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/** ', ' tags make things look awfully weird (breaks things out of the ', ' '), '
* Global Function
* @author Avenger
* @version 1.14 $Id 2003-05-30 10:10:08 $
* Pop up a prompt box
* @access public
* @param string $txt Pop up a prompt box, $txt is the content to be popped up
* @return void
function popbox($txt) {
echo "";
* Illegal operation warning
* @access public
* @param string $C_alert Prompt error message
* @param string $I_goback Which page to return to after returning, no return if not specified
* @return void
function alert($C_alert,$I_goback='main.php') {
if(!empty($I_goback)) {
echo "<script>alert('$C_alert');window.location.href='$I_goback';</script>";
} else {
echo "<script>alert('$C_alert');</script>";
* Generate a random string
* Generate a random string of specified length and return it to the user
* @access public
* @param int $len Number of digits in the generated string
* @return string
function randstr($len=6) {
$chars='ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-@#~'; // characters to build the password from
mt_srand((double)microtime()*1000000*getmypid()); // seed the random number generater (must be done)
return $password;
* Determine the selected items of the drop-down menu
* You can judge whether string one and string two are equal. So that the equal items are selected in the drop-down menu
* @access public
* @param string $str1 String one to be compared
* @param string $str2 String two to be compared
* @return string If equal, return the string "selected", otherwise return an empty string
function ckselect($str1,$str2) {
if($str1==$str2) {
return ' selected';
return '';
* A custom Ftp function
* @access private
* @return void
function myftp($ftp_server,$ftp_port,$ftp_username,$ftp_password,$ftp_path='/') {
$ftpid=@ftp_connect($ftp_server,$ftp_port) or die('Connect To Ftp Server Error!');
@ftp_login($ftpid,$ftp_username,$ftp_password) or die('Login Ftp Error!');
@ftp_chdir($ftpid,'/'.$ftp_path) or die('Chdir Error!');
return $ftpid;
* Intercept part of the Chinese string
* Function to intercept the specified length of the specified string. This function can automatically determine Chinese and English without garbled characters
* @access public
* @param string $str Characters to be processed String
* @param int $strlen The default length to be intercepted is 10
* @param string $other Whether to add an ellipsis, the default will be
* @return string
function showtitle($str,$strlen=10,$other=true) {
$j = 0;
if(ord(substr($str,$i,1))>0xa0) $j++;
if($j%2!=0) $strlen++;
if (strlen($str)>$strlen && $other) {$rstr.='...';}
return $rstr;
* Create link
* @access public
* @param string url The URL to link to
* @param string linktext Displayed link text
* @param string target framework
* @param string Extras Extended parameters
* @return string
function make_link ($url, $linktext=false, $target=false, $extras=false) {
return sprintf("%s",
($target ? ' target="'.$target.'"' : ''),
($extras ? ' '.$extras : ''),
($linktext ? $linktext : $url)
* Format user comments
* @access public
* @param string
* @return void
function clean_note($text) {
$text = htmlspecialchars(trim($text));
/* turn urls into links */
$text = preg_replace("/((mailto|http|ftp|nntp|news):.+?)(>|s|)|"|.s|$)/","13",$text);
/* this 'fixing' code will go away eventually. */
$fixes = array('
', '
while (list(,$f) = each($fixes)) {
$text = str_replace(htmlspecialchars($f), $f, $text);
$text = str_replace(htmlspecialchars(strtoupper($f)), $f, $text);
tag). Just convert them to
$text = str_replace (array ('
', $text);
/* Remove
$text = str_replace (array ('
\1", $txt );
'.br2none('').''", $txt );