/* If reprinted, please indicate the author Original author: He Zhiqiang Improvement: SonyMusic[ sonymusic@163.net ] File: ubb.php Remarks: It is said to be an improvement, but in fact the core function parse( ) has been completely rewritten, and the ideas are different. But it is still inspired by He Zhiqiang’s example, and the test examples and several functions such as URLCHECK also follow He Zhiqiang’s program. Thank you He Zhiqiang. There is no color function yet, but I will add it. If there are any bugs or inconveniences in the program, please email me. Thank you! Improved functions: UBB encoding of strings. This class currently only supports the following simple and practical encodings: 1. URL link [url] http://phpuser.com/ [/url] http The :// header is not required. For example, [url]phpuser.com[/url] is also acceptable. 2. Email link [email] sonymusic@163.net [/email] 3. Picture link [img] http://www.phpchina.com/images/logo.gif [/img] Same The URL link is the same, and the previous http is optional. 4. In terms of text [b]Bold font[/b] [i]Italic font[/i] [u]Underline[/u] [h1]Title No. 1[/h1] .. . [h6] Title word No. 6[/h6] [sup][/sup] [sub][/sub] [tt][/tt] [s][/s] [strike][/ strike] [em][/em] [strong][/strong] [code][/code] [samp][/samp] [kbd][/kbd] [var][/var] [dfn][/dfn] [cite][/cite] [small][/small] [big][/big] [blink][/blink] Pay attention to the following points: 1. url , email, img and other tags are not case-sensitive. 2. TAB keys are not allowed in tags, but spaces are allowed. 3. This class needs to call htmlencode, htmlencode4textarea, emailcheck function and urlcheck class. 4. After modification, nesting is supported, but nesting of the three tags url, email, and img is not allowed. Technical information: Ultimate Bulletin Board http://www.ultimatebb.com/ What is UBB Code http://www.scriptkeeper.com/ubb/ubbcode.html */ include("urlcheck.php "); include("otherfunc.php"); //The contents of these two files are attached at the end. //ubbcode类 class ubbcode{ var $call_time=0; //可处理标签及处理函数对应表 var $tags = array( //小写的标签 => 对应的处理函数 'url' => '$this->url', 'email' => '$this->email', 'img' => '$this->img', 'b' => '$this->simple', 'i' => '$this->simple', 'u' => '$this->simple', 'tt' => '$this->simple', 's' => '$this->simple', 'strike' => '$this->simple', 'h1' => '$this->simple', 'h2' => '$this->simple', 'h3' => '$this->simple', 'h4' => '$this->simple', 'h5' => '$this->simple', 'h6' => '$this->simple', 'sup' => '$this->simple', 'sub' => '$this->simple', 'em' => '$this->simple', 'strong' => '$this->simple', 'code' => '$this->simple', 'samp' => '$this->simple', 'kbd' => '$this->simple', 'var' => '$this->simple', 'dfn' => '$this->simple', 'cite' => '$this->simple', 'small' => '$this->simple', 'big' => '$this->simple', 'blink' => '$this->simple' ); //url裢接属性 var $attr_url; //url合法性检查对象 var $urlcheck; function ubbcode($attr_url){ $this->attr_url = ''.$attr_url; $this->urlcheck = new urlcheck(); } //对$str进行UBB编码解析 function parse($str){ $this->call_time++; $parse = ''.htmlencode($str); $ret = ''; while(true){ $eregi_ret=eregi("[[#]{0,1}[[:alnum:]]{1,7}]",$parse,$eregi_arr); //查找[xx] if(!$eregi_ret){ $ret .= $parse; break; //如果没有,返回 } $pos = @strpos ($parse,$eregi_arr[0]); $tag_len=strlen($eregi_arr[0])-2;//标记长度 $tag_start=substr($eregi_arr[0],1,$tag_len); $tag=strtolower($tag_start); if((($tag=="url") or ($tag=="email") or ($tag=="img")) and ($this->call_time>1)){ echo $this->call_time." "; return $parse;//如果不能是不能嵌套的标记,直接返回 } $parse2 = substr($parse,0,$pos);//标记之前 $parse = substr($parse,$pos+$tag_len+2);//标记之后 if(!isset($this->tags[$tag])){ echo "$tag_start "; $ret .= $parse2.'['.$tag_start.']'; continue;//如果是不支持的标记 } //查找对对应的结束标记 $eregi_ret=eregi("[/".$tag."]",$parse,$eregi_arr); if(!$eregi_ret){ $ret .= $parse2.'['.