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PHP lottery program code for time periods

2016-07-25 08:58:421379browse
  1. require_once (APP_ROOT . "./class/class_lib.php");
  2. require_once libfile ( 'class/StoreProcs' );
  3. pc_base::load_app_class('table_sub','',0 );
  4. /**
  5. * Big carousel
  6. * @author Administrator
  7. *
  8. */
  9. class lib_dzp_lottery extends app_lib {
  10. /**
  11. * Prize List
  12. */
  13. public $lottery = 'activity_lyq_lottery';
  14. /**
  15. * Prize Log Sheet
  16. */
  17. public $lottery_log = ' activity_lyq_lottery_log';
  18. /**
  19. * n prizes
  20. */
  21. private $level = array();
  22. /**
  23. * Prize information
  24. */
  25. private $lotteryArray = array();
  26. /***
  27. * Random number ending digits
  28. */
  29. private $max = 30000;
  30. /**
  31. * Category true: Default false: Palm Su
  32. */
  33. private $type=true;
  34. /**
  35. * Winning professional account
  36. */
  37. private $tel_zy=false;
  38. /**
  39. * Read configuration
  40. */
  41. public function load_setting () {
  42. $data=getcache('lyqdzp_setting');
  43. define('TIME', time()); //Current time
  44. define('L_START', strtotime($data['l_start'])); / /Registration start time
  45. define('L_END', strtotime($data['l_end'])); //Registration end time, -1 means yesterday 23:59:59
  46. define('L_DAY_START',$data['l_day_start ']); //Start time of each day
  47. define('L_DAY_END', $data['l_day_end']); //End time of each day
  48. define('L_DAY_CISHU', $data['l_day_cishu']); //Get every day Number of prizes
  49. define('L_CISHU', $data['l_cishu']);//Total number of prizes obtained
  50. define('L_MIN', 20);//Minimum LIFB coins
  51. define('L_LFB', $data[ 'l_lfb']);//Reduce Lifb coins
  52. define('L_ZY', $data['l_zy']); //Professional accounts
  53. define('L_QUANSHU', $data['l_quanshu']);//Circle Count, the number of rounds the big wheel starts to roll
  54. define('L_KONGJIANG', intval($data['l_kongjiang'])); //Probability of empty prize
  55. $host='www.****.com'; //Existing network
  56. if($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']=='221.****0'){
  57. $host='221.*****'; //Test machine
  58. }elseif($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST ']=='125.com'){
  59. $host='125life.com';//Local
  60. }elseif(strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'],'192.168.')==0){
  61. $ host=$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].'/125e.com';//Local
  62. }
  63. define('L_SITE', 'http://'.$host.'/'); //Add / at the end of the domain name
  64. define('L_URL', L_SITE.'index.php');//Access address
  65. //Can only be accessed through flash address
  66. $s=L_SITE.'flash/dzp/i.swf';
  67. if(preg_replace ('/swf.*$/','swf',$_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])!=$s&&$this->type){
  68. exit('Dude, you have got enough, please pass the formal Way to win!');
  69. }
  70. $this->load();
  71. }
  72. /**
  73. * Blacklist
  74. */
  75. private $heimingdan = array();
  76. /**
  77. * Read prize configuration
  78. */
  79. public function load() {
  80. $this->setlottery ();
  81. $this->heimingdan = getcache ( 'tel', 'blanklist' );
  82. }
  83. private function setlottery() {
  84. $time=strtotime(date ('Y-m-d',TIME));
  85. $sql = "select u.*";
  86. $sql .= ", (select COUNT(l.lotteryid) from " . DB::table ( $this-> lottery_log ) . " AS l where u.lotteryid=l.lotteryid and l.iswinning='1')as num ";
  87. $sql .= " from " . DB::table ( $this->lottery ) . " AS u ";
  88. $sql .= " where 1 ";
  89. $sql .= " and u.isdisable='0' ";
  90. $sql .= " and u.time_start<='$time' ";
  91. $ sql .= " and u.time_end>='$time' ";
  92. $sql .= " ORDER BY u.listorder ";
  93. $d = DB::fetch_all ( $sql );
  94. $sum = 0;
  95. foreach ( $d as $r ) {
  96. $r ['sum_over'] = intval ( $r ['sum'] ) - intval ( $r ['num'] );
  97. if ($r ['sum'] > ; 0) {
  98. $sum += $r ['sum'];
  99. }
  100. $r['msg']=str_replace('{name}', $r['name'],$r['msg' ]);
  101. $this->lotteryArray [$r ['lotteryid']] = $r;
  102. }
  103. if($sum<100) $sum=1000;
  104. $m = 1;
  105. $probability = 0;
  106. $newsum=0;
  107. //80% empty prize + 20% prize
  108. $this->max = $sum + $sum * (L_KONGJIANG/100) / ((100-L_KONGJIANG)/100);
  109. foreach ( $this->lotteryArray as $r ) {
  110. if ($r ['sum'] > 0) {
  111. $newsum=$r ['sum'];
  112. if($r['probability']> 0){
  113. $probability=0;
  114. $probability=ceil($r ['sum']*100/$r['probability']);
  115. if($probability>0){
  116. $newsum=$probability;
  117. }
  118. }
  119. $this->level [$r ['lotteryid']] ['start'] = $m;
  120. $this->level [$r ['lotteryid']] ['end'] = $m + $newsum;
  121. $m = $m + $r ['sum'];
  122. }
  123. }
  124. }
  125. /**
  126. * Check whether the user has won the prize 0 Thank you for participating, others return prize data
  127. * @param array $user array(uid,tel,ip)
  128. */
  129. public function check($user) {
  130. if (intval ( $user ['uid'] ) < 1) {
  131. //Not logged in
  132. return 0;
  133. }
  134. if(intval(TIME)//You are here early, the event is still going on No start!
