- //Variable definition, the angle size when drawing an elliptical arc
- define("ANGLELENGTH",3);
- /**
- * Draw the picture
- * @param $title The title of the 3D picture
- * @param $dataArr The displayed data array
- * @param $labelArr The label classification array corresponding to the data
- * @param $colorArr The array corresponding to the drawing color
- * @ param $a The base width of the canvas
- * @param $b The base height of the canvas
- * @param $v The height of the 3D column
- * @param $font The font size
- * @return The image access path for successful drawing
- */
- function drawPieImg($title, $dataArr , $labelArr, $colorArr, $a=250, $b=120, $v=20, $font=10){
- $ox = 5+$a;
- $oy = 5+$b;
- $fw = imagefontwidth($font);
- $fh = imagefontheight($font);
- $n = count($dataArr);//Calculate the array length
- $w = 10+$a*2;
- $h = 10+$b *2+$v+($fh+2)*$n;
- //Create artboard
- $img = imagecreate($w, $h);
- //Convert RGB to index color
- for($i=0; $ i<$n; $i++)
- $colorArr[$i] = drawIndexColor($img,$colorArr[$i]);//Assign color to image $img
- $clrbk = imagecolorallocate($img, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff);
- $clrt = imagecolorallocate($img, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00);
- //Fill the background color
- imagefill($img, 0, 0, $clrbk);
- //Sum
- $tot = 0;
- for($i=0; $i<$n; $i++)
- $tot += $dataArr[$i];
- //The starting angle size of each category
- $sd = 0;
- //Every The angle occupied by each category
- $ed = 0;
- $ly = 10+$b*2+$v;
- for($i=0; $i<$n; $i++){
- $sd = $ ed;
- $ed += $dataArr[$i]/$tot*360;
- //Draw 3D sector
- draw3DSector($img, $ox, $oy+20, $a, $b, $v, $sd , $ed, $colorArr[$i]);
- //Draw label
- imagefilledrectangle($img, 5, $ly, 5+$fw, $ly+$fh, $colorArr[$i]);
- imagerectangle($ img, 5, $ly, 5+$fw, $ly+$fh, $clrt);
- //Chinese transcoding
- $str = iconv("GB2312", "UTF-8", $labelArr[$i]) ;
- imagettftext($img, $font, 0, 5+2*$fw, $ly+13, $clrt, "D:/wamp/www/source/font/simhei.ttf", $str.":" .$dataArr[$i]."(".(round(10000*($dataArr[$i]/$tot))/100)."%)");
- $ly += $fh+2;
- }
- //Draw the picture title
- imagettftext($img, 15, 0, 5, 15, $clrt, "D:/wamp/www/source/font/simhei.ttf", iconv("GB2312", "UTF- 8",$title));
- //Output graphics
- header("Content-type: image/png");
- //Output the generated image
- $imgFileName = "./".time().".png ";
- imagepng($img,$imgFileName);
- return $imgFileName;
- }
- /**
- * Draw 3d sector
- */
- function draw3DSector($img, $ox, $oy, $a, $b, $v, $sd, $ed, $clr) {
- drawSector($img, $ox, $oy, $a, $b, $sd, $ed, $clr);
- if($sd<180){
- list( $red, $green, $blue) = drawDarkColor($img, $clr);
- //Assign color to the image
- $clr=imagecolorallocate($img, $red, $green, $blue);
- if($ed> ;180)
- $ed = 180;
- list($sx, $sy) = getExy($a,$b,$sd);
- $sx += $ox;
- $sy += $oy;
- list( $ex, $ey) = getExy($a, $b, $ed);
- $ex += $ox;
- $ey += $oy;
- imageline($img, $sx, $sy, $sx, $sy+$v, $clr);
- imageline($img, $ex, $ey, $ex, $ey+$v, $clr);
- drawArc($img, $ox, $oy+$v, $a, $b, $sd, $ed, $clr);
- list($sx, $sy) = getExy($a, $b, ($sd+$ed)/2);
- $sy += $oy+$v /2;
- $sx += $ox;
- imagefill($img, $sx, $sy, $clr);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Draw elliptical arc
