html标签闭合检测与修复,说的有点大 , 并没有考虑的很完整,没有使用正则表达式, 适用于html文件中只有开始标签没有结束标签, 是有结束标签没有开始标签的情况。标签闭合的位置需要根据需求调整
- $str = '

- content
- content full
- this is content
- this is content
- This is cont
- This is content
this is content';
$str_len = strlen($str);
//Record starting tag
$pre_data = array();
/ /Record the starting tag position
$pre_pos = array();
$last_data = array();
$error_data = array();
$error_pos = array();
$i = 0;
// Marked as < start$start_flag = false;while( $i < $str_len ) { if($str[$i]=="<" && $str[$i+1]!= '/' && $str[$i+1]!='!') { $i++; $_tmp_str = ''; //Mark as < start $start_flag = true; //Mark Blank $space_flag = false; while($str[$i]!=">" && $str[$i]!="'" && $str[$i]!='"' && $str[ $i] !='/' && $i<$str_len){ if($str[$i]==' ') { $space_flag = true; } if(!$space_flag) { $_tmp_str .= $str[$i]; } $i++; } $pre_data[] = $_tmp_str; $pre_pos[] = $i; } else if ($str[$i ]=="<" && $str[$i+1]=='/') { $i += 2; $_tmp_str = ''; while($str[$i]!=" >" && $i<$str_len){ $_tmp_str .= $str[$i]; $i++; } $last_data[] = $_tmp_str; //View the previous value of the start tag if(count($pre_data)>0) {
$last_pre_node = getLastNode($pre_data, 1);
if($last_pre_node == $_tmp_str) {
//On pairing, delete the value at the corresponding position
array_pop ($pre_data);
} else {
//No matching, there are two situations
//Case 1: Only closing tag, no start tag
//Case 2: Only opening tag, no closing tag
$error_data[] = $_tmp_str;
$error_pos[] = $i;
} else {
array_pop($last_data );
$error_data[] = $_tmp_str;
$error_pos[] = $i;
}else if ($str[$i]=="<" && $str[$i+1] =="!") { $i++; while($i<$str_len) { if($str[$i]=="-" && $str[$i+1]==" -" && $str[$i+2]==">") {
} else {
}else if($str[$i]=='/' && $str[$i+1]=='>') {
//Skip the automatic single closing tag
if($start_flag) {
array_pop( $pre_data);
}else if($str[$i]=="/" && $str[$i+1]=="* "){
while($i<$str_len) { if($str[$i]=="*" && $str[$i+1]=="/") { $i++; break; } else { $i++; } $i++; } }else if($str[$i]=="'"){ $i++ ; while($str[$i]!="'" && $i<$str_len) { $i++; } $i++; } else if($str[$i]==' "'){ $i++; while($str[$i]!='"' && $i<$str_len ) { $i++; } $i++; } else { $ i++; }}//Determine the position of the start tagfunction confirm_pre_pos($str, $pre_pos){ $str_len = strlen($str); $j=$pre_pos; while($j < $str_len) { if($str[$j] == '"') { $j++; while ($j<$str_len) { if($str[$j]=='" ') { $j++; break; } $j++; } } else if($str[$j] == "'") { $j++; while ($j<$str_len ) { if($str[$j]=="'") { $j++; break; } $j++; } } else if($str[$j]==">") {
while ($j<$str_len) { if($str[$j]=="<") { //Return to the original content position $j--; break; } $j++; } break; } else { $j++; } } return $j; }//Determine the position of the starting tagfunction confirm_err_pos($str, $err_pos){ $j=$err_pos; $j--; while($j > 0) {
if ($str[$j] == '"') {
while ($j<$str_len) { if($str[$j]=='"') { $j- -; break; } $j--; } } else if($str[$j] == "'") { $j--; while ($j<$str_len) { if($str[$j]=="'") { $j--; break; } $j--; } } else if($str[$j]= =">") {
else {
return $j;
//Get the last number of the array num values
function getLastNode(array $arr, $num){
$len = count($arr);
if($len > $num) {
return $arr[$len-$num];
} else {
return $arr[0];
//Organize the data, mainly look backward and conduct further checks
function sort_data(&$pre_data, &$pre_pos, &$error_data, &$error_pos) {
$rem_key_array = array();
$rem_i_array = array();
//Get the value that needs to be deleted
foreach($error_data as $key=>$value){
$count = count($ pre_data);
for($i=($count-1) ; $i>=0; $i--) {
if($pre_data[$i] == $value && !in_array($i, $ rem_i_array)) {
$rem_key_array[] = $key;
$rem_i_array[] = $i;
//Delete the corresponding value of the start tag
foreach($rem_key_array as $_item ) {
//Delete the corresponding value of the end tag
foreach($rem_i_array as $_item) {
unset($ pre_data[$_item]);
//Organize the data and close the tag
function modify_data($str, $pre_data, $pre_pos, $error_data, $error_pos ){
$move_log = array();
//Only data for closed labels
foreach ($error_data as $key => $value) {
# code...
$_tmp_move_count = 0;
foreach ( $move_log as $pos_key => $move_value) {
# code...
if($error_pos[$key]>=$pos_key) {
$_tmp_move_count += $move_value;
$data = insert_data($str, $value, $error_pos[$key]+$_tmp_move_count, false);
$str = $data['str'];
$move_log[$data['pos']] = $ data['move_count'];
//Only data with start tag
foreach ($pre_data as $key => $value) {
# code...
$_tmp_move_count = 0;
foreach ( $move_log as $pos_key => $move_value) {
# code...
if($pre_pos[$key]>=$pos_key) {
$_tmp_move_count += $move_value;
$data = insert_data($str, $value, $pre_pos[$key]+$_tmp_move_count, true);
$str = $data['str'];
$move_log[$data['pos']] = $ data['move_count'];
return $str;
//Insert data, $type represents the way to insert data
function insert_data($str, $insert_data, $pos, $type ) {
$len = strlen($str);
//Start tag type
if($type==true) {
$move_count = strlen($insert_data)+3;
$pos = confirm_pre_pos ($str, $pos);
$pre_str = substr($str, 0, $pos);
$end_str = substr($str, $pos);
$mid_str = "" . $insert_data . ">";
//Closing tag type
} else {
$pos = confirm_err_pos($str, $pos);
$move_count = strlen($insert_data) + 2;
$ pre_str = substr($str, 0, $pos);
$end_str = substr($str, $pos);
$mid_str = "<" . $insert_data . ">";
$str = $pre_str.$mid_str.$end_str;
return array('str'=>$str, 'pos'=>$pos, 'move_count'=>$move_count);
sort_data($pre_data, $pre_pos, $error_data, $error_pos);
$new_str = modify_data($str, $pre_data, $pre_pos, $error_data, $error_pos);
echo $new_str;
// print_r($pre_data);
// print_r($pre_pos);
// print_r($error_data);
// print_r($error_pos);
// echo strlen($str);
// foreach($pre_pos as $value){
// $value = confirm_pre_pos($str, $value);
// for($i=$value-5; $i<=$value; $i++) {// echo $str[$i];// }// echo "n";// }// foreach($error_pos as $value){// for($i=$value-5; $i<=$value; $i++) {// echo $str[$i];// }// echo "n";// }?>