Home >Backend Development >PHP Tutorial >PHP picture class that can display a variety of graphical reports

PHP picture class that can display a variety of graphical reports

2016-07-25 09:11:071100browse
  1. class ImageReport{
  2. var $X;//Picture size X-axis
  3. var $Y;//Picture size Y-axis
  4. var $R;//Back color R value
  5. var $G;//...G.
  6. var $B;//...B.
  7. var $TRANSPARENT;//Whether it is transparent 1 or 0
  8. var $IMAGE;//Image object
  9. //- ------------------
  10. var $ARRAYSPLIT;//Specify the symbol used to separate values ​​
  11. var $ITEMARRAY;//Value
  12. var $REPORTTYPE;//Chart type, 1 is a vertical column, 2 is a horizontal column, 3 is a polyline shape
  13. var $BORDER;//distance
  14. //-------------------
  15. var $FONTSIZE;/ /Font size
  16. var $FONTCOLOR;//Font color
  17. var $numX = 1;//X-axis starting scale value
  18. var $stepX = 1;//X-axis each scale interval value
  19. //-- ------Parameter setting function
  20. function setImage($SizeX,$SizeY,$R,$G,$B,$Transparent){
  21. $this->X=$SizeX;
  22. $this->Y =$SizeY;
  23. $this->R=$R;
  24. $this->G=$G;
  25. $this->B=$B;
  26. $this->TRANSPARENT=$Transparent;
  27. }
  28. function setItem($ArraySplit,$ItemArray,$ReportType,$Border){
  29. $this->ARRAYSPLIT=$ArraySplit;
  30. $this->ITEMARRAY=$ItemArray;
  31. $this->REPORTTYPE=$ReportType;
  32. $this->BORDER=$Border;
  33. }
  34. function setFont($FontSize){
  35. $this->FONTSIZE=$FontSize;
  36. }
  37. //X-axis scale value setting
  38. function setX($numX = 1 , $stepX = 1){
  39. $this->numX = $numX;
  40. $this->stepX = $stepX;
  41. }
  42. //---------------- Main body
  43. function PrintReport(){
  44. //Create canvas size
  45. $this->IMAGE=ImageCreate($this->X,$this->Y);
  46. //Set canvas background color
  47. $background= ImageColorAllocate($this->IMAGE,$this->R,$this->G,$this->B);
  48. if($this->TRANSPARENT=="1"){
  49. // The background is transparent
  50. Imagecolortransparent($this->IMAGE,$background);
  51. }else{
  52. //If you don’t want to make it transparent, you can fill it with the background color
  53. ImageFilledRectangle($this->IMAGE,0,0,$this-> X,$this->Y,$background);
  54. }
  55. //Parameter font size and color
  56. $this->FONTCOLOR=ImageColorAllocate($this->IMAGE,255-$this->R, 255-$this->G,255-$this->B);
  57. Switch ($this->REPORTTYPE){
  58. case "0":
  59. break;
  60. case "1":
  61. $this-> ;imageColumnS();
  62. break;
  63. case "2":
  64. $this->imageColumnH();
  65. break;
  66. case "3":
  67. $this->imageLine();
  68. break;
  69. case "4 ":
  70. $this->imageCircle();
  71. break;
  72. }
  73. $this->printXY();
  74. $this->printAll();
  75. }
  76. //-------- ---Print the XY coordinate axis
  77. function printXY(){
  78. $rulerY = $rulerX = "";
  79. //Draw the XY coordinate axis*/
  80. $color=ImageColorAllocate($this->IMAGE,255-$this- >R,255-$this->G,255-$this->B);
  81. $xx=$this->X/10;
  82. $yy=$this->Y-$this- >Y/10;
  83. ImageLine($this->IMAGE,$this->BORDER,$this->BORDER,$this->BORDER,$this->Y-$this->BORDER ,$color);//X axis
  84. ImageLine($this->IMAGE,$this->BORDER,$this->Y-$this->BORDER,$this->X-$this- >BORDER,$this->Y-$this->BORDER,$color);//y-axis
  85. imagestring($this->IMAGE, $this->FONTSIZE, $this->BORDER- 2, $this->Y-$this->BORDER+5, "0", $color);
  86. //Scale on Y axis
  87. $rulerY=$this->Y-$this->BORDER ;
  88. $i = 0;
  89. while($rulerY>$this->BORDER*2){
  90. $rulerY=$rulerY-$this->BORDER;
  91. ImageLine($this->IMAGE,$this- >BORDER,$rulerY,$this->BORDER-2,$rulerY,$color);
  92. if($this->REPORTTYPE == 2){//Horizontal column chart