- */
- function drawArc($img,$ox, $oy,$a,$b,$sd,$ed,$clr){
- $n = ANGLELENGTH >0 ? ceil(($ed-$sd)/ANGLELENGTH) : -1;
- $d = $sd ;
- list($x0,$y0) = getExy($a,$b,$d);
- for($i=0; $i<$n; $i++){
- $d = ($d+ANGLELENGTH )>$ed?$ed:($d+ANGLELENGTH);
- list($x, $y) = getExy($a, $b, $d);
- imageline($img, $x0+$ox, $ y0+$oy, $x+$ox, $y+$oy, $clr);
- $x0 = $x;
- $y0 = $y;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Draw a fan
- */
- function drawSector($ img, $ox, $oy, $a, $b, $sd, $ed, $clr) {
- $n = ANGLELENGTH > 0 ? ceil(($ed-$sd)/ANGLELENGTH) : -1;
- $d = $sd;
- list($x0,$y0) = getExy($a, $b, $d);
- imageline($img, $x0+$ox, $y0+$oy, $ox, $oy, $clr);
- for($i=0; $i<$n; $i++) {
- $d = ($d+ANGLELENGTH)>$ed?$ed:($d+ANGLELENGTH);
- list( $x, $y) = getExy($a, $b, $d);
- imageline($img, $x0+$ox, $y0+$oy, $x+$ox, $y+$oy, $clr);
- $x0 = $x;
- $y0 = $y;
- }
- imageline($img, $x0+$ox, $y0+$oy, $ox, $oy, $clr);
- list($x, $y) = getExy($a/2, $b/2, ($d+$sd)/2);
- imagefill($img, $x+$ox, $y+$oy, $clr);
- }
- /**
- * Get the shadow color of the corresponding column based on $clr color
- * @param $img image
- * @param $clr color
- * @return rgb color array
- */
- function drawDarkColor($img,$clr){
- $rgb = imagecolorsforindex($img,$clr);
- return array($rgb["red"]/2,$rgb["green"]/ 2,$rgb["blue"]/2);
- }
- /**
- * Find the coordinates of the point on the ellipse corresponding to angle $d
- *
- * @param $a Abscissa coordinate
- * @param $b Vertical coordinate
- * @param $d Angle
- * @return Corresponding ellipse point coordinate
- */
- function getExy($a, $b, $d){
- $d = deg2rad($d);
- return array(round($a*cos($d)), round($b*sin($d)));
- }
- /**
- * Assign RGB indexed color to image
- */
- function drawIndexColor($img, $clr){
- $red = ($clr>>16) & 0xff;
- $green = ($clr>>8)& 0xff;
- $blue = ($clr) & 0xff;
- return imagecolorallocate($img, $red, $green, $blue);
- }
- //Test example
- $title = "Zoo Animal Type Distribution";
- $dataArr = array(20, 10, 20, 20, 10, 20, 30, 10); //Test data array
- $labelArr = array("elephant", "giraffe", "crocodile", "ostrich", "tiger" ", "Lion", "Monkey", "Zebra"); //Tag
- $colorArr = array(0x99ff00, 0xff6666, 0x0099ff, 0xff99ff, 0xffff99, 0x99ffff, 0xff3333, 0x009999); //Corresponding color array
- $result = drawPieImg($title, $dataArr,$labelArr,$colorArr);
- echo "
- ?>
Copy code
Code description:
The drawPieImg() function contains 8 parameters. $title is the title of the pie chart; $dataArr is the data array that needs to be displayed; $labelArr is the label classification array of the corresponding data; $colorArr is the drawing color array of the corresponding data. These 4 Parameters are required, just pass the corresponding parameters for different system applications.
The remaining 4 parameters are responsible for setting the size of the pie chart to be generated. If not set, the system default value will be used. The program starts drawing from 0 degrees according to the size of the array data at the bottom of the bed, and draws the sector size occupied by the corresponding data in a clockwise direction.
For those who are interested, please try the above code and see how the pie chart looks like? !