- $conn=mssql_connect("Instance name or server IP","Username","Password");
- //Test the connection
- if($conn)
- {
- echo "Connection successful";
- }
Copy code
2. Select the database to connect to
- mssql_select_db("dbname");
Copy code
3. Execute query
- $rs = mssql_query("select top 1 id,username from tbname",$conn);
- Or directly execute update, insert and other statements without assigning values to the returned results
- mssql_query("update tbname set username ='niunv' where id=1");
Copy code
4. Get the number of rows in the record set
- echo mssql_num_rows($rs);
Copy code
5. Get the record set
- if($row=mssql_fetch_array($rs))
- {
- $id = $row[0];//Get the ID field value
- $username = $row[1];//Get the username field Value
- }
Copy code
6. Get the ID of the new record
Set the id field to the IDENTITY field, and after executing the insert statement, a @@IDENTITY global variable value will be generated, and the query will be the ID of the last newly added record.
- mssql_query("insert into tbname(username) values ('nv')",$conn);
- $rs = mssql_query("select @@IDENTITY as id",$conn);
- if($ row=mssql_fetch_array($rs))
- {
- echo $row[0];
- }
Copy code
7. Release the record set //More
8. Close the connection
Note: It is easier to use PHP to operate MSSQL than to connect to MYSQL in ASP. Therefore, when MSSQL and MYSQL need to coexist, it is easier and easier to use PHP to connect to MSSQL to operate MYSQL and MSSQL. If ASP is to connect to MYSQL, you need to install a MYSQL driver. , the default windows ODBC is not installed, unfortunately...
1. Install at least mssql client on the web server
2. Open php.ini and remove the semicolon in front of;extension=php_mssql.dll
If necessary: extension_dir needs to be specified
3. It is recommended to use php
- /**
- *mssql database connection class
- **/
- class SQL{
- var $server;
- var $userName;
- var $passWord;
- var $dataBase;
- var $linkID = 0;
- var $queryResult;
- var $lastInsertID;
- var $pageNum = 0;//分页用---共有几条数据
- var $ER;
- /**
- *Constructor
- **/
- function SQL($Server='',$UserName='',$PassWord='',$DataBase=''){
- $this->server = $Server;
- $this->userName = $UserName;
- $this->passWord = $PassWord;
- $this->dataBase = $DataBase;
- }
- /**
- *Database connection
- **/
- function db_connect(){
- $this->linkID = mssql_pconnect($this->server,$this->userName,$this->passWord);
- if(!$this->linkID){
- $this->ER = "db_connect($this->server,$this->userName,$this->passWord) error";
- return 0;
- }
- if (!mssql_select_db($this->dataBase,$this->linkID)) {
- $this->ER = "mssql_select_db($this->dataBase,$this->lastInsertID) error";
- return 0;
- }
- return $this->linkID;
- }
- /**public
- * function: Check the database, if exist then select
- * exist: return 1
- * not exist: return 0
- */
- function selectDatabase(){
- if(mssql_select_db($this->dataBase))
- return 1;
- else
- return 0;
- }
- /**
- *Data operation
- **/
- function query($Str){
- if ($this->linkID == 0) {
- $this->ER = "数据库还没有连接!!";
- }
- $this->queryResult = mssql_query($Str);
- //$this->queryResult = mssql_query($Str,$this->linkID);
- if (!$this->queryResult) {
- $this->ER = "$Str.没有操作成功,query error!!";
- return 0;//********************For errors in PHP 4.3.9 and above, use 1
- }
- return $this->queryResult;
- }
- /**
- *Data acquisition
- **/
- function fetch_array($result){
- if($result != "") $this->queryResult = $result;
- $rec =mssql_fetch_array($this->queryResult);
- if(is_array($rec)){
- return $rec;
- }
- //$this->ER = "没有获取数据!";
- return 0;
- }
- /**public
- * function: Free the Query Result
- * success return 1
- * failed: return 0
- */
- function freeResult($result=""){
- if($result != "") $this->queryResult = $result;
- return mssql_free_result($this->queryResult);
- }
- /**
- *Get the number of affected rows
- *Get the number of operated rows
- **/
- function num_rows($result=""){
- if ($result != "") {
- $this->queryResult = $result;
- $row = mssql_num_rows($this->queryResult);
- return $row;
- }
- }
- /**
- *Get query results---Multiple
- **/
- function result_ar($str=''){
- if (empty($str)) {
- return 0;
- }
- $back = array();
- $this->queryResult = $this->query($str);
- while ($row = $this->fetch_array($this->queryResult)) {
- $back[] = $row;
- }
- return $back;
- }
- /**
- *Database information paging
- *$Result database operation
- *str ==sql statement
- *page ==Which page
- *showNum ==How many pages to display
- */
- function page($Str,$Page=0,$ShowNum=5){
- $back = array();//返回数据
- $maxNum = 0;
- if ($Str == "") {
- $this->ER = "没有数据";
- return 0;
- }
- $this->queryResult = $this->query($Str);
- if($this->queryResult){
- if($Page==""){
- $nopa=0;
- }else{
- $nopa = ($Page-1)*$ShowNum;
- if ($nopa<0) {
- $nopa = 0;
- }
- }
- $maxNum=$this->num_rows($this->queryResult);
- $k=0;
- $i=0;
- $dd=$this->fetch_array($this->queryResult);
- while($dd&&$nopa<=$maxNum&&$i<$ShowNum){
- if($nopa >= $maxNum) $nopa = $maxNum;
- mssql_data_seek($this->queryResult,$nopa);
- $row=$this->fetch_array($this->queryResult);
- $nopa++;
- $i++;
- $back[] = $row;
- if ($nopa >=$maxNum) {
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- $this->pageNum = $maxNum;
- return $back;
- }
- /**
- *Page html page number
- */
- function page_html($DataNum=0,$Page=1,$ShowNum=3,$web,$Post=''){
- if ($DataNum == 0) {
- $back = "没有要查询的数据";
- }else {
- if ($ShowNum<=0) {
- $ShowNum = 3;
- }
- if ($Page<=0) {
- $Page = 1;
- }
- if (empty($web)) {
- $web = "#";
- }
- $pageNum = ceil($DataNum/$ShowNum);
- if ($Page <= 1) {
- $top = "首页<<";
- }else {
- $top = "首页<< ";
- }
- if ($Page !==1) {
- $upPage = "上一页";
- }else {
- $upPage = "上一页";
- }
- if ($Page < $pageNum) {
- $downPage = "下一页";
- }else {
- $downPage = "下一页";
- }
- if ($Page == $pageNum) {
- $foot = ">>尾页";
- }else {
- $foot = " >>尾页";
- }
- $back = <<
- 共 $pageNum 页
- 第 $Page/$pageNum 页 $top $upPage $downPage $foot
- EOT;
- }
- return $back;
- }
- }//end class
- ?>