conn->Connect("localhost", "root" , "1981427", "test"); //Connect to the database, where mydb is the database name
$sql = "select * from tablename1"; //Define the SQL statement to be executed
$pager = new ADODB_Pager($conn, $ sql); //Create paging objects based on connection objects and SQL statements
$pager->Render(3); //Output paging pages, 3 records per page

Copy code The code is as follows:

include("adodb/"); //Includes the adodb class library file
include("adodb/"); // Contains the adodb-pager class library file
$conn = NewADOConnection('mysql'); //Create an adodb object and declare the database type to be MySQL
$conn->Connect("localhost", "root", "1981427", " test"); //Connect to the database, where mydb is the database name
$sql = "select id as 'number', username as 'name', password as 'password' from tablename1"; //Define the SQL statement to be executed
$pager = new ADODB_Pager($conn, $sql); //Create a paging object based on the connection object and SQL statement
$pager->Render(2); //Output the paging page, 2 records per page
?> ;

The above introduces the adb php adodb paging implementation code, including adb content. I hope it will be helpful to friends who are interested in PHP tutorials.

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