  135. return -21;
  136. }
  137. if(intval(TIME)>intval(L_END)){
  138. //The event time has passed, I am very sorry, thank you!
  139. return -22;
  140. }
  141. if ($this->get_user_lfb ( $user ['uid'] ) < L_MIN) {
  142. //$this->credit ( $user ['uid'], -11 , $logid );
  143. return -11; //Your LIF balance is insufficient
  144. }
  145. $data = array(
  146. 'uid' => $user ['uid'],
  147. 'tel' => $user ['tel'],
  148. 'ip' => $user ['ip'],
  149. 'addtime' => time ()
  150. );
  151. $logid = DB::insert ( $this-> lottery_log, $data, true );
  152. //Check the number of prizes the user has won every day
  153. if ($this->get_lottery ( $user ['uid'], strtotime ( date ( 'Y-m-d', TIME ) ), strtotime ( "+1day", strtotime ( date ( 'Y-m-d', TIME ) ) ), true ) >= L_DAY_CISHU) {
  154. $this->credit ( $user ['uid'], -12 , $logid );
  155. //Unfortunately, you didn’t draw anything this time!
  156. return -12;
  157. }
  158. //Check the number of prizes won by the user
  159. if ($this->get_lottery ( $user ['uid'], 0, 0, true ) > L_CISHU&&L_CISHU>0) {
  160. $ this->credit ( $user ['uid'], -12, $logid );
  161. //Unfortunately, you didn’t draw anything this time!
  162. return -15;
  163. }
  164. //Detect blacklist, set probability
  165. if ($this->checkhei ( $user ['tel'] ) > 0) {
  166. $this->credit ( $user [ 'uid'], -13, $logid );
  167. //Unfortunately, you didn't draw anything this time!
  168. return -13;
  169. }
  170. $lotteryid = $this->choujiang();
  171. $this->credit ( $user ['uid'], $lotteryid<1?$lotteryid:0, $logid, $ lotteryid ,$this->hao);
  172. if ($lotteryid > 0) {
  173. return $this->lotteryArray [$lotteryid];
  174. } else {
  175. return -4;
  176. }
  177. //-1 prize Already distributed
  178. //-2 Prizes for this period have been played
  179. //-3 Prizes not distributed
  180. //-4 There is a problem with the prizes
  181. //-11 Your Laifu coin balance is insufficient
  182. //-12 Unfortunately, you Nothing was drawn this time!
  183. //-In the blacklist of 13, unfortunately, you didn’t draw anything this time!
  184. //-14 Winning professional accounts are prohibited from talking about high prizes.
  185. //-15 has exceeded the total number of prizes in yizhong.
  186. //-16 The mobile number sent by Zhangsu is wrong.
  187. //-21 You are early and the event has not started yet!
  188. //-22 has passed the event time, I am very sorry, thank you!
