- //This file is used to quickly test whether the UTF8 encoded file has a BOM added and can be automatically removed
- //By Bob Shen
- < p>$basedir="."; //Modify the directory that needs to be detected for this behavior. The dot indicates the current directory
- $auto=1; //Whether to automatically remove the discovered BOM information. 1 means yes, 0 means no.
//No need to change the following
- if ($dh = opendir($basedir)) {
- while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) {
- if ( $file!='.' && $file!='..' && !is_dir($basedir."/".$file)) echo "filename: $file ".checkBOM("$basedir/$file"). "
- }
- closedir($dh);
- }
function checkBOM ($filename) {
- global $auto;
- $contents=file_get_contents($filename);
- $charset[1]=substr($contents, 0, 1);
- $charset[2]=substr($contents, 1, 1);
- $charset[3]=substr($contents, 2, 1) ;
- if (ord($charset[1])==239 && ord($charset[2])==187 && ord($charset[3])==191) {
- if ($auto==1) {
- $rest=substr($contents, 3);
- rewrite ($filename, $rest);
- return ("BOM found, automatically removed.");
- } else {
- return ("BOM found.");
- }
- }
- else return ("BOM Not Found.");
- }
- < p>function rewrite ($filename, $data) {
- $filenum=fopen($filename,"w");
- flock($filenum,LOCK_EX);
- fwrite($filenum,$data);
- fclose($filenum );
- }
- ?>
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