DZX1.5 随机数
- /**
- * @param int $length: Random number length
- * @param int $numeric: 0 or non-0, where 0 means the random number consists of all numbers, non-0 means the random number consists of all letters
- * @return string: Return Generated random numbers
- */
- function random($length, $numeric = 0) {
- $seed = base_convert(md5(microtime().$_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']), 16, $numeric ? 10 : 35);
- $seed = $numeric ? (str_replace('0', '', $seed).'012340567890') : ($seed.'zZ'.strtoupper($seed));
- $hash = '';
- $max = strlen($seed) - 1;
- for($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) {
- $hash .= $seed{mt_rand(0, $max)};
- }
- return $hash;
- }
- echo random('15',1);
- echo '
- echo random('15');
- /*End of php*/