$tag_start.']'; continue;//如果没有对应该的结束标记 } $pos=strpos($parse,$eregi_arr[0]); $value=substr($parse,0,$pos);//这是起止标记之间的内容 $tag_end=substr($parse,$pos+2,$tag_len); $parse=substr($parse,$pos+$tag_len+3);//结束标记之后的内容 if(($tag!="url") and ($tag!="email") and ($tag!="img")){ $value=$this->parse($value); } $ret .= $parse2; eval('$ret .= '.$this->tags[$tag].'("'.$tag_start.'","'.$tag_end.'","'.$value.'");'); } $this->call_time--; return $ret; } function simple($start,$end,$value){ return '<'.$start.'>'.$value.''.$end.'>'; } function url($start,$end,$value){ $trim_value=trim($value); if (strtolower(substr($trim_value,0,7))!="http://") $trim_value="http://".$trim_value; if($this->urlcheck->check($trim_value)) return 'attr_url.'>'.$value.''; else return '['.$start.']'.$value.'[/'.$end.']'; } function email($start,$end,$value){ if(emailcheck($value)) return ''.$value.''; else return '['.$start.']'.$value.'[/'.$end.']'; } function img($start,$end,$value){ $trim_value=trim($value); if ((strtolower(substr($trim_value,0,7))!="http://") or ($this->urlcheck->check($trim_value))) return ''; else return '['.$start.']'.$value.'[/'.$end.']'; } } //Test echo ''; echo '
Test'; echo ''; echo '< ;form action="'.str2url($PATH_INFO).'" method="post">'; echo ' '; echo ''; echo ''; if( isset($ubb)){ $ubbcode = new ubbcode('target="_blank"'); echo ''.$ubbcode->parse($ubb); } echo '< /body>'; echo ''; ?> Contents of file urlcheck.php: //urlcheck.php class urlcheck{ var $regex = array(/ /Protocol name (note that it must be written in lowercase here) => Corresponding regular expression 'ftp' => '$this->ftpurl', 'file' => '$this->fileurl' , 'http' => '$this->httpurl', 'https' => '$this->httpurl', 'gopher' => '$this->gopherurl', 'news' => '$this->newsurl', 'nntp' => '$this->nntpurl', 'telnet' => '$this->telneturl', 'wais ' => '$this->waisurl' ); var $lowalpha; var $hialpha; var $alpha; var $digit; var $safe; var $extra; var $national; var $punctuation; var $reserved; var $hex; var $escape; var $unreserved; var $uchar; var $xchar; var $user; var $port; var $hostnumber; var $alphadigit; var $toplabel; var $domainlabel; var $hostname; var $host; var $hostport; var $login; //ftp var $ftptype; var $fsegment; var $fpath; var $ftpurl; //file var $fileurl; //http,https var $search; var $hsegment; var $hpath; var $httpurl; //gopher var $gopher_string; var $selector; var $gtype; var $gopherurl; //news var $article; var $group; var $ grouppart; var $newsurl; //nntp var $nntpurl; //telnet var $telneturl; //wais var $wpath; var $wtype; var $database; var $waisdoc; var $waisindex; var $waisdatabase; var $waisurl; function check($url){ $pos = @strpos ($url,':',1); if($pos<1) return false; $prot = substr($url,0,$pos); if(!isset($this->regex[$prot])) return false; eval('$regex = '.$this-> regex[$prot].';'); return ereg('^'.$regex.'$',$url); } function urlcheck(){ $this->lowalpha = '[a-z] '; $this->hialpha = '[A-Z]'; $this->alpha = '('.$this->lowalpha.'|'.$this->hialpha.')'; $this->digit = '[0-9]'; $this->safe = '[$.+_-]'; $this->extra = '[*()'!, ]'; $this->national = '([{}|^~`]|[|])'; $this->punctuation = '[<>#%"]'; $ this->reserved = '[?;/: @&= ]'; $this->hex = '('.$this->digit.'|[a-fA-F])'; $this->escape = '(%'.$this->hex.'{2})'; $this->unreserved = '('.$this->alpha.'|'.$this->digit.'|'.$this->safe.'|'.$this->extra.')'; $this->uchar = '('.$this->unreserved.'|'.$this->escape.')'; $this->xchar = '('.$this->unreserved.'|'.$this->reserved.'|'.$this->escape.')'; $this->digits = '('.$this->digit.'+)'; $this->urlpath = '('.$this->xchar.'*)'; $this->password = '(('.$this->uchar.'|[?;&=]'.')*)'; $this->user = '(('.$this->uchar.'|[?;&=]'.')*)'; $this->port = $this->digits; $this->hostnumber = '('.$this->digits.'.'.$this->digits.'.'.$this->digits.'.'.$this->digits.')'; $this->alphadigit = '('.$this->alpha.'