  93. imagestring($this-> ;IMAGE, $this->FONTSIZE, $this->BORDER-10, $rulerY-2-$this->BORDER*($i+.5), $this->numX, $color);
  94. $this->numX += $this->stepX;
  95. }
  96. $i++;
  97. }
  98. //Scale on the while($rulerX<($this->X-$this->BORDER*2)){
  99. $rulerX=$rulerX+$this->BORDER;
  100. //ImageLine($this->IMAGE,$ this->BORDER,10,$this->BORDER+10,10,$color);
  101. ImageLine($this->IMAGE,$rulerX,$this->Y-$this->BORDER, $rulerX,$this->Y-$this->BORDER+2,$color);
  102. //Scale value
  103. if($this->REPORTTYPE == 1){//Vertical column chart
  104. imagestring ($this->IMAGE, $this->FONTSIZE, $rulerX-2+$this->BORDER*($i+.5), $this->Y-$this->BORDER+5, $this->numX, $color);
  105. $this->numX += $this->stepX;
  106. }else if($this->REPORTTYPE == 3){//折线图
  107. imagestring($this->IMAGE, $this->FONTSIZE, $rulerX-2, $this->Y-$this->BORDER+5, $this->numX, $color);
  108. $this->numX += $this->stepX;
  109. }
  110. $i++;
  111. }
  112. }
  113. //--------------竖柱形图
  114. function imageColumnS(){
  115. $item_array=Split($this->ARRAYSPLIT,$this->ITEMARRAY);
  116. $num=Count($item_array);
  117. $item_max=0;
  118. for ($i=0;$i<$num;$i++){
  119. $item_max=Max($item_max,$item_array[$i]);
  120. }
  121. $xx=$this->BORDER*2;
  122. //画柱形图
  123. for ($i=0;$i<$num;$i++){
  124. srand((double)microtime()*1000000);
  125. if($this->R!=255 && $this->G!=255 && $this->B!=255){
  126. $R=Rand($this->R,200);
  127. $G=Rand($this->G,200);
  128. $B=Rand($this->B,200);
  129. }else{
  130. $R=Rand(50,200);
  131. $G=Rand(50,200);
  132. $B=Rand(50,200);
  133. }
  134. $color=ImageColorAllocate($this->IMAGE,$R,$G,$B);
  135. //柱形高度
  136. $height=($this->Y-$this->BORDER)-($this->Y-$this->BORDER*2)*($item_array[$i]/$item_max);
  137. ImageFilledRectangle($this->IMAGE,$xx,$height,$xx+$this->BORDER,$this->Y-$this->BORDER,$color);
  138. ImageString($this->IMAGE,$this->FONTSIZE,$xx,$height-$this->BORDER,$item_array[$i],$this->FONTCOLOR);
  139. //用于间隔
  140. $xx=$xx+$this->BORDER*2;
  141. }
  142. }
  143. //-----------横柱形图
  144. function imageColumnH(){
  145. $item_array=Split($this->ARRAYSPLIT,$this->ITEMARRAY);
  146. $num=Count($item_array);
  147. $item_max=0;
  148. for ($i=0;$i<$num;$i++){
  149. $item_max=Max($item_max,$item_array[$i]);
  150. }
  151. $yy=$this->Y-$this->BORDER*2;
  152. //画柱形图
  153. for ($i=0;$i<$num;$i++){
  154. srand((double)microtime()*1000000);
  155. if($this->R!=255 && $this->G!=255 && $this->B!=255){
  156. $R=Rand($this->R,200);
  157. $G=Rand($this->G,200);
  158. $B=Rand($this->B,200);
  159. }else{
  160. $R=Rand(50,200);
  161. $G=Rand(50,200);
  162. $B=Rand(50,200);
  163. }
  164. $color=ImageColorAllocate($this->IMAGE,$R,$G,$B);
  165. //柱形长度
  166. $leight=($this->X-$this->BORDER*2)*($item_array[$i]/$item_max);
  167. $leight = $leight < $this->BORDER ? $this->BORDER : $leight;
  168. ImageFilledRectangle($this->IMAGE,$this->BORDER,$yy-$this->BORDER,$leight,$yy,$color);
  169. ImageString($this->IMAGE,$this->FONTSIZE,$leight+2,$yy-$this->BORDER,$item_array[$i],$this->FONTCOLOR);
  170. //用于间隔
  171. $yy=$yy-$this->BORDER*2;
  172. }
  173. }
  174. //--------------折线图
  175. function imageLine(){
  176. $item_array=Split($this->ARRAYSPLIT,$this->ITEMARRAY);
  177. $num=Count($item_array);
  178. $item_max=0;
  179. for ($i=0;$i<$num;$i++){
  180. $item_max=Max($item_max,$item_array[$i]);
  181. }
  182. $xx=$this->BORDER;
  183. //画柱形图
  184. for ($i=0;$i<$num;$i++){
  185. srand((double)microtime()*1000000);
  186. if($this->R!=255 && $this->G!=255 && $this->B!=255){
  187. $R=Rand($this->R,200);
  188. $G=Rand($this->G,200);
  189. $B=Rand($this->B,200);
