getFileList( $t->get"/> getFileList( $t->get">

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From now on you will be all PHP classes that list all files in a specified directory in a tree structure

2016-07-29 08:34:191059browse

//List all the files in the specified directory in a tree structure. If you want to know what subdirectories and files are in a certain directory, you can call this class to view it, which is very convenient.
  # Demonstration example:
  $t = new TreeClimber( "asp" ); // Create a new object and set the directory to be listed: here is the asp directory
  echo arrayValuesToString( $t->getFileList( $t-> ;getPath() ), "
n" );
function arrayValuesToString( $ar, $nl="", $dolast=true ) {//Call function
$str = "";
reset( $ar );
$size = sizeof( $ar );
$i = 1;
while( list( $k, $v ) = each( $ar ) ) {
if ( $dolast == false ) {
if ( $i < $size ) {
              $str .= $ar[$k]  .$nl; $str , Climber {
var $path ;
var $fileList = array();
function TreeClimber( $path = "." ) {
$this->path = $path;
# Access path
function getPath() { return $this- >path; }
function setPath( $v ) { $this->path = $v; }
// Returns the file list in the specified directory. If no directory is specified, the current directory will be used
// If it cannot be opened Directory (may not have permission or the directory does not exist, it will be returned as empty
//Proceed in a recursive way
function getFileList( $dirname=null, $returnDirs=false, $reset=true) {
if ( $dirname == null ) { $dirname = $this->path; }
# else { $this->setPath( $dirname ); }
# dout( "Recursing into $dirname..." );
if ( $reset ) {
$this->fileList = array();
$dir = opendir( $dirname );
if ( ! $dir ) { print( " Note: TreeClimber.getFileList( $dirname ): Cannot open $dirname!" );
  return null;
while( $file = readdir( $dir ) ) {
if ( ereg( "^.$", $file ) || ereg( "^..$", $file ) ) continue;
if ( is_dir( $dirname."/".$file ) ) {
$this->getFileList ( $dirname."/".$file, $returnDirs, false );
if ( $returnDirs ) { $this->fileList[] = $dirname."/".$file;}
else { $ This-& gt; filelist [] = $ diRNAME. "/". $ File;}}
sort ($ this- & gt; filelist);

The above introduces all PHP classes that list all the files in the specified directory in a tree structure, including all aspects of "You Will Be From Now On". I hope it will be helpful to friends who are interested in PHP tutorials.

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