if ($next_index>$number_of_records)
if ($prev_index<0)
echo "
"; if ($initial_record!=0) { $t1="initial_record=$prev_index"; $sort="sort_field=$sort_field"; $asc="sort_direction=$sort_direction"; echo ""; echo "<<前 $number_records_to_display 条留言"; } else { echo "|前面没有留言了"; } echo " | "; $t2=$initial_record+1; echo "This page displays page $t2 To$next_index comments, total$number_of_recordscomments"; echo " | "; if ($next_index!=$number_of_records) { $t1="initial_record=$next_index"; $sort="sort_field=$sort_field"; $asc="sort_direction=$sort_direction "; echo " using using using using through ‐ off to out out out out out out out out out out ' out of ’s ’ ’ s through ’'s way through through's' ‐ ‐ through‐‐ ‐gt; [I also want to leave a message]
echo " "; |