  189. //-23Sorry, it is not the event time now, the event time is every day
  190. }
  191. /**
  192. * Show
  193. * @param unknown_type $data
  194. */
  195. public function show($data){
  196. $ok=0;//3 Winning
  197. $zz= 0;//Roulette degree
  198. $result='';//Prize name
  199. $lotteryid=0;//Prize ID
  200. if(is_array($data)){
  201. $ok=3;
  202. $result=$data[ 'msg'];
  203. $zz=$data['angle']+L_QUANSHU*360;
  204. $lotteryid=$data['lotteryid'];
  205. }else{
  206. $m='';
  207. switch($data) {
  208. case 0:{
  209. $m= 'Please log in first! ';
  210. }break;
  211. case -11:{
  212. $m= 'Your Raffles balance is insufficient! ';
  213. }break;
  214. case -12:{
  215. $m= 'Unfortunately, you didn't draw anything this time! ';
  216. }break;
  217. case -21:{
  218. $m= 'You are early and the event has not started yet! ';
  219. }break;
  220. case -22:{
  221. $m= 'The event time has passed, I am very sorry, thank you! ';
  222. }break;
  223. case -23:{
  224. $m= 'Sorry, it is not the event time now, the event time is every day'.L_DAY_START.':00-'.L_DAY_END.':00';
  225. }break;
  226. default:{
  227. $m= 'Unfortunately, you didn't draw anything this time!';
  228. }break;
  229. }
  230. $result=$m;
  231. $ok=3;//3中奖
  232. $zz=360+L_QUANSHU*360;//再接再厉
  233. }
  234. header("Expires:Mon,26Jul199705:00:00GMT");
  235. header("Cache-Control:no-cache,must-revalidate");
  236. header("Pragma:no-cache");
  237. header("Content-type:text/html;charset=utf-8");
  238. if(!$this->type){
  239. echo json_encode(array('return'=>$lotteryid,
  240. 'msg'=>$result));
  241. }else{
  242. echo ''."n";
  243. echo ''."n";
  244. echo ''."n";
  245. echo ''."n";
  246. }
  247. exit;
  248. }
  249. /**
  250. * Lucky draw number
  251. */
  252. private $hao=0;
  253. /**
  254. *The draw begins
  255. */
  256. private function choujiang() {
  257. $j = 0;
  258. $lotteryid = 0;
  259. $j = mt_rand ( 1, $this->max );
  260. $this->hao=$j;
  261. foreach ( $this->level as $k => $r ) {
  262. if ($r ['start'] <= $j && $r ['end'] > $j) {
  263. $lotteryid = $k;
  264. break;
  265. }
  266. }
  267. $d = array(
  268. 1 => array(
  269. 'time' => strtotime ( date ( 'Y-m-d 00:00:00', TIME ) ),
  270. 'time_end' => strtotime ( date ( 'Y-m-d 07:59:59', TIME ) )
  271. )
  272. );
  273. for ($i=2;$i<=17;$i++){
  274. $d[$i]=array(
  275. 'time' => strtotime ( date ( 'Y-m-d '.($i+6).':00:00', TIME ) ),
  276. 'time_end' => strtotime ( date ( 'Y-m-d '.($i+6).':59:59', TIME ) )
  277. );
  278. }
  279. if($lotteryid>0){
  280. $l=$this->lotteryArray [$lotteryid];
  281. $sql = "select count(*) m from " . DB::table ( $this->lottery_log );
  282. $sql .= " where lotteryid='$lotteryid' ";
  283. $s= intval ( DB::result_first ( $sql ) );
  284. $sum_over=$l['sum']-$s;
  285. if($sum_over>0){
  286. //本时段 奖品数
  287. $sum=0;
  288. foreach ($d as $k=>$r){
  289. if(TIME>=$r['time']&&TIME<=$r['time_end']){
  290. if($l['time_'.$k]>0){//个数限制
  291. $sum=$this->get_lottery_id(0,$r['time'],$r['time_end']+1,$lotteryid);
  292. if($sum>=$l['time_'.$k]){
  293. //本时段奖品已玩
  294. $lotteryid=-2;
  295. break;
  296. }
  297. }elseif ($l['time_'.$k]==0){
  298. //不发奖品
  299. $lotteryid=-3;
  300. break;
  301. }else{
  302. //-1 不限制
  303. }
  304. }
  305. }
  306. if($this->tel_zy && $lotteryid>0&&$lotteryid<4){
  307. $lotteryid=-14;
  308. }
  309. }else{
  310. //奖品已发完
  311. $lotteryid=-1;
  312. }
  313. }else{
  314. //奖品有问题
  315. $lotteryid=-4;
  316. }
  317. return $lotteryid;
  318. }
  319. /**
  320. * Detect blacklist and ordinary users, probability
  321. * @param string $tel
  322. * @return greater than 1 means that drawing is prohibited this time
  323. */
  324. private function checkhei($tel) {
  325. $n = mt_rand ( 1, 100 );
  326. if (in_array ( $tel, $this->heimingdan ['tel'] ) && L_ZY > 0) {
  327. $this->tel_zy=true;
  328. if ($n > L_ZY) {
  329. return 1;
  330. }
  331. }else{
  332. //号码检测
  333. if (!self::check_tel($tel)) {
  334. return 1;
  335. }
  336. }
