Home >Web Front-end >JS Tutorial >AngularJs dynamically loaded modules and dependency injection detailed explanation_AngularJS
Without further ado, let’s get to the point...
First let’s take a look at the file structure:
Angular-ocLazyLoad --- demo文件夹 Scripts --- 框架及插件文件夹 angular-1.4.7 --- angular 不解释 angular-ui-router --- uirouter 不解释 oclazyload --- ocLazyload 不解释 bootstrap --- bootstrap 不解释 angular-tree-control-master --- angular-tree-control-master 不解释 ng-table --- ng-table 不解释 angular-bootstrap --- angular-bootstrap 不解释 js --- js文件夹 针对demo写的js文件 controllers --- 页面控制器文件夹 angular-tree-control.js --- angular-tree-control控制器代码 default.js --- default控制器代码 ng-table.js --- ng-table控制器代码 app.config.js --- 模块注册及配置代码 oclazyload.config.js --- 加载模块配置代码 route.config.js --- 路由配置及加载代码 views --- html页面文件夹 angular-tree-control.html --- angular-tree-control插件的效果页面 default.html --- default页面 ng-table.html --- ng-table插件效果页面 ui-bootstrap.html --- uibootstrap插件效果页面 index.html --- 主页面
Note: This demo does not implement nested routing, but simply implements single-view routing to show the effect.
Let’s look at the code of the main page:
<html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <title></title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="Scripts/bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css" /> <script src="Scripts/angular-1.4.7/angular.js"></script> <script src="Scripts/angular-ui-router/release/angular-ui-router.min.js"></script> <script src="Scripts/oclazyload/dist/ocLazyLoad.min.js"></script> <script src="js/app.config.js"></script> <script src="js/oclazyload.config.js"></script> <script src="js/route.config.js"></script> </head> <body> <div ng-app="templateApp"> <div> <a href="#/default">主页</a> <a href="#/uibootstrap" >ui-bootstrap</a> <a href="#/ngtable">ng-table</a> <a href="#/ngtree">angular-tree-control</a> </div> <div ui-view></div> </div> </body> </html>
On this page, we only loaded bootstrap’s css, angular’s js, ui-router’s js, ocLazyLoad’s js, and 3 configured js files.
Take another look at the html code of the four pages:
angular-tree-control effect page
<treecontrol tree-model="ngtree.treeData" class="tree-classic ng-cloak" options="ngtree.treeOptions"> {{node.title}} </treecontrol>
There are instructions for using the plug-in on the page.
default page
<div class="ng-cloak"> {{default.value}} </div>
Here we just use it to prove that default.js is loaded and executed correctly.
ng-table effect page
<div class="ng-cloak"> <div class="p-h-md p-v bg-white box-shadow pos-rlt"> <h3 class="no-margin">ng-table</h3> </div> <button ng-click="ngtable.tableParams.sorting({})" class="btn btn-default pull-right">Clear sorting</button> <p> <strong>Sorting:</strong> {{ngtable.tableParams.sorting()|json}} </p> <table ng-table="ngtable.tableParams" class="table table-bordered table-striped"> <tr ng-repeat="user in $data"> <td data-title="'Name'" sortable="'name'"> {{user.name}} </td> <td data-title="'Age'" sortable="'age'"> {{user.age}} </td> </tr> </table> </div>
Here are some simple ng-table effects.
ui-bootstrap effect page
<span uib-dropdown class="ng-cloak"> <a href id="simple-dropdown" uib-dropdown-toggle> 下拉框触发 </a> <ul class="uib-dropdown-menu dropdown-menu" aria-labelledby="simple-dropdown"> 下拉框内容.这里写个效果证明实现动态加载即可 </ul> </span>
Only a drop-down box effect is written here to prove that the plug-in is loaded and used correctly.
Okay, after reading the html, let’s take a look at the loading configuration and routing configuration:
"use strict" var tempApp = angular.module("templateApp",["ui.router","oc.lazyLoad"]) .config(["$provide","$compileProvider","$controllerProvider","$filterProvider", function($provide,$compileProvider,$controllerProvider,$filterProvider){ tempApp.controller = $controllerProvider.register; tempApp.directive = $compileProvider.register; tempApp.filter = $filterProvider.register; tempApp.factory = $provide.factory; tempApp.service =$provide.service; tempApp.constant = $provide.constant; }]);
The above code only relies on ui.router and oc.LazyLoad to register the module. The configuration is just a simple configuration of the module so that the subsequent js can recognize the methods on tempApp.
