Class address book -The first step of registration

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Classmate Xinglin's Record 6

2016-07-29 08:33:50934browse

   注册步骤1: class/register_step1.php


include "config.php";
if ($Submit){
if (!($answers1==$answer1)||!($answers2==$answer2)){
echo "回答错误!返回";
echo "回答正确,进入第二步。";
















94 Class 1 Address Book - Registration Step 2< ;/Title & gt; <br> & lt;/head & gt; <br> & lt; body bgcolor = "#ffffff" & gt; <br> & lt;? PHP <br>IF (! $ Answer == "Right" ") Ingenious ! "; <br>exit; <br>} <br>include "config.php"; <br>if ($submit){ <br> if (!$username||!$psw||!$psw2||!$name||!$ad|| ! $ PH ||! $ Email) {// Check whether to fill in the complete <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>!!!!!!!! You must fill in all the projects with*! & lt; br & gt; "." & lt; a & gt; return & lt;/a & gt; " ; <br>         exit; <br>   } <br> $username=trim($username); <br> $psw=trim($psw); <br> $psw2=trim($psw2); <br> $name=trim($name); <br> $birth= $year.'-'.$month.'-'.$day; <br> $work=trim($work); <br> $ad=trim($ad); <br> $post=trim($post); <br> $ph =trim($ph); <br> $bp=trim($bp); <br> $email=trim($email); <br> $oicq=trim($oicq); <br> $account=strip_tags(trim($account)); //Remove leading and trailing spaces and html tags<br> $signature=strip_tags(trim($signature)); <br>//Check whether this name has been registered<br>$result = mysql_query("SELECT name FROM user where name='$name'" ,$db); <br>if (mysql_num_rows($result)!=0){ <br>echo "This name has already been registered! "."<a >Refill</a> "."Forgot your password? Ask the administrator for password<a href='querypsw.php'></a>"; <br>exit; <br>} <br>//Check whether the username is used<br>$result = mysql_query("SELECT user FROM user where user='$username'",$db);//If the number of returned columns is not 0, it means that this username already exists. Use <br>if (mysql_num_rows($result)!=0){ <br>echo "This username is already used! "."<a >Refill</a>"; <br>exit; <br>} <br>//Check whether the repeated password is correct<br>if (!$psw==$psw2){ <br> echo "Please confirm the password,< ;a >Return</a>"; <br> exit; <br>} <br>//Check the validity of the email<br>if(!ereg('^[-!#$%&'*+./0-9=? A-Z^_`a-z{|}~]+'.'@'.'[-!#$%&'*+/0-9=?A-Z^_`a-z{|}~]+.'.'[ -!#$%&'*+./0-9=?A-Z^_`a-z{|}~]+$',$email)&&$email){ <br>    echo "email is illegal!<BR>" ."<a >Refill</a><BR>"; <br>                                                                                                                                             ,ad,post,ph,bp,email,oicq,account,signature,face) VALUES ('$username','$psw','$name','$sex','$birth','$work' ,'$ad','$post','$ph','$bp','$email','$oicq','$account','$signature','$face')"; <br> $ result = mysql_query($sql,$db); <br> mysql_close($db); <br> //Send a congratulatory email<br> $subject="Congratulations on your successful registration".$sitename."! ";//Topic <br> $message=$name.",Hello: <BR> Congratulations on your successful registration in the classmate directory! Your username is ".$username." and your password is ".$psw."<BR>Log in now<a href='$url'>$sitename</a>";//Content of the letter<br> $headers .= "Content-Type: text/html; charset=gb2312n"; // Mime type <br> mail($email,$subject,$message,$headers);//When debugging offline, this sentence may If something goes wrong, don't worry about it, just send it to the server <br> echo "Congratulations on your successful registration! A welcome letter has been sent to your email, please check it.","<a href='../index.php'>现在登录</a>";  <br> exit; <br>}  <br>?> <br><table width='95%' border='0' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' align='center'> <br>  <tr>  <br>    <td colspan="2">  <br>      <div align="center"><img src="image/classlogo.gif" width="224" height="60"></div> <br>    </td> <br>  </tr> <br>  <tr>  <br>    <td>  <br>      <div align="center">注册第二步-填写个人资料<br> <br>        注意不要有空格,带*的项目为必填。</div> <br>                                                                                                                  ;?answer=right'> <br>                                                                                                                     ; <br>                <td height="153" width="60%"><br> <br>                                                                                                                                                     > <br>                   *                                    ='8' maxlength=' 8'> <br>  'psw2' size=' 8' maxlength='8'> <br>                                                                                                                                            t; <br>         Gender: Male <br>                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      <br>        < ;br> <br>                                                                                                                     0</option> <br>                                                                               ;option>1988</option> <br>                                                                          >1985</option> <br>                                                                       ;option>1983</option> <br>                                                                       >1980</option> <br>                                                                        ;option>1978</option> <br>            <option>1977</option> <br>            <option>1976</option> <br>            <option>1975</option> <br>            <option>1974</option> <br>            <option>1973</option> <br>            <option>1972</option> <br>            <option>1971</option> <br>            <option>1970</option> <br>            <option>1969</option> <br>            <option>1968</option> <br>            <option>1967</option> <br>            <option>1966</option> <br>            <option>1965</option> <br>            <option>1964</option> <br>            <option>1963</option> <br>            <option>1962</option> <br>            <option>1961</option> <br>            <option>1960</option> <br>            <option>1959</option> <br>            <option>1958</option> <br>            <option>1957</option> <br>            <option>1956</option> <br>            <option>1955</option> <br>            <option>1954</option> <br>          </select> <br>          年  <br>          <select name='month'> <br>            <option selected>01</option> <br>            <option>02</option> <br>            <option>03</option> <br>            <option>04</option> <br>            <option>05</option> <br>            <option>06</option> <br>            <option>07</option> <br>            <option>08</option> <br>            <option>09</option> <br>            <option>10</option> <br>            <option>11</option> <br>            <option>12</option> <br>          </select> <br>          月  <br>          <select name='day'> <br>            <option selected>01</option> <br>            <option>02</option> <br>            <option>03</option> <br>            <option>04</option> <br>            <option>05</option> <br>            <option>06</option> <br>            <option>07</option> <br>            <option>08</option> <br>            <option>09</option> <br>            <option>10</option> <br>            <option>11</option> <br>            <option>12</option> <br>            <option>13</option> <br>            <option>14</option> <br>            <option>15</option> <br>            <option>16</option> <br>            <option>17</option> <br>            <option>18</option> <br>            <option>19</option> <br>            <option>20</option> <br>            <option>21</option> <br>            <option>22</option> <br>            <option>23</option> <br>            <option>24</option> <br>            <option>25</option> <br>            <option>26</option> <br>            <option>27</option> <br>            <option>28</option> <br>            <option>29</option> <br>            <option>30</option> <br>            <option>31</option> <br>          </select> <br>          日<br> <br>          工作单位:  <br>          <input type='Text' name='work' size='30' maxlength='50'> <br>          <br> <br>          通讯地址:  <br>          <input type='Text' name='ad' size='30' maxlength='50'> <br>          *<br> <br>          邮编:  <br>          <input type='Text' name='post' size='6' maxlength='6'> <br><br> <br>                                                                                                             <input type='Text ' name='bp' size='15' maxlength='20'> <br>                                                                                                                                                                    > <br> Personal description: (In address book Displayed here, no more than 125 Chinese characters) Automatic signature of guestbook, no more than 125 Chinese characters)<br> <br>                                    < ;td height="153" width="40%"><br> <br>                                                Choose an avatar you like:<br> " height = "32" ="32"> <br>                                                                    32"> > <br>                                                                                                                                                   ;input type="radio" name="face" value="6"> <br>                                                                      type="radio" name="face" value="7"> <br>                                                                        <input type="radio" name="face" value="8"> <br>          <img src="image/face/icon9.gif" width="32" height="32">  <br>          <input type="radio" name="face" value="9"> <br>          <img src="image/face/icon10.gif" width="32" height="32">  <br>          <input type="radio" name="face" value="10"> <br>              <img src="image/face/icon11.gif" width="32" height="32">  <br>              <input type="radio" name="face" value="11"> <br>          <img src="image/face/icon12.gif" width="32" height="32">  <br>          <input type="radio" name="face" value="12"> <br>          <img src="image/face/icon13.gif" width="32" height="32">  <br>          <input type="radio" name="face" value="13"> <br>          <img src="image/face/icon14.gif" width="32" height="32">  <br>          <input type="radio" name="face" value="14"> <br>          <img src="image/face/icon15.gif" width="32" height="32">  <br>          <input type="radio" name="face" value="15"> <br>          <img src="image/face/icon16.gif" width="32" height="32">  <br>          <input type="radio" name="face" value="16"> <br>          <img src="image/face/icon17.gif" width="32" height="32">  <br>          <input type="radio" name="face" value="17"> <br>          <img src="image/face/icon18.gif" width="32" height="32">  <br>          <input type="radio" name="face" value="18"> <br>          <img src="image/face/icon19.gif" width="32" height="32">  <br>          <input type="radio" name="face" value="19"> <br>          <img src="image/face/icon20.gif" width="32" height="32">  <br>          <input type="radio" name="face" value="20"> 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<br>          <br> <br>          <input type='Submit' name='submit' value='提交'> <br>          <input type='reset' name='Reset' value='重写 '> <br>                                                                                                   <br> The above has introduced Xinglin Classmate Record 6, including various aspects. I hope it will be helpful to friends who are interested in PHP tutorials. <br> <br> <br></p></div><div class="nphpQianMsg"><div class="clear"></div></div><div class="nphpQianSheng"><span>Statement:</span><div>The content of this article is voluntarily contributed by netizens, and the copyright belongs to the original author. This site does not assume corresponding legal responsibility. 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