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Four ways to connect to the database in php

2016-07-25 08:57:531562browse
  1. $conn = new Com("ADODB.Connection"); //Instantiate a Connection object

  2. $connstr = "provider=sqloledb;datasource=.;uid= Username;pwd=password;database=database;";
  3. $conn->Open($connstr);
  4. $rs = new Com("ADODB.Recordset"); //Instantiate a Recordcount object
  5. /*Use Example*/
  6. $rs->Open('select * from News where bigclassid = 59 And LeadPostil is null', $conn, 1, 1);
  7. $count = $rs->RecordCount; // bbs.it -home.org
  8. echo "Total {$count} records
  9. for($i = 0; $i < $count ; $i++){

  10. Fields('Title')->Value);//Title
  11. $arr_result[$i]['Color'] = addslashes( $rs->Fields('titlecolor')->Value?$rs->Fields('titlecolor')->Value:'');//Title color
  12. $arr_result[$i]['WenHao '] = addslashes($rs->Fields('OtherText')->Value);//Document number
  13. }

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Method 2, odbc connection database

  1. $dbhost = '';
  2. $dbuser = ''; //Your mssql username
  3. $dbpass = ''; //Your mssql password
  4. $dbname = ''; //Your mssql library name

  5. $connect=odbc_connect("Driver={SQL Server};Server=$dbhost;Database=$dbname","$dbuser ","$dbpass");

  6. /*Example test*/
  7. $sql="select * from content";
  8. $exec=odbc_exec($connect,$sql);
  9. while($row = (odbc_fetch_array($exec )))
  10. {
  11. $row['id'] //Get field value
  12. ...
  13. }

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Method 3, PHP built-in function connection: Open the php.ini file on the server with php5 and apache. Remove the semicolon ";" in front of ;extension=php_mysql.dll. Restart the apache server.

  1. $dbh=mysql_connect("hostname","user","password");
  2. mssql_select_db("mydb", $dbh);
  3. ?>
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Method 4, connect Access data method

  1. $db=$_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/PHP_ACCESS/include/#mydb.mdb"; //It is best to use $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] to get the path here
  2. $conn = new COM('ADODB.Connection') or die('can not start Active X Data Objects');
  3. $conn->Open("DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}; DBQ= $db");
  4. $rs = $conn->Execute('SELECT * FROM contents order by id desc');
  5. while(!$rs->EOF)
  6. {
  7. echo $rs->Fields[ 'name']->Value;
  8. $rs->MoveNext();
  9. }
  10. /*Release resources*/
  11. $rs->Close();
  12. $conn->Close();
  13. $ rs = null;
  14. $conn = null;
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