  337. return 0;
  338. }
  339. /**
  340. * Total number of prizes
  341. * @param intval $uid
  342. * @param intval $start
  343. * @param intval $end
  344. * @param bool $bool true Number of prizes obtained false No statistics
  345. * @return number
  346. */
  347. private function get_lottery($uid = 0, $start = 0, $end = 0, $bool = false) {
  348. $sql = "select count(*) m from " . DB::table ( $this->lottery_log );
  349. $sql .= " where 1 ";
  350. if (intval ( $start ) > 0) {
  351. $sql .= " and addtime>='$start' ";
  352. }
  353. if (intval ( $end ) > 0) {
  354. $sql .= " and addtime<'$end' ";
  355. }
  356. if ($bool) {
  357. $sql .= " and lotteryid>0 ";
  358. }
  359. if (intval ( $uid ) > 0) {
  360. $sql .= " and uid='$uid' ";
  361. }
  362. return intval ( DB::result_first ( $sql ) );
  363. }
  364. /**
  365. * Total number of prizes
  366. * @param intval $uid
  367. * @param intval $start
  368. * @param intval $end
  369. * @param intval $bool prize id
  370. * @return number
  371. */
  372. private function get_lottery_id($uid = 0, $start = 0, $end = 0, $lotteryid = 0) {
  373. $sql = "select count(*) m from " . DB::table ( $this->lottery_log );
  374. $sql .= " where 1 ";
  375. if (intval ( $start ) > 0) {
  376. $sql .= " and addtime>='$start' ";
  377. }
  378. if (intval ( $end ) > 0) {
  379. $sql .= " and addtime<'$end' ";
  380. }
  381. if ($lotteryid>=0) {
  382. $sql .= " and lotteryid='$lotteryid' ";
  383. }
  384. if (intval ( $uid ) > 0) {
  385. $sql .= " and uid='$uid' ";
  386. }
  387. return intval ( DB::result_first ( $sql ) );
  388. }
  389. /**
  390. * Get the user’s Rafflecoins
  391. * @param intval $uid
  392. * @return number
  393. */
  394. public function get_user_lfb($uid) {
  395. $sql = "select extcredits2 from sz_common_member_count ";
  396. $sql .= " where 1 ";
  397. $sql .= " and uid='$uid' ";
  398. return intval ( DB::result_first ( $sql ) );
  399. }
  400. /**
  401. * Record logs and update user LIF coins
  402. * @param intval $uid
  403. * @param intval $r return value
  404. * @param intval $logid
  405. * @param intval $lotteryid
  406. */
  407. private function credit($uid, $result, $logid = 0, $lotteryid = 0,$hao=0) {
  408. $data = array();
  409. if ($lotteryid > 0) {
  410. $data ['lotteryid'] = $lotteryid;
  411. $data ['iswinning'] = 1;
  412. }
  413. $data ['result'] = $result;
  414. $data ['hao'] = $hao;
  415. $data ['HTTP_REFERER'] = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'];
  416. DB::Update ( $this->lottery_log, $data, " logid='$logid' " );
  417. if (L_LFB > 0) {
  418. $sql = 'UPDATE sz_common_member_count SET extcredits2=extcredits2-' . L_LFB . ' WHERE uid=' . $uid;
  419. DB::query ( $sql );
  420. $this->credit_log ( $uid, 'reduce', L_LFB, 1, '积分清零活动' );
  421. }
  422. }
  423. /**
  424. *Mobile number check
  425. */
  426. private function check_tel($tel){
  427. $different_network=table_sub::get_different_network();
  428. if (!preg_match("/$different_network/",$tel)) {
  429. return false;
  430. }
  431. return true;
  432. }
  433. /**
  434. * Stored procedure link
  435. */
  436. private $StoreProcs;
  437. /**
  438. * Laifu Coin log stored procedure
  439. * @param intval $uid
  440. * @param string $op add to increase reduce consumption
  441. * @param intval $creditvalue Laifu Coin
  442. * @param intval $credittype 1 Laifu Coin 2 Laifu Coin Click
  443. * @param string $oreason description
  444. */
  445. private function credit_log($uid, $op, $creditvalue, $credittype, $oreason) {
  446. if (! $this->StoreProcs) {
  447. $this->StoreProcs = new StoreProcs ();
  448. }
  449. //调用存储过程
  450. $this->StoreProcs->query ( "call app_credit_log($uid,'$op','$credittype',1,$creditvalue,'$oreason')" );
  451. }
  452. }


  1. $dzp=new lib_dzp_lottery();
  2. $u=array('uid'=>$_G ['uid'],'tel'=>$_G ['tel'],'ip'=> $_G ['clientip']);
  3. $dzp->load_setting();
  4. $dzp->show($dzp->check($u));
  5. ?>

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