Home >Backend Development >PHP Tutorial >Code for phpmailer to send emails and implement password retrieval function
Use phpmailer to send emails and implement the code for the forgotten password search function. Friends in need can refer to it.
Achieve the following functions: 1. Follow the email retrieval link to enter the password reset operation page. Valid only once within a week 2. Reset password (you can also send the password to log in directly) 1. Generate email to retrieve email <?php $subject = " 重设密码(请勿回复此邮件)"; $auth = authcode($use_id . $account . $email, 'ENCODE', 'safeEmail', 3600 * 24 * 7); $url = "http://" . $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] . "/Main.php?do=userManage&method=ResetPass&u=" . $use_id . "&auth=" . $auth; $body = " 尊敬的用户: <br> 您好!<br> 根据您于 [" . date('Y-m-d H:m:s') . "] 提交的请求,本邮件将引导您重新设置 [" . $account . "] 的帐号密码。 如果您确认本次“重新设置密码”的请求是您自己提交的,请点这里完成重设操作(本链接仅一周内、一次有效 )。 如果上面的链接无法点击,您也可以复制以下链接,粘贴到您浏览器的地址栏内,然后按“回车”键打开重设机密问题页面设置新的机密问题和答案: {$url} 如果您在以上时间点没有提交过“重新设置密码”的请求,则有可能是您机密问题的答案已经泄露,有恶意用户正在试图窃取您的帐号!"; sendMail($subject, $body, $address); function sendMail($subject, $body, $address) { $mail = new PHPMailer(); $mail->CharSet ='utf-8'; $mail->IsHTML(true); // 设置邮件格式为 HTML $mail->IsSendmail(); //使用LINUX SENDMAIL发送邮件 $mail->Host = WEB_SITE_HOST; // specify main and backup server $mail->SMTPAuth = true; // 设置为安全验证方式 $mail->SetLanguage('en',PATH_CLASS.'/phpmailer/language/'); $mail->From = MAIL_SENDER; $mail->FromName = "service"; $mail->AddAddress($address); //收件人地址 $mail->WordWrap = 50; // set word wrap to 50 characters $mail->Subject = $subject; $mail->Body = daddslashes($body, 1); $result = $mail->Send(); if (!$result) { echo $mail->ErrorInfo; } $mail->SmtpClose(); return $result; } //邮件链接有效性检查 function ResetPass($mapping, $form, &$request, &$response) { $use_id = $request->getParameter('u'); $user = $this->delegate->getUserInfo_ById($use_id); $o_mail = $user['email']; $o_account = $user['account']; $auth = $request->getParameter('auth'); $auth = authcode($auth, 'DECODE', 'safeEmail'); $n_auth = $use_id . $o_account . $o_mail; $a = false; if ($n_auth == $auth) { $a = true; } $form->setEditUser($user); if ($a) { //有效 return $mapping->findForwardConfig('resetpwd'); } } ?> class.phpmailer.php line 332 recursive call, mass mailing <?php public function AddMutieAddress($arrAddress){ if (is_array($arrAddress)){ foreach($arrAddress as $key=>$value){ $this->AddMutieAddress($value); } }else{ $this->AddAddress($arrAddress); } } ?> First of all, gmail failed to use SMTPSecure=ssl. Solution to missing HTML styles sent by phpmailer: Styles with paths cannot be used to be defined using |