  190. }else{
  191. $R=Rand(50,200);
  192. $G=Rand(50,200);
  193. $B=Rand(50,200);
  194. }
  195. $color=ImageColorAllocate($this->IMAGE,$R,$G,$B);
  196. //柱形高度
  197. $height_now=($this->Y-$this->BORDER)-($this->Y-$this->BORDER*2)*($item_array[$i]/$item_max);
  198. if($i!="0")
  199. ImageLine($this->IMAGE,$xx-$this->BORDER,$height_next,$xx,$height_now,$color);
  200. ImageString($this->IMAGE,$this->FONTSIZE,$xx+2,$height_now-$this->BORDER/2,$item_array[$i],$this->FONTCOLOR);
  201. $height_next=$height_now;
  202. //用于间隔
  203. $xx=$xx+$this->BORDER;
  204. }
  205. }
  206. //--------------饼状图
  207. function imageCircle(){
  208. $total = 0;
  209. $item_array=Split($this->ARRAYSPLIT,$this->ITEMARRAY);
  210. $num=Count($item_array);
  211. $item_max=0;
  212. for ($i=0;$i<$num;$i++){
  213. $item_max=Max($item_max,$item_array[$i]);
  214. $total += $item_array[$i];
  215. }
  216. $yy=$this->Y-$this->BORDER*2;
  217. //画饼状图的阴影部分
  218. $e=0;
  219. for ($i=0;$i<$num;$i++){
  220. srand((double)microtime()*1000000);
  221. if($this->R!=255 && $this->G!=255 && $this->B!=255){
  222. $R=Rand($this->R,200);
  223. $G=Rand($this->G,200);
  224. $B=Rand($this->B,200);
  225. }else{
  226. $R=Rand(50,200);
  227. $G=Rand(50,200);
  228. $B=Rand(50,200);
  229. }
  230. $s=$e;
  231. $leight=$item_array[$i]/$total*360;
  232. $e=$s+$leight;
  233. $color=ImageColorAllocate($this->IMAGE,$R,$G,$B);
  234. $colorarray[$i]=$color;
  235. //画圆
  236. for ($j = 90; $j > 70; $j--) imagefilledarc($this->IMAGE, 110, $j, 200, 100, $s, $e, $color, IMG_ARC_PIE);
  237. //imagefilledarc($this->IMAGE, 110, 70, 200, 100, $s, $e, $color, IMG_ARC_PIE);
  238. //ImageFilledRectangle($this->IMAGE,$this->BORDER,$yy-$this->BORDER,$leight,$yy,$color);
  239. //ImageString($this->IMAGE,$this->FONTSIZE,$leight+2,$yy-$this->BORDER,$item_array[$i],$this->FONTCOLOR);
  240. //用于间隔
  241. $yy=$yy-$this->BORDER*2;
  242. }
  243. //画饼状图的表面部分
  244. $e=0;
  245. for ($i=0;$i<$num;$i++){
  246. srand((double)microtime()*1000000);
  247. if($this->R!=255 && $this->G!=255 && $this->B!=255){
  248. $R=Rand($this->R,200);
  249. $G=Rand($this->G,200);
  250. $B=Rand($this->B,200);
  251. }else{
  252. $R=Rand(50,200);
  253. $G=Rand(50,200);
  254. $B=Rand(50,200);
  255. }
  256. $s=$e;
  257. $leight=$item_array[$i]/$total*360;
  258. $e=$s+$leight;
  259. //$color=$colorarray[$i];
  260. $color=ImageColorAllocate($this->IMAGE,$R,$G,$B);
  261. //画圆
  262. //for ($j = 90; $j > 70; $j--) imagefilledarc($this->IMAGE, 110, $j, 200, 100, $s, $e, $color, IMG_ARC_PIE);
  263. imagefilledarc($this->IMAGE, 110, 70, 200, 100, $s, $e, $color, IMG_ARC_PIE);
  264. }
  265. }
  266. //--------------完成打印图形
  267. function printAll(){
  268. ImagePNG($this->IMAGE);
  269. ImageDestroy($this->IMAGE);
  270. }
  271. //--------------调试
  272. function debug(){
  273. echo "X:".$this->X."
  274. echo "
  275. $item_array=split($this->ARRAYSPLIT,$this->ITEMARRAY);
  276. $num=Count($item_array);
  277. echo "
  278. for ($i=0;$i<$num;$i++){
  279. echo "
  280. }
  281. }
  282. }
  283. //$report->debug();//调式之用
  284. /*
  285. Header( "Content-type:image/png");
  286. $report=new ImageReport;
  287. $report->setImage(600,500,255,255,255,1);//参数(长,高,背影色R,G,B,是否透明1或0)
  288. $temparray="0,260,400,124,48,720,122,440,475";//数值,用指定符号隔开
  289. $report->setItem(',',$temparray,3,23);//参数(分隔数值的指定符号,数值变量,样式1为竖柱图2为横柱图3为折线图4为饼图,距离)
  290. $report->setFont(1);//字体大小1-10
  291. //$report->setX(1,1);//设置X轴刻度值(起始刻度值=1,刻度间隔值=1)
  292. $report->PrintReport();
  293. */
  294. ?>

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