Then let’s take a look at the configuration of the ocLazyLoad loading module:
"use strict" tempApp .constant("Modules_Config",[ { name:"ngTable", module:true, files:[ "Scripts/ng-table/dist/ng-table.min.css", "Scripts/ng-table/dist/ng-table.min.js" ] }, { name:"ui.bootstrap", module:true, files:[ "Scripts/angular-bootstrap/ui-bootstrap-tpls-0.14.3.min.js" ] }, { name:"treeControl", module:true, files:[ "Scripts/angular-tree-control-master/css/tree-control.css", "Scripts/angular-tree-control-master/css/tree-control-attribute.css", "Scripts/angular-tree-control-master/angular-tree-control.js" ] } ]) .config(["$ocLazyLoadProvider","Modules_Config",routeFn]); function routeFn($ocLazyLoadProvider,Modules_Config){ $ocLazyLoadProvider.config({ debug:false, events:false, modules:Modules_Config }); };
Routing configuration:
"use strict" tempApp.config(["$stateProvider","$urlRouterProvider","$locationProvider",routeFn]); function routeFn($stateProvider,$urlRouterProvider,$locationProvider){ $urlRouterProvider.otherwise("/default"); $stateProvider .state("default",{ url:"/default", views:{ "":{ templateUrl:"views/default.html", controller:"defaultCtrl", controllerAs:"default" } }, resolve:{ deps:["$ocLazyLoad",function($ocLazyLoad){ return $ocLazyLoad.load("js/controllers/default.js"); }] } }) .state("uibootstrap",{ url:"/uibootstrap", views:{ "":{ templateUrl:"views/ui-bootstrap.html" } }, resolve:{ deps:["$ocLazyLoad",function($ocLazyLoad){ return $ocLazyLoad.load("ui.bootstrap"); }] } }) .state("ngtable",{ url:"/ngtable", views:{ "":{ templateUrl:"views/ng-table.html", controller:"ngTableCtrl", controllerAs:"ngtable" } }, resolve:{ deps:["$ocLazyLoad",function($ocLazyLoad){ return $ocLazyLoad.load("ngTable").then( function(){ return $ocLazyLoad.load("js/controllers/ng-table.js"); } ); }] } }) .state("ngtree",{ url:"/ngtree", views:{ "":{ templateUrl:"views/angular-tree-control.html", controller:"ngTreeCtrl", controllerAs:"ngtree" } }, resolve:{ deps:["$ocLazyLoad",function($ocLazyLoad){ return $ocLazyLoad.load("treeControl").then( function(){ return $ocLazyLoad.load("js/controllers/angular-tree-control.js"); } ); }] } }) };
The simple implementation of ui-bootstrap's drop-down box does not require a controller, so let's just look at the controller js of ng-table and angular-tree-control:
(function(){ "use strict" tempApp .controller("ngTableCtrl",["$location","NgTableParams","$filter",ngTableCtrlFn]); function ngTableCtrlFn($location,NgTableParams,$filter){ var vm = this; //数据 var data = [{ name: "Moroni", age: 50 }, { name: "Tiancum ", age: 43 }, { name: "Jacob", age: 27 }, { name: "Nephi", age: 29 }, { name: "Enos", age: 34 }, { name: "Tiancum", age: 43 }, { name: "Jacob", age: 27 }, { name: "Nephi", age: 29 }, { name: "Enos", age: 34 }, { name: "Tiancum", age: 43 }, { name: "Jacob", age: 27 }, { name: "Nephi", age: 29 }, { name: "Enos", age: 34 }, { name: "Tiancum", age: 43 }, { name: "Jacob", age: 27 }, { name: "Nephi", age: 29 }, { name: "Enos", age: 34 }]; vm.tableParams = new NgTableParams( // 合并默认的配置和url参数 angular.extend({ page: 1, // 第一页 count: 10, // 每页的数据量 sorting: { name: 'asc' // 默认排序 } }, $location.search()) ,{ total: data.length, // 数据总数 getData: function ($defer, params) { $location.search(params.url()); // 将参数放到url上,实现刷新页面不会跳回第一页和默认配置 var orderedData = params.sorting ? $filter('orderBy')(data, params.orderBy()) :data; $defer.resolve(orderedData.slice((params.page() - 1) * params.count(), params.page() * params.count())); } } ); }; })();
(function(){ "use strict" tempApp .controller("ngTreeCtrl",ngTreeCtrlFn); function ngTreeCtrlFn(){ var vm = this; //树数据 vm.treeData = [ { id:"1", title:"标签1", childList:[ { id:"1-1", title:"子级1", childList:[ { id:"1-1-1", title:"再子级1", childList:[] } ] }, { id:"1-2", title:"子级2", childList:[ { id:"1-2-1", title:"再子级2", childList:[ { id:"1-2-1-1", title:"再再子级1", childList:[] } ] } ] }, { id:"1-3", title:"子级3", childList:[] } ] }, { id:"2", title:"标签2", childList:[ { id:"2-1", title:"子级1", childList:[] }, { id:"2-2", title:"子级2", childList:[] }, { id:"2-3", title:"子级3", childList:[] } ]} , { id:"3", title:"标签3", childList:[ { id:"3-1", title:"子级1", childList:[] }, { id:"3-2", title:"子级2", childList:[] }, { id:"3-3", title:"子级3", childList:[] } ] } ]; //树配置 vm.treeOptions = { nodeChildren:"childList", dirSelectable:false }; }; })();
Let us ignore default.js, after all there is only "Hello Wrold" in it.
The above is the entire content of this article, I hope it will be helpful to everyone’s study.