Home >Backend Development >PHP Tutorial >dedecms picture template PHP program that converts Dongyi data into dedecms
PS: This can be used to draw inferences. ASP article systems such as New Cloud or NB can be converted to dedecms or other PHP cms.
Copy the code The code is as follows:
$conn = new com("ADODB.Connection");
$connstr = "DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}; DBQ=". realpath("E:web2qq.mdb");
$rs = new com("ADODB.RecordSet");
$rs->Open("select * from PE_Article Where ArticleID>0 orDER BY ArticleID ASC",$conn,1,1);
$conn2 = mysql_connect("localhost","root","");
mysql_query("SET NAMES GBK",$conn2);
while(! $rs->eof) {
$id = $rs->Fields('ArticleID')->value;
$title = addslashes($rs->Fields('Title')->value);
$classid = $rs->Fields('ClassID')->value;
$keywordstr = $rs->Fields('Keyword')->value;
$keywordstr = str_replace("|"," ",$keywordstr);
$keyword = trim($keywordstr);
$datestr = $rs->Fields('UpdateTime')->value;
$datearr = explode("-",$datestr);
$yy = $datearr[0] ;
$mm = $datearr[1] ;
$dd = rand(1,28);
$content =addslashes($rs->Fields('Content')->value);
$content = str_replace('[InstallDir_ChannelDir]{$UploadDir}','/UploadFiles',$content);
//$uploadfile = $rs->Fields('UploadFiles')->value;
$sql0 = "select ID from dede_archives where ID='$id'";
$rs0 = mysql_query($sql0,$conn2);
$row = mysql_fetch_array($rs0);
$sql1 = "insert into dede_archives (ID,typeid,channel,title,sortrank,pubdate,senddate,adminID,keywords) values ('$id','$classid',1,'$title','$time','$time','$time',1,'$keyword')";
$rs1 = mysql_query($sql1,$conn2);
echo $sql1;
echo "
echo mysql_error();
echo "
$id2 = mysql_insert_id();
$sql2 = "insert into dede_addonarticle (aid ,typeid, body ) values('$id','$classid','$content');";
$rs2 = mysql_query($sql2,$conn2);
echo $sql2;
echo "
echo mysql_error();
echo "
$rs->MoveNext(); t;
The above introduces the dedecms picture template and the PHP program that converts Dongyi data into dedecms, including the dedecms picture template. I hope it will be helpful to friends who are interested in PHP tutorials.