|'.$this->digit.')'; $this->toplabel = '('.$this->alpha.'|('.$this->alpha.'('.$this->alphadigit.'|-)*'.$this->alphadigit.'))'; $this->domainlabel = '('.$this->alphadigit.'|('.$this->alphadigit.'('.$this->alphadigit.'|-)*'.$this->alphadigit.'))'; $this->hostname = '(('.$this->domainlabel.'.)*'.$this->toplabel.')'; $this->host = '('.$this->hostname.'|'.$this->hostnumber.')'; $this->hostport = '('.$this->host.'(:'.$this->port.')?)'; $this->login = '(('.$this->user.'(:'.$this->password.')?@)?'.$this->hostport.')'; $this->ftptype = '[aidAID]'; $this->fsegment = '(('.$this->uchar.'|[?: @&= ])*)'; $this->fpath = '('.$this->fsegment.'(/'.$this->fsegment.')*)'; $this->ftpurl = '([fF][tT][pP]://'.$this->login.'(/'.$this->fpath.'(;[tT][yY][pP][eE]='.$this->ftptype.')?)?)'; $this->fileurl = '([fF][iI][lL][eE]://('.$this->host.'|[lL][oO][cC][aA][lL][hH][oO][sS][tT])?/'.$this->fpath.')'; $this->search = '(('.$this->uchar.'|[;: @&= ])*)'; $this->hsegment = '(('.$this->uchar.'|[;: @&= ])*)'; $this->hpath = '('.$this->hsegment.'(/'.$this->hsegment.')*)'; $this->httpurl = '([hH][tT][tT][pP][sS]?://'.$this->hostport.'(/'.$this->hpath.'([?]'.$this->search.')?)?)'; $this->gopher_string = '('.$this->xchar.'*)'; $this->selector = '('.$this->xchar.'*)'; $this->gtype = $this->xchar; $this->gopherurl = '([gG][oO][pP][hH][eE][rR]://'.$this->hostport.'(/('.$this->gtype.'('.$this->selector.'(%09'.$this->search.'(%09'.$this->gopher_string.')?)?)?)?)?)'; $this->article = '(('.$this->uchar.'|[;/?:&=]) +@'.$this- >host.')'; $this->group = '('.$this->alpha.'('.$this->alpha.'|'.$this->digit.'|[-.+_])*)'; $this->grouppart = '([*]|'.$this->group.'|'.$this->article.')'; $this->newsurl = '([nN][eE][wW][sS]:'.$this->grouppart.')'; $this->nntpurl = '([nN][nN][tT][pP]://'.$this->hostport.'/'.$this->group.'(/'.$this->digits.')?)'; $this->telneturl = '([tT][eE][lL][nN][eE][tT]://'.$this->login.'/?)'; $this->wpath = '('.$this->uchar.'*)'; $this->wtype = '('.$this->uchar.'*)'; $this->database = '('.$this->uchar.'*)'; $this->waisdoc = '([wW][aA][iI][sS]://'.$this->hostport.'/'.$this->database.'/'.$this->wtype.'/'.$this->wpath.')'; $this->waisindex = '([wW][aA][iI][sS]://'.$this->hostport.'/'.$this->database.'[?]'$this->search.')'; $this->waisdatabase = '([wW][aA][iI][sS]://'.$this->hostport.'/'.$this->database.')'; $this->waisurl = '('.$this->waisdatabase.'|'.$this->waisindex.'|'.$this->waisdoc.')'; } } ?> 文件otherfunc.php的内容: //otherfunc.php function htmlencode($str){ $str = (string)$str; $ret = ''; $len = strlen($str); $nl = false; for($i=0;$i<$len;$i++){ $chr = $str[$i]; switch($chr){ case '<': $ret .= '<'; $nl = false; break; case '>': $ret .= '>'; $nl = false; break; case '"': $ret .= '"'; $nl = false; break; case '&': $ret .= '&'; $nl = false; break; /* case ' ': $ret .= ' '; $nl = false; break; */ case chr(9): $ret .= ' '; $nl = false; break; case chr(10): if($nl) $nl = false; else{ $ret .= ' '; $nl = true; } break; case chr(13): if($nl) $nl = false; else{ $ret .= ' '; $nl = true; } break; default: $ret .= $chr; $nl = false; break; } } return $right; } function htmlencode4textarea($str){ $str = (string)$str; $right = ''; $len = strlen($str); for($i=0;$i<$len;$i++){ $chr = $str[$i]; switch($chr){ case '<': $ret .= '<'; break; case '>': $ret .= '>'; break; case '"': $ret .= '"'; break; case '&': $ret .= '&'; break; case ' ': $ret .= ' '; break; case chr(9): $ret .= ' '; break; default: $ret .= $chr; break; } } return $right; } function emailcheck($email){ $ret=false; if(strstr($email, '@' ) && strstr($email, '.')){ if(eregi("^([_a-z0-9]+([._a-z0-9-] +)*)@([a-z0-9]{2,}(.[a-z0-9-]{2,})*.[a-z]{2,3})$", $email)) { $ret=true; } } return $right; } function str2url($path){ return eregi_replace("%2f","/",urlencode($path